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lisp to unlock table cells (the whole table at once)

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Greetings everyone ..

i have a tables inserted to autocad from excel and these tables are locked for editing ... is there a method to unlock these tables and remove their data links using lisp routine ?



thanks for reading

best regards..

Posted (edited)

I have found a few lisps on the net (because I rarely use tables my self) and combined them but its slow ...



; [url]http://adndevblog.typepad.com/autocad/2012/04/autolisp-example-create-a-table-using-activex.html[/url]
; By Wayne Brill
(defun c:addMyTable ( / ActiveDocument mSpace pt 
             myTable nRows nCols row cell ) 
 (setq ActiveDocument (vla-get-activedocument 
 (setq mSpace(vla-get-modelspace ActiveDocument)) 
 (setq pt (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble 
                                  '(0 . 2))) 
 ;insertion point for the table 
 (vlax-safearray-fill pt '(2.0 2.0 0.0)) 
 (setq myTable 
    (vla-addtable mSpace pt 5 5 10 30)) 
 (vla-setcelltextheight myTable 0 0 5) 
 (vla-settext myTable 0 0 "myTable") 
 ;rows and columns zero based 
 (setq nRows(- (vla-get-rows myTable) 1)) 
 (setq nCols(- (vla-get-columns myTable) 1)) 
 ; rows and columns after row 0, column 0 
 (setq row 1) 
 (setQ cell 0) 
 ; loop through cells 
 (while (<= row nRows) 
   (while (<= cell nCols) 
  (vla-setCelltextHeight myTable row cell 5.0) 
       (vla-settext myTable row cell "test") 
       ; make cell alignment middle center 
       (vla-setCellAlignment myTable row cell 5)      
  (setq cell (1+ cell)) 
 (setq row (1+ row)) 
 (setq cell 0)  

; [url]https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/unlocking-a-cell-in-a-table-via-lisp/td-p/3600226[/url]
; by Tharwat :
; (setq s (car (entsel "\n Select table :")))
; (vla-setcellstate (vlax-ename->vla-object s) <Number_of_Row> <Number_of_Cell> 0)

; above code is for credits only , code below is the actual function
; combined by me me me :-)
(defun Unlock_Table_Cells ( / myTable nRows nCols row cell)
 (if (setq myTable (car (entsel "\n Select table :")))
     (setq myTable (vlax-ename->vla-object myTable))
     (setq nRows (- (vla-get-rows myTable) 1))
     (setq nCols (- (vla-get-columns myTable) 1))
     (setq row 1) 
     (setq cell 0)
     (princ (strcat "\n\nNumers : " (itoa nRows) " rows , " (itoa nCols) " columns\nPress any key to continue"))
     ; thank you Grrr/Lee/Tharwat
     ; [url]http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?101239-lisp-to-unlock-table-cells-(the-whole-table-at-once[/url])
     (vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed myTable :vlax-true)
     (while (<= row nRows)
(while (<= cell nCols)
  (vla-setcellstate  myTable row Cell 0)
  (setq cell (1+ cell))
  (princ (strcat "\nRow : " (itoa row) " , cell " (itoa cell)))
(setq row (1+ row))
(setq cell 0)
     (vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed myTable :vlax-false)

so say thank you Wayne Brill , say thank you Tharwat and say thank me:D


p.s. or just explode it :ouch:

p.p.s. for the datalink maybe this link may-B of interest : http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?48655-How-to-completely-delete-a-table-data-link






gr. Rlx

Edited by rlx
I have found a few lisps on the net (because I rarely use tables my self) and combined them but its slow ...


Rlx you have to wrap it like this:

(vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed ACADTableObj :vlax-true)
; < Manipulate the table here >
(vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed ACADTableObj :vlax-false)

Posted (edited)
Rlx you have to wrap it like this:






Makes sense Grrr , don't (didn't) know any of these commands but they are self explanatory.

I have updated code above.






Edited by rlx
Makes sense Grrr , don't (didn't) know any of these commands but they are self explanatory.








No problem, I didn't knew about this either so I had to wait 5 minutes to generate a sorted room table for 90 different rooms, until one day I learned about this on the forums from Lee or Tharwat (don't really remember who was), and now its immediately created or manipulated. So shout outs to them!




thank you all ... your contributions are greatly appreciated ... thanks again :)

Rlx you have to wrap it like this:

(vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed ACADTableObj :vlax-true)
; < Manipulate the table here >
(vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed ACADTableObj :vlax-false)


this is The Missing Piece Puzzle that solved a lot of table processing functions that i made before ... thanks ,Grrr

  • 7 years later...

Hi everyone,

I was looking for it, and ive found it here, thanks a lot.


...but, should it works correct if the cells in table are locked? How to unlock them in process of replacing? TY in advace

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