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Importing point from external file

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I have problem to build TIN surface in Civil 3d 2016 from external file. I now that in civil3d can customize my own format to import the files, but i dont now what im doing wrong that those points dont want to import.

So I have file from Atlas Okolja in my country (Slovenia) with these structure:


400001;45000;44.01;400002;45000;43.92;400003;45000;43.79;400004;45000;43.71; etc....etc....

witch represent x,y,z coordinates


Its a file with app. 14 MB, with extension file name.asc


Is there any way to transform that point format to be read in civil3d for creating TIN Surface?


I extracted some points to file, that didnt exceed the uppload limit and ZIPed in file. The file is attached below.


Thx ..test.zip


It does have a pattern found the answer using Excle load the file in and export out as a x,y,z









yes it has, but is any possibility to do that directly in CIVIL 3d ?




It's hard to just guess at data. There are 7 numbers in each row of your file. It does not look like X,Y,Z at all.


What exactly is this data?

Where did you get it?

Can you post a link to the data?

What are you trying to do with it? Road design? Pipes?




yes its exactly x,y,z


What exactly is this data? This data was taken from this web site http://gis.arso.gov.si/evode/profile.aspx?id=atlas_voda_Lidar@Arso

and this site is for Slovenian LIDAR data. This data is called Digital model Relief "DMR (D48GK)"

What are you trying to do with it? Road design? Pipes? No i need to build surface from them like egsisting ground. I already did it, but i need to arrange these data in Excel to be possible reading in civil 3d. So i was wondering if this is possible direct thru CIVIL 3d interface.



with extension file name.asc


Sounds like a typical Dem (3D raster) in Ascii Gridded format, sir.


You should first convert it into Geotiff format, e.g. thru the free Qgis...



...I know that in civil3d can customize my own format to import the files....


My guess that you have not successfully created your point file format. When you have done that, the points will read in.



Nice site! Download the ".zlas", not the ".asc", then use the ESRI Converter to bring the data into Civil 3D:





ZLAS has completely differetn coordinates then dem. If u notice u can download 3 different type of terrain:

1. GKOT this lidar data has also plants, tress, everything that lidar scan.

2. OTR has also buliding that provides in ZLAS

3. wich i use is DMR. This is clean digital model of ground


thx for replay

My guess that you have not successfully created your point file format. When you have done that, the points will read in.


I tried evereything, but i cant manage that civil3d import directly from that structure of point files. Can u help me if u know what im doing wrong ?




I've been playing with the 3 formats, GKOT, OTR, and DMR. I'm not able to use any of them in QGIS or Civil 3D. Not even ReCap can bring them in to C3D. But if I use ESRI's Converter, I can bring all of them into Blue Marble's Global Mapper.


In Global Mapper you can turn on or off any of the "classifications" of the point cloud: Ground, Vegetation, Trees, etc.


Then when you've got things looking the way you want them, Global Mapper can export contours or tin or dem to Civil 3D.




In the time everybody has posted and commented I would have had it done in about 5 minutes, a .asc is a valid file format for Microsoft Access database so just open and then save as a CSV. Access can handle large files Excel may give up as it has a row limit. I am pretty sure its a random access asscii file so its just one great big long string 14Mb in length. The delimiter is probably or (chr 13) or OA in hex note there is no OD for any one that has debugged code. Why mention this, you will need something like .vba or .net program to read and write the x,y,z.


A quick google has revealed examples so has this "read random access file in lisp" will check out if its a VL function.


iztok13 your lucky day just change the filename then use normal CIV3D import


(defun asc2csv ( / xyz fname fname2 char)
(setq fname (open "C:\\Alan\\lisp\\test.asc" "r"))
(setq fname2 (open "C:\\Alan\\lisp\\test.csv" "W"))

(setq xyz "") ; initialize xyz to blank string
(while (setq Char (read-char fname))
; if semicolon 59 make , (setq char 44)
(if (= char 59)
(setq xyz (strcat xyz ","))
(setq Char (read-char fname))
) ; progn
) ; if
(if (= char 10) ; end of xyz
(princ (strcat "\n" xyz))
(write-line xyz fname2)
(setq xyz "")
) ; progn
(setq xyz (strcat xyz (chr char)))
) ; if
) ; while

(close fname)
(close fname2)

) ;defun


From Excel 2007, the maximum rows are 1,048,576 so there should be ample room to open up the 14Mb data file, and save it as a csv file.




I've been working with data in the site you linked. Here is information on the different files available for download:



The OTR data is Ground Only Point Cloud.

The GKOT data is ALL Classifications Point Cloud. (Big file)

The ASCII file is a Semi-Colon Delimited Point File.


I re-saved the ASCII file in Excel as a CSV file. You can then add it to your Surface Definition.


As for the Projection, click on Technical Report:

The data for Lidar data in D48GK projection is in:


WKID: 102060 Authority: ESRI





WKID: 3912 Authority: EPSG


Please see attachment.








In your first attached "test.asc" file, when I opened it with Notepad I got this as a typical line:




Pretty much useless without a lot of work in Excel.


I've now spent quite a bit of time on your excellent Slovenije site. When I download the ASCII file from the site, I can immediately add it to a Surface in Civil 3D by creating a SemiColon-Delimited Point File Format. Like this:


Step 1.




Step 2.




Then you can add the ASCII file to your Surface.




Nice one Pointdump about finding the change to the delimeter to ;


Pretty much useless without a lot of work in Excel.
open .asc in excel and it treats it the same as a deliminated file and you respond with ; then just save as csv, no hard work.


For any one interested the single line that appears has the "Linefeed" code as the end of a deliminated group in this case X,Y,Z.


Linefeed does not display when you say open in notepad the normal is "linefeed" "carriage return"

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