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Adding my ACADDOC.lsp file to the Support File Search Path breaks existing tools


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My company has a variety of company-wide tools in a Menu drop-down. One of them opens a dialog box that lets you stamp drawings for issuing. You fill out a bunch of info in the dialog box (like the date and reason for issuing the drawing), and then you can place the stamp in the drawing. However, as soon as I add my ACADDOC.lsp with my custom lisp routines to the Support File Search Path and restart autocad, this tool malfunctions. I can still fill out the dialog box, but once I click to place the stamp, the command line prompts me for the scale, rotation, and data that I already entered. There is also an error:

Specify insertion point: ERROR: bad argument value: AutoCAD command: #<SUBR @000000003ddb6318 PAUSE>Specify insertion point or [basepoint/Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate]:
Enter X scale factor, specify opposite corner, or [Corner/XYZ] <1>:
Enter Y scale factor <use X scale factor>:
Specify rotation angle <0.0000>:
Enter attribute values


Any thoughts on how to resolve this? I thought maybe I was running two ACADDOC files, but I tried running (findfile "ACADDOC.lsp") before adding my own to the search path and it came back with nil.

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If i may gues, i think some variables are not set to local?

Wich may conflicyt with the other tool???

(defun C:test ([b]/ <local variables here[/b])

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if there lisp uses a variable, that is not made local, it can be used by all other lisps too.


like this....


(defun C:TEST ()
(setq testvariable 1)


(defun C:SECONDTEST ()
 ((= testvariable 1)
 (<do something>)


As i read your error, it looks like it's getting an argument for the insertionpoint wich it cannot use as such.

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From the error message it seems you have

(defun pause ...)



This is a bad idea as 'pause' is a default variable name with a default value:

(= "\\" pause) => T

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I just went and reviewed their stamping lisp and it looks like they didn't make any of their variables local (although I guess I must have missed a few too or there wouldn't be an issue). I see some generic variables that I may have used as well, like P1, P2, etc. When I have some time I'll go back and update my routines to see if this fixes the issue. Thanks for the help!

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