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Vector Image Creation for DCL


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This been always been a big problem for me to draw Vector lines...


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I want to create vector from raster images...

Please suggest some ideas of doing it.


I have tried it from http://web2.airmail.net/terrycad/Tutorials/MyDialogs.htm

but cannot create precision this method....


really want it badly... waiting for your views

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My view is that you almost never get a good vector image from a raster image and that it's better to redraw it. But then again, Lee has occasionally blasted a couple of my views from the sky ;-) Tried many things, even to make a slide from image but in the end , nothing beats a old fashioned vector drawing... but thats just my opinion...



gr. Rlx

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If you are going to be doing a lot with rasters in Autocad then you should take a look at WiseImage for AutoCAD


I used to use an older version of this in the past, it features:

  • edit raster directly within Autocad.
  • convert raster to vector within Autocad.
  • conver vector to raster within Aoutcad.
  • de-skewing of raster images.
  • separation of raster into layers.
  • OCR, raster text converts to Autocad text.
  • etc., etc., see the website.

It's not free, but if you are handling a lot of raster, scanned drawings, etc. then its worth it.


You can get a 2 week trial to give it a try



Edit, I should mention that there are stand alone versions as well as the Autocad one.


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In the days the company I work for was still General Electric we used to work with Rastercad. Have some good memories for that program too but now we are Sabic no more... just (after 2 years of begging) we got WinTopo (freeware version). Wel lets just say , after working with that one I decided it was better and faster to do it myself.



gr. Rlx

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