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how do I break or split an array ?


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I have created an array, a long single run of the same object.



I now want to return these to individual items so that I can make minor adjustments to an individual object's position.



Many thanks in advance for any help.

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Use the EXPLODE command?


Yeppp but if the item needs to be repostionned then the array spacing was wrong

to begin with.


Re array with spacing option or draw vertical lines at both ends then draw horizontal one the use divide and copy object according to node long way but results takes a little longer.


Otherwise re-array in colums with spacicing pre determine again.

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Don't explode an associative array, just hold down the CTRL key, pick the item, use the red grip and move it. Exploding an associative array is like exploding a block or a dimension, only do that when you are sure it is the only way to accomplish what you need.

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