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Wall types with Dashes lines


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I am using Autocad Architecture 2013 on windows 7 platform.


I have wall types that I have created wall type for the different stud types. My issue is that I would like to have a wall type that shows up with dashed (hidden) lines to represent demo walls.


I have been able to "copy wall style and assign" and create a duplicate wall type, then I go into the display properties and change the linetype to hidden and I can modify the linetype scale. When I do this the wall changes to a hidden line type but no matter what scale I pick for the line type scale the "dashes" do not adjust. Its only when you zoom in real close on the wall do you see that the linetype is hidden.


Our firm uses a LTS of 1 in model space and a PSLTSCALE of 0 in paper space so how the lines appear in model space appear the same in paper space.


Is there any other way to chage the walls line type scale or have them change like they do with just a single line? Is there a better way to make a wall type that has dashed or hidden lines? Normally I would just explode the walls, doors, etc until they are single lines then modify the line type scale accordingly


Thanks for any help.

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