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Better Code for Mirroring Object

Bill Tillman

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I'm using a simple code to insert a block, it uses ENTMAKE. This is my preferred method to using COMMAND... and it's much faster. In some instances when the block is inserted I need to mirror it about it's insert point and erase the old copy. The code I came up with works fine but it uses the command method and it's noticeably slower. Only by a second or two but it is noticeable. So trying to expand my skill set I was wondering if there is a better method for handling this task.

(command-s "._MIRROR" (entlast) "" pt "Y")

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Hi, you could set the x or y scale to negative with entmod..


(setq e (entget (entlast)))
(setq e (subst (cons 41 (- (cdr (assoc 41 e))))(assoc 41 e) e)) ; 42 for y axis
(entmod e)

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Elaborating FranknBeans's suggestion - consider this example, by combining with my favourite grread function:


; Flip block example - with (grread)
(defun C:test ( / e enx g s k itm )
   (setq e (car (entsel "\nPick a block to flip: "))) 
   (member '(0 . "INSERT") (setq enx (entget e)))
   (princ "\nPress [X/Y/Z] to flip the block <exit>: ")
   (while (not s) (setq g (grread)) 
       ( (or (eq g '(2 13)) (= 25 (car g))) (setq s T) )
       ( (= 2 (car g)) 
           (setq k (cadr (assoc (strcase (chr (cadr g))) '(("X" 41)("Y" 42)("Z" 43)))))
           (setq itm (assoc k enx))
           (entmod (setq enx (subst (cons k (- (cdr itm))) itm enx)))
     ); cond
   ); while
 ); and
); defun C:test

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Once again this forum is filled with the greatest people. Thanks for the help. I put FrankNBeans example to work earlier and it's working great.

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