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CT - Change text , including dialog / script mode - RLX style


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Just feels right to start giving back to the community I have begged / stole & borrowed (learned) so much from :beer:



You have two commands , one for dialog mode and one for script mode. You see them upon load CT.



If i did my work right no further explanation should be needed. I can't and won't compete with some of the big ones out there (you know who you are :D )



Anywayz , I hope it can be of use.







gr. Rlx

CT - Change Text.jpg


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Thanks for sharing.

It still problem with unicode text ^^



that's correct , I (we) here at my work have no use for that but you could update the code is necessary. For info see link from Lee mac http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/how-to-write-unicode-characters-to-a-text-file/td-p/4312065/page/2



or visit his site.



Gr. Rlx

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Shouldn't that be Zoom to Extents?




oh dear , you're absolutly right icon11.gif , guess it's a Dutch thing , to extenddddd , extenddddding , just comes naturally in Dutch grammar. I've updated my original post with the pic and the lisp...



2-nite I will punish myself by drinking 1 extra cold beer :twisted:



grtz Rlx

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  • 6 years later...

I like the function of lisp very much. I use autocad2019. I use your lisp but it gives error. Can you help me to edit it?

CT : Change Text , 1 jul 2014 - 11 Aug 2015 by RLX
Use (C:CT) for dialogmode or (C:CT_ScriptMode) in script files
Command: CT
bad argument type: stringp nil

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Hi Taybac214 , haven't done much lisping lately but I have attached my latest version, still a couple of years old but it seems to be working here in AutoCad 2022. Maybe this will work for you else I have to take a closer look at where the problem might be. Probably somewhere in the ini section. Else load routine from the built in AutoCad lisp editdor , set it to stop on error and then use view last error so I have a better idea where it all goes wrong.




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