jackseel Posted February 25, 2007 Posted February 25, 2007 hi I need the help.that, how can i get the polyline length/area in a excel sheet automatically.. Because, when i am taking the area/length measurement by polyline, i have to copy from the list and paste to the excel cell manually..So, this is taking the lot of time for the measurement of more polylines.. Pls help me friendsssssss Thanks in advance Quote
rkmcswain Posted February 25, 2007 Posted February 25, 2007 If you are willing to make a small purchase, take a look at AutoCELL @ http://www.dotsoft.com/autocell.htm What you are asking for can also be coded in lisp or VBA if you are comfortable doing this or know someone who is. Quote
jackseel Posted February 26, 2007 Author Posted February 26, 2007 Thank you for your reply ..rkmcswain Pls help me, anyone, who knows the lisp or VBA for for my need... Thanks Quote
SEANT Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Here is some VBA code cannibalized from a larger routine (i.e., may need further tweaking) that basically does what you request. It automatically selects all closed polylines - Lightweight, 2D (fit or splined) - and sends information to a generic excel file. The VBAIDE must have a reference set for your version of Excel. Option Explicit Sub PutPLProps2XL() If ClosedPLSS Then Dim objSS As AcadSelectionSet Dim entEntity As AcadEntity Dim objExcel As Excel.Application Dim objRange As Excel.Range Dim entLWPoly As AcadLWPolyline Dim ent2DPoly As AcadPolyline Dim intCount As Integer On Error GoTo errhandler Set objExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") On Error GoTo 0 Set objRange = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("A1") objRange.value = "Pline Type" objRange.Offset(0, 1).value = "Length" objRange.Offset(0, 2).value = "Area" Set objSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("TempSSet") For intCount = 0 To objSS.count - 1 Set entEntity = objSS.Item(intCount) If entEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then Set entLWPoly = entEntity objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 0).value = "LWPolyline" objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 1).value = entLWPoly.Length objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 2).value = entLWPoly.Area Else Set ent2DPoly = entEntity objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 0).value = "2DPolyline" objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 1).value = ent2DPoly.Length objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 2).value = ent2DPoly.Area End If Next End If Exit Sub errhandler: Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Resume Next End Sub Function ClosedPLSS() As Boolean Dim intCode(19) As Integer Dim varData(19) As Variant ClosedPLSS = False intCode(0) = -4: varData(0) = "<Or" intCode(1) = -4: varData(1) = "<And" intCode(2) = 0: varData(2) = "POLYLINE" 'or closed PLINES's intCode(3) = -4: varData(3) = "&=" intCode(4) = 70: varData(4) = 1 intCode(5) = -4: varData(5) = "&" intCode(6) = 70: varData(6) = 135 intCode(7) = -4: varData(7) = "<Not" intCode( = -4: varData( = "&=" intCode(9) = 70: varData(9) = 8 intCode(10) = -4: varData(10) = "Not>" intCode(11) = -4: varData(11) = "And>" intCode(12) = -4: varData(12) = "<And" intCode(13) = 0: varData(13) = "LWPOLYLINE" 'or closed LWP's intCode(14) = -4: varData(14) = "&=" intCode(15) = 70: varData(15) = 1 intCode(16) = -4: varData(16) = "&" intCode(17) = 70: varData(17) = 129 intCode(18) = -4: varData(18) = "And>" intCode(19) = -4: varData(19) = "Or>" If FilteredSS(intCode, varData) > 0 Then ClosedPLSS = True End Function Private Sub SSPrep() Dim SSS As AcadSelectionSets 'choose a selection set name for temporary storage and 'ensure that it does not currently exist On Error Resume Next Set SSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets If SSS.count > 0 Then SSS.Item("TempSSet").Delete End If End Sub Function FilteredSS(Optional grpCode As Variant, Optional dataVal As Variant) As Integer Dim TempObjSS As AcadSelectionSet SSPrep Set TempObjSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TempSSet") 'generate selection set TempObjSS.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , grpCode, dataVal FilteredSS = TempObjSS.count End Function Quote
jackseel Posted February 27, 2007 Author Posted February 27, 2007 Thank you for your reply.... I try your vba but, it shows error... i thing, the reason is excel version... I am using the Excel 2002 and auto cad 2004..so, pls help me for this version.. Thanks & regards Quote
