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I have been off autocad for a little bit and been on revit so i am trying to get back in psync. Just got acad 2018 and am running into some annotative issues. For a test I made two objects (square and circle) next to each other. I made an annotative text that i want in PS as 1/16 which is set current. In MS I change annot scale to 1/16-1' and put it over square. For circle, i switch to annot text 3"-1'. When I do the later the text on square moves up and to the left. In ps, i have two vp's one at 1/16 and the other 3". The text is in correct place there. I cannot have text flying around in MS but be ok in PS. Anyone ever deal with this?






I turned off add current annot scales and things dont fly around. Next question, dont understand how you can work in MS when u want a viewport at 1/16"-1'. Text ends up being fine in ps but huge in ms. cannot work that way. Only thing i could think of is do annotative scaling at the end. Just seems too unfriendly.


Please share your solution so that future visitors can benefit.


It's worth noting that annotation and scales interact in several places. The overall scale affects what you see in model space. The viewport annotation scale affects what you see in a viewport, and it's separate from the scale of the viewport itself. Of course, the text itself can have multiple scales and multiple positions.


Took a little while to get back into things. My problem was text was moving around in viewports. The trick is to draw 1-1. Then you have to figure out what part of your drawings are going to be in each VP. Then annotate that area switching the anno scale in MS so you can see the spot it would be at that scale in your viewport. It just can get a bit annoying if your not positive what part of your drawing is going to be in what viewport scale at the time.


You can apply multiple annotative scales to one object and define which scale you want in each VP. Seems to me that would be the way to go.


Yea but you still have to place them in correct spot. Id rather do it once. Wish Sync object scale location would solve this problem. Dont really even know how to use that tool. Nvr does anything for me


Ski I think you are right. If you just leave the add scales to anno objects icon it just does it. Besides that only way i know how to add a scale to an object is highlight it and change it in anno scale in properties. Just one more step. That icon takes a full spot just so you dont have to add and just pick from list in properties?


When working with multiple scales, it's a good idea to work in an activated viewport.


that mean have both annot icons on bottom menu bar on? I almost always use more than 1 scale.


No, that's not what I mean.


It just makes things easier than messing around with all of the settings for some people.

Yea but you still have to place them in correct spot. Id rather do it once. Wish Sync object scale location would solve this problem. Dont really even know how to use that tool. Nvr does anything for me
With the modelspace annotative view scale set to the scale where you would like the positions to align to, select the annotative objects you want synced up, then click to sync. All scale positions of the selected items will jump to the position of the current item. Of course you then get multiple ghost images of each scale in one spot whenever you select one of the items. This causes visual nightmares when doing modifications. That is why I NEVER assign more than one scale to dimensions for any one viewport, and apply or edit those dimensions only with the modelspace view scale adjusted to match the scale in the intended viewport.
that mean have both annot icons on bottom menu bar on? I almost always use more than 1 scale.
The only annotative task bar icon I have turned o is the one to always show anno dimensions at any scale. That way, only the objects with NO dimensions look like they have no dimensions. I have even removed the button from my task bar that automatically adds the current anno scale to new anno dims. It also adds them whenever existing dimensions are selected so you just end up with an unreadable mess when going back to make changes, because of the anno ghosts.


Zoom works miracle cures on difficult to read tiny dimensions.

With the modelspace annotative view scale set to the scale where you would like the positions to align to, select the annotative objects you want synced up, then click to sync. All scale positions of the selected items will jump to the position of the current item. Of course you then get multiple ghost images of each scale in one spot whenever you select one of the items. This causes visual nightmares when doing modifications. That is why I NEVER assign more than one scale to dimensions for any one viewport, and apply or edit those dimensions only with the modelspace view scale adjusted to match the scale in the intended viewport.


sync? And yes the ghosts are retarded. I am brainstorming a way to end them. Still thinking


Sync (...hronize multiple...) On the right click menu, or on the annotative ribbon tab, right under the Add/delete, or command ANNORESET.


You can only get rid of the ghosts by actually removing superfluous scales from the annotative objects by making use of Add/Delete scales either same right click menu item, or the annotative tab on the ribbon, or command OBJECTSCALE. Sorry, the ribbon grays out when the dialog box is open. If you delete a scale that is used someplace, it will no longer show up there, of course. If you have to have more than one scale assigned to an item, the ghost must remain.


I am willing to bet that most of the ghosting comes from users leaving the Automatically Add Current Scale option turned on when it is not needed.


I have discovered that the right click add/delete will sometimes crash with a continue option when doing the operation on multiple items, especially when selecting multiple types, like mleaders, dimensions and mtext all at the same time. For some reason the ribbon Add/Delete lets you get away with far more shenanigans of that sort without crashing. I believe it is the difference between the commands OBJECTSCALE and _OBJECTSCALE


add delete.jpg


I still do not know what the sync even does. As far as add/delete scale, I use properties pallete and never have a problem. As far as ribbon, u mean right click on anno scale to get to add/delete screen, right? I do not have any thing to take me dirrectly tthere.


oh the ribbon, sry. you can right click btm anno area too. i nvr use ribbon anymore

...As far as add/delete scale, I use properties pallete and never have a problem. As far as ribbon, u mean right click on anno scale to get to add/delete screen, right? I do not have any thing to take me dirrectly tthere.
No, I mean the right click cursor menu OR the annotative tab on the ribbon... No Ribbon, ok then.
I still do not know what the sync even does.
Apparently it is doing exactly the opposite that you want it to do.


It synchronizes all the annotation objects (selected) to be the same proportional shape and position as the one(s) selected for the command. The only difference is the size determined by the view scale. Say you have a dimension with 1/2" = 1'-0" and 1/4"= 1'-0" scales assigned to it. In the 1/2" viewport you have the dimension on the right side of an object, and in the 1/4" viewport you have moved the same dimension (after changing the MS view scale) to the left side of the same object. If you select the 1/2" scale dimension in modelspace and sync it (ANNORESET), then the 1/4" scale version of the dimension will move to be exactly on top of the 1/2" scale dimension but retaining it's view scale of 1/4". If you select the 1/4" version first, then the 1/2" scale dim will move.


I am not sure why ANNORESET is useful. I have usually gone out of my way to move dimensions or leaders in smaller scale views due to fitment issues. The last thing I need is for them to move back.


Bit confusing. Prob just to stick to what I have been doing for awhile. I draw my model first 1:1. Then I begin to think about how I am giong to present this on paper. If I need a large amt of model shown (plan) I will then change model scale to 1/16 or 1/8 and begin to annotate and then make corresponding viewports Then if I I want ot show a piece of model at larger scale I will make a viewport and zoom to achieve what I want and make that viewport scale. Afterwards, go back to model space and change scale to that viewport and annotate with new scale. Works for me.

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