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I have been using annotative objects for quite some time now. I just learned about the sectionannodisplay command. I was having some issues with my leader/dims scale and changed it around a lot in properties. Then when clicking on the leader or dim all scales were shown. Thankfully, I found that command and got rid of them. Do not ever remember that happening before. I opened up template and made sure it was set to zero too. Another issue, I would move a leader around in MS and then I would go to one of my layouts in PS and they would not have moved there. Anyone, know why this could happen. I just deleted them and started over. Still cant think why that could happen.

Another issue, I would move a leader around in MS and then I would go to one of my layouts in PS and they would not have moved there. Anyone, know why this could happen. I just deleted them and started over. Still cant think why that could happen.
That behavior is actually beneficial. It gives one the ability to move a dimension or leader that is in a tight space in one scale, while not having to move it in all other scaled views as well. It also allows your dimensions in 1:1 details to be really close to your objects, and further away in smaller scale views. You can also synchronize all the different positions to be the same as the one you just had to move, if you like. Select the one you want to sync with, right click menu, see the image below.



I know I am not doing the annotative things correctly. Currently, I have text, leaders and dims annotative. I have model space set to 1:1. I draw everything to scale. Doing this 1:1 makes some things that are small hard to see. In one drawing I might say have 10 details. I make viewports in PS and some are 1"-1', 3"-1', 6"-1', etc. I do all my annotating in MS. I then have to highlight the annotations for each detail and specify the annotation scale for each one because most are different. Very time consuming and annoying. Only way I get each detail to work is to open annotation scale list and delete any that are not within that particular detail. Probably missing a setting. I use to be able to make a new viewport and annotations fixed themselves. I have annotation checked and matched to paper space height of 3/16". I thought that was all I did before. Any help would be great and probably a time saver as well.




Here a couple of tips that should help:


Working through viewports makes things a lot easier. Make sure all viewports are locked if you don't do that already.

Set ANNOALLVISIBLE to "0" or you can use the button shown in the image below.


Lastly, familiarize yourself with all the variables associated with annotative scaling.

Annotative Scales.png


I have done a lot of research. Most annotative resources that I have found show the same procedure. 1) Set up text, dims, leaders to annotative and set your preferences.

2) Go to MS and start your model 1:1. 3) Annotate in MS with with your annotative styles. 4) Figure out a viewport(s) you want to use and which scale each viewport works.

5) Go to MS knowing which details or what not are in each viewport. 6) Click annotative object and go to add/delete scale in ribbon and add viewport scale. That is all most of these annotative places that I have read have said. My main question still persists. I do not want to highlight all the leaders, dims, etc in a certain area that belongs to a viewport and change them all. Should I set different size leaders, dims, etc in different viewports to separate layers so I can just select them all at once. Then add scale. I feel like I should be able to add as many of the scales I want in add/delete scale icon and it should just work in the viewports if that scale is in the list. Starting to think I have to make a style for each dim and leader for each scale or something. Mtext usually just works. I have gone through the show anno object for all scales with no real luck. For instance, I have a viewport with 3"-1' and another at 6"-1'. I annotate in MS 1:1 and then add scales 3"-1' and 6"-1' to drawing list. Why would not every leader and dim not change except for the one that I highlighted. Hmm!!!


Ok, I think I have it down. You should annotate later it seems. Once you know what is in each viewport you have to remember to switch annotative scale in MS when annotating in different viewports. I was just doing the same thing just in a longer approach. Dana, now your post sounds right. I can have small areas in a model and bigger areas in same model. I can be in the one area and switch annotation scale in MS and annotate and go to same model in MS and switch to a different anno scale. As long as you are using the same anno scale in those areas of model that are in the viewport everything is good. Does this sound like I am beginning to get it? Thanks to Lynda.com. Very well said through their youtube example.


I dont know why I thought you should always have annotation scale in MS at 1:1. As of now, I think I will always draw 1:1 but then when annotating I will switch it so I do not have to highlight everything later and change to what viewport scale is. That is what I am getting out of this. As far as hatches I think Id just use the hatch editor scale thingy. If I am going the wrong direction please be free to beat me with the rule and let me know. Next is annotative blocks. In am going to wait for friday when I can get some vodka. Lol, At least now I am going back to fully one program again. Autocad. No more solidworks or revit. THey only have one seat for revit for the architect dude that hates engineers, lol.


Promise last post on annotative texts. I pretty much have it down pat. You can change annotation scale in MS and still draw lines, circles, etc. to same length. Only took 6 years. Now I think I have annotative texts down ok but there might be some sort of glitch. If I draw a big square and a little one at its corner and annotate big one at 1:1 and small one at 1:2 I ran into a problem every now and then but not all the time. After annotating both of these boxes I set viewports at 1:1 and 1:2. The 1:1 viewport had big and small box with correct size even though they were 1:1 and 1:2 which seems rational. The 1:2 viewport's small box was fine but large box was not. I went back to MS and went to add/delete scale and highlighted everything. Top check box had both 1:1 and 1:2 listed and bottom (shared) only had 1:1. Hmmm. I did the exact same thing over again and that did not happen. Did it 5 times and its almost like alternating. I must be getting annoying. I think these programs sometimes just straight up fall asleep for a bit. However, if I see that problem I do know how to fix it just dont like those kind of things. I would rather understand. Only thing I can think of is when that box pops up for your first anno object and asks what scale drawing is intended for. I usually hit "ok". If you do that maybe that makes 1:1 normal to everything which could be why shared annotations in the add/delete scales list always has 1:1 there and not 1:2 sometimes. I should be a detective.


Try working through viewports. In other words, go into paper space and activate the viewport you are working in. It really helps.


I think I found a nice little method. Do drawing, annotate in MS by flip flopping annotation scale in MS if you know whats in each viewport (doesnt really matter I do not think) and then at the end add/delete scale icon. Add each of the viewport scales you decided to use after fitting drawing into place. Done! So far no problem, however, I am really good at finding new ones.


You do not need to just highlight annotative objects. Just highlight the whole darn drawing. As long as some objects are annotative it is fine. This ensures everything was selected. I should start a company. "How to use AutoCAD the backdoor way" 8)

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