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LISP Code to Draw A Line Perpendicular to Another Line

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I created the attached file with a LISP program to draw a stair stringer. I've been trying to figure out how to add the dimension shown which will be the overall length of the stringer.


When I do this manually, I create a short line from the bottom of the stringer perpendicular to the top line of the stringer, then DIMALIGN from the two outer points. When I try to draw the short line segment I keep hitting a block.

(command "._LINE" spt5 "per" spt1

I've also drawn a temporary line between spt1 and spt2 along the top line and tried to use it as the target for perpendicularity but it just doesn't come together like I was hoping.



I came up with a method for this using a little trig, but was wondering if there were any other bright ideas on how to do this out there.


Some example:

 (setq p1 (getpoint "\nFirst point"))
 (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\nSecond point"))
   (grdraw p1 p2 1)                ; draw your line in red
   (grdraw                         ; draw the perpendicular line in yellow
     p1                            ; starting from p1
     (polar                        ; calculate the 2nd point
       p1                          ; starting from p1
       (+ (angle p1 p2) (/ PI 2.)) ; perpendicular angle, Pi/2 = 90 deg
       (distance p1 p2)            ; distance, same as the original line
     ); polar
   ); grdraw
 ); progn 
); and


Maybe also the vl closestpoint to which is 90 also, even if other line is not parallel and gives a pt you can use for the dim using align 2 pts.


BIGAL is right, using vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo is easier and avoids calculating the angles (when you already have drawn the line).

To visualise the result, using grread :

(defun C:test ( / e grr Stop )
 (if (setq e (car (entsel "\nSelect line, or curve: ")))
   (while (not Stop)
     (setq grr (grread T))
       ( (= (car grr) 25) (setq Stop T) )
       ( (= (car grr) 5) (redraw) (grdraw (cadr grr) (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo e (cadr grr) T) 2) )
       ( (= (car grr) 3) 
           (list (cons 0 "LINE") (cons 10 (cadr grr)) (cons 11 (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo e (cadr grr) T)) )
         (setq Stop T)
     ); cond			
   ); while
 ); if
); defun


Rotate the UCS to the Object, dimension, change UCS back to World. I have UO set up for UCS, Object. And UW set up for UCS, World. Very quick and easy, I find uses for those all the time. I have listed a few of the ones I have set up in my personal quick keys.lsp.



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