SEANT Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 A reference to the proper vesion of Excel can be set through Tools-Reference menu item (as illustrated). I'm using Excel 2003 so, presumably, you would select the "Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library" If that was not the cause of the error, post the actual error message and we'll try to work it out. Quote
jackseel Posted February 27, 2007 Author Posted February 27, 2007 Now, it is working friend.....thanks youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... Quote
jackseel Posted February 27, 2007 Author Posted February 27, 2007 Dear friend Seant... Pls help on here... Your coding is working welll. But, i need the coding for..... "Display the selected polyline/s properties (such as layer name, area, length) in a excel sheet..." Pls help in this....... THANKSSSSSSS Quote
SEANT Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 The code below also records the Layer property of the Plines. A few thing were re-arranged for the new sequence of properties. I also repaired the errorhandler section. One note: This routine indescriminately records all closed Plines. A "selected" Pline would require modified code. Given that this is a "Tutor" based site, perhaps you should show me how to record the Plines linetype. See how the two code examples changed and the effect in Excel. Now add linetype (.linetype) to the list. Don't hesitate to ask if there are any questions. Option Explicit Sub PutPLProps2XL() If ClosedPLSS Then Dim objSS As AcadSelectionSet Dim entEntity As AcadEntity Dim objExcel As Excel.Application Dim objRange As Excel.Range Dim entLWPoly As AcadLWPolyline Dim ent2DPoly As AcadPolyline Dim intCount As Integer On Error GoTo errhandler Set objExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") On Error GoTo 0 Set objRange = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("A1") objRange.value = "Layer" objRange.Offset(0, 1).value = "Pline Type" objRange.Offset(0, 2).value = "Length" objRange.Offset(0, 3).value = "Area" Set objSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("TempSSet") For intCount = 0 To objSS.count - 1 Set entEntity = objSS.Item(intCount) If entEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then Set entLWPoly = entEntity objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 0).value = entLWPoly.Layer objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 1).value = "LWPolyline" objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 2).value = entLWPoly.Length objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 3).value = entLWPoly.Area Else Set ent2DPoly = entEntity objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 0).value = ent2DPoly.Layer objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 1).value = "2DPolyline" objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 2).value = ent2DPoly.Length objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 3).value = ent2DPoly.Area End If Next End If Set objExcel = Nothing Exit Sub errhandler: Err.Clear Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") With objExcel .Workbooks.Add .Visible = True .WindowState = xlMinimized End With Resume Next End Sub Function ClosedPLSS() As Boolean Dim intCode(19) As Integer Dim varData(19) As Variant ClosedPLSS = False intCode(0) = -4: varData(0) = "<Or" intCode(1) = -4: varData(1) = "<And" intCode(2) = 0: varData(2) = "POLYLINE" 'or closed PLINES's intCode(3) = -4: varData(3) = "&=" intCode(4) = 70: varData(4) = 1 intCode(5) = -4: varData(5) = "&" intCode(6) = 70: varData(6) = 135 intCode(7) = -4: varData(7) = "<Not" intCode( = -4: varData( = "&=" intCode(9) = 70: varData(9) = 8 intCode(10) = -4: varData(10) = "Not>" intCode(11) = -4: varData(11) = "And>" intCode(12) = -4: varData(12) = "<And" intCode(13) = 0: varData(13) = "LWPOLYLINE" 'or closed LWP's intCode(14) = -4: varData(14) = "&=" intCode(15) = 70: varData(15) = 1 intCode(16) = -4: varData(16) = "&" intCode(17) = 70: varData(17) = 129 intCode(18) = -4: varData(18) = "And>" intCode(19) = -4: varData(19) = "Or>" If FilteredSS(intCode, varData) > 0 Then ClosedPLSS = True End Function Private Sub SSPrep() Dim SSS As AcadSelectionSets 'choose a selection set name for temporary storage and 'ensure that it does not currently exist On Error Resume Next Set SSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets If SSS.count > 0 Then SSS.Item("TempSSet").Delete End If End Sub Function FilteredSS(Optional grpCode As Variant, Optional dataVal As Variant) As Integer Dim TempObjSS As AcadSelectionSet SSPrep Set TempObjSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TempSSet") 'generate selection set TempObjSS.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , grpCode, dataVal FilteredSS = TempObjSS.count End Function Quote
