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error checking - orthogonal & length


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we work primarily in metric millimeters upto four decimal places, and our line/pline lengths are orthogonal, and mostly in multiples of 5 millimeters.

is it possible to have an error checking routine to select a bunch of lines & plines in a window and identify all lines which are not in sync ???

While drafting, there may be errors where we draw strange lengths in fractions of millimeters and degrees which are not orthogonal by very very small fractional amounts.

Similar in the case of polylines where some vertices could be off by a few millimeters or degrees.

Is it possible to identify them in some way so we can edit them/ redraw them to make an accurate drawing ??


my knowledge is very basic in autolisp and zero in visual lisp is zero.

thanks guys.

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Here is an exampe of rounding the defining coordinates of various geometric objects to a given multiple - if you wanted to identify the objects rather than automatically modifying the points, you could change the code to report the objects whose points will be changed as opposed to applying the changes.
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Lee, this is brilliant.... once again you have shown your ingenuity...

have tested the program, now lemmie get it to work on a live project.:notworthy:

Thanks a lot.

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Hsanson you have me intrigued 4 decimal places on lengths ? The heat of the day would make the object grow or shrink at that level. A carpenters pencil line is about 1mm thick.

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BigAl Our submissions for online statutory approval is pretty convoluted (and the system is pretty useless if you ask me).... We need to extract data out of the drawing areas in sqm with 4 decimal places....

it helps that the basic lines drawn are correct with four zeros after the decimal place....


Lee, the program works fine, we could start using them in newer drawings..... but for existing older drawings unfortunately we dont know which lines are extended to round things off.... would it be possible just to identify in any way (circles or whatever) just those points / lines which are off the the ortho or lengths ending in any figure apart from 5 & 0 ??? That would really help in the setting older drawings right....



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