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Hey guys. So I'm a long time follower (googler) but first time poster. I have a peculiar project which I can't seem to figure out. It's a simple dome with arc aligned text imprinted around the face dome. In the photos it's extruded above the solid, but I need it to be imprinted in the solid. I attached the .dwg file if you want to mess with it. I used this link https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-2010-2011-2012/can-t-explode-arc-aligned-text/td-p/3082460/page/2 and the '456' program to explode the arc aligned text. It's kind of annoying as it flips the text with respect to your coordinate system, but you can just use 3d mirror and flip it around.


Let me know what you guys think.




Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 8.40.21 PM.jpg

Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 8.43.13 PM.jpg


Do the opposite rather than union the text to the dome just subtract the text from the dome.

Do the opposite rather than union the text to the dome just subtract the text from the dome.


Hi Bigal,


Thanks for the suggestion. Whenever I do that It makes the cut through the top of the dome, but the imprint doesn't extrude all the way to where it was supposed to be stopped at. Is there a way to subtract this specific 3d cut from the dome?


What is the thickness of the dome?


What is the depth of the lettering you are trying to achieve?


Attach a copy of the DWG file to your next post.


Hi ReMark. Thanks for the reply! The .dwg is attached to the first post under the pictures (Sorry it's kind of hidden). The height of the dome is 400mm and the lettering is to go down 370mm from the top of the dome.


The dish is a revolved surface you need to make it a solid. Use revolve to make dish.

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