jackseel Posted March 1, 2007 Author Posted March 1, 2007 Thank you so muchhh...friend seant.. I will use this coding and sent the feed back and additional needs soon.. Thanks againnnn Quote
jackseel Posted March 7, 2007 Author Posted March 7, 2007 Hi seant I try your vba coding, but that showing all polylines... I need..."Display the properties of selected polyline (layer wise) in a excel sheet.. I got one lisp file (name :- "zone") for polyline measurement from here..it gives the total area/length of selected polyline (layerwise).. Could you make a vba coding accoring this lisp coding plssssssssss? Here i add the lisp coding, which I got form here........... ; Area and Length Measurement of Polylines by Layer ; Works with both Lightweight (optimized) Polylines and old-format Polylines ; The PLINETYPE system variable is unaffected ; ; David Watson 1995, updated 2003 ; (defun c:zone ( / ssl aret pert) (princ "\nPick any object on the required layer\n") (setq ssl (ssget)) (if (= ssl nil)(princ "\n*** Nothing was selected! ***\n\n") (progn (setq lay (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (ssname ssl 0))))) (setq ssl (ssget "X" (list (cons 8 lay)))) (princ (strcat "\nLayer " lay " selected")) (initget "Length Area") (setq res (getkword "\nWould you like to measure Length/ : ")) (if (= res "Length")(mlen)(meas)) );end progn );end if (princ) );END ZONE (defun meas () (setq len (sslength ssl)) (setq alen (sslength ssl)) (setq aret 0) (setq count 0) (setq nop 0) (setq ope 0) (while (/= len count) (setq pnt (ssname ssl count)) (setq ple (cdr (assoc 0 (entget pnt)))) (if (and (/= ple "LWPOLYLINE")(/= ple "POLYLINE")) (progn (setq nop (+ 1 nop)) (setq alen (- alen 1)) (princ "\nNon polyline filtered\n") );END PROGN (progn (setq plc (cdr (assoc 70 (entget pnt)))) (if (= plc 0) (progn (setq ope (+ 1 ope)) (princ "\nWarning! *** Polyline is not closed\n") );END PROGN );END IF (command "area" "e" pnt) (setq are (getvar "area")) (setq aret (+ are aret)) );END PROGN );END IF (setq count (+ count 1)) );END WHILE (if (= nop 0)(princ "\nAll chosen objects were polylines")(princ (strcat "\n" (itoa nop) " non polyline objects were filtered"))) (if (= ope 0)(princ "\nAll polylines were closed")(princ (strcat "\n" (itoa ope) " polylines were not closed"))) (princ (strcat "\nTotal area for layer " lay " = " (rtos aret 2 0) "m2 or "(rtos (/ aret 10000) 2 2) " Ha in " (itoa alen) " areas")) (princ) );END MEAS (defun mlen () (setq len (sslength ssl)) (setq alen (sslength ssl)) (setq pert 0) (setq count 0) (setq nop 0) (while (/= len count) (setq pnt (ssname ssl count)) (setq ple (cdr (assoc 0 (entget pnt)))) (if (and (/= ple "LWPOLYLINE")(/= ple "POLYLINE")) (progn (setq nop (+ 1 nop)) (setq alen (- alen 1)) (princ "\nNon polyline filtered\n") );END PROGN (progn (command "area" "e" pnt) (setq per (getvar "perimeter")) (setq pert (+ per pert)) );END PROGN );END IF (setq count (+ count 1)) );END WHILE (if (= nop 0)(princ "\nAll chosen objects were polylines")(princ (strcat "\n" (itoa nop) " non polyline objects were filtered"))) (princ (strcat "\nTotal length for layer " lay " = " (rtos pert 2 1) "m or " (rtos (/ pert 0.3048) 2 0) " feet in " (itoa alen) " lengths" )) (princ) );END MLEN Quote
SEANT Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Here is an updated routine to add the feature like that of the Lisp code. I hope it is helpful. An observation should be made about this web site and the “Helpfulness” of all of its members. It’s quite clear that we all enjoy helping out where we can. This is a site based on teaching and learning, however, so the ultimate goal is to help others learn the various aspects of AutoCAD. With regard to Lisp or VBA, a level of helpfulness and responsiveness too high could help a person not learn programming. The routine accompanying this message may not be suited for a tutorial in VBA (or maybe it is), but it should allow for specific coding questions. I’ll do what I can to answer those questions if you need to make further modifications to the code. Option Explicit Sub PutPLProps2XL() Dim strLayName As String strLayName = GetObjectLayer() If strLayName <> "" Then If ClosedPLSS(strLayName) Then Dim objSS As AcadSelectionSet Dim entEntity As AcadEntity Dim objExcel As Excel.Application Dim objRange As Excel.Range Dim entLWPoly As AcadLWPolyline Dim ent2DPoly As AcadPolyline Dim intCount As Integer On Error GoTo errHandler Set objExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") On Error GoTo 0 Set objRange = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("A1") objRange.value = "Layer" objRange.Offset(0, 1).value = "Pline Type" objRange.Offset(0, 2).value = "Length" objRange.Offset(0, 3).value = "Area" Set objSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("TempSSet") For intCount = 0 To objSS.count - 1 Set entEntity = objSS.Item(intCount) If entEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then Set entLWPoly = entEntity objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 0).value = entLWPoly.Layer objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 1).value = "LWPolyline" objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 2).value = entLWPoly.Length objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 3).value = entLWPoly.Area Else Set ent2DPoly = entEntity objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 0).value = ent2DPoly.Layer objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 1).value = "2DPolyline" objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 2).value = ent2DPoly.Length objRange.Offset(intCount + 1, 3).value = ent2DPoly.Area End If Next Set objExcel = Nothing End If End If Exit Sub errHandler: Err.Clear Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") With objExcel .Workbooks.Add .Visible = True .WindowState = xlMinimized End With Resume Next End Sub Function ClosedPLSS(strLayName As String) As Boolean Dim intCode(21) As Integer Dim varData(21) As Variant ClosedPLSS = False intCode(0) = -4: varData(0) = "<Or" intCode(1) = -4: varData(1) = "<And" intCode(2) = 0: varData(2) = "POLYLINE" 'or closed PLINES's intCode(3) = -4: varData(3) = "&=" intCode(4) = 70: varData(4) = 1 intCode(5) = -4: varData(5) = "&" intCode(6) = 70: varData(6) = 135 intCode(7) = -4: varData(7) = "<Not" intCode( = -4: varData( = "&=" intCode(9) = 70: varData(9) = 8 intCode(10) = -4: varData(10) = "Not>" intCode(11) = 8: varData(11) = strLayName intCode(12) = -4: varData(12) = "And>" intCode(13) = -4: varData(13) = "<And" intCode(14) = 0: varData(14) = "LWPOLYLINE" 'or closed LWP's intCode(15) = -4: varData(15) = "&=" intCode(16) = 70: varData(16) = 1 intCode(17) = -4: varData(17) = "&" intCode(18) = 70: varData(18) = 129 intCode(19) = 8: varData(19) = strLayName intCode(20) = -4: varData(20) = "And>" intCode(21) = -4: varData(21) = "Or>" If FilteredSS(intCode, varData) > 0 Then ClosedPLSS = True End Function Private Sub SSPrep() Dim SSS As AcadSelectionSets 'choose a selection set name for temporary storage and 'ensure that it does not currently exist On Error Resume Next Set SSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets If SSS.count > 0 Then SSS.Item("TempSSet").Delete End If End Sub Function FilteredSS(Optional grpCode As Variant, Optional dataVal As Variant) As Integer Dim TempObjSS As AcadSelectionSet SSPrep Set TempObjSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TempSSet") 'generate selection set TempObjSS.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , grpCode, dataVal FilteredSS = TempObjSS.count End Function Function GetObjectLayer() As String Dim ent As AcadEntity Dim varPickPT As Variant On Error GoTo errHandler ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity ent, varPickPT, "Select an entity on a layer with which to focus: " GetObjectLayer = ent.Layer Exit Function errHandler: GetObjectLayer = "" End Function Quote
gio Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 SEANT, I try use your code with VB ver. 6.3 ,Excell 2003 and this message appear : "User-defined type not defined" at line Dim objExcel As Excel.Application As you see am begginer with VB.What can i do ? Thank you. Quote
dbroada Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 With regard to Lisp or VBA, a level of helpfulness and responsiveness too high could help a person not learn programming. That's why I try to just point people in the right direction rather than do the code for them. That and the fact I rarely actually finish my code. Quote
SEANT Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 SEANT, I try use your code with VB ver. 6.3 ,Excell 2003 and this message appear : "User-defined type not defined" at line Dim objExcel As Excel.Application As you see am begginer with VB.What can i do ? Thank you. See post #6 in this thread. It may be related to the problem you describe. You say you're using VB 6.3; do you mean Autocad VBA 6.3 or VB6. If it is the latter, you're will likely run into a few more problems with the code above as all of the Autocad objects will need modification. Quote
SEANT Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 That and the fact I rarely actually finish my code. By that, I assume you mean "Bulletproof the code for Public Consumption." I'm tempted to post a Poll in Customisation to determine the extent programmers go to make their code un-breakable. Most of the users of anything I've written have direct access to me so I tended to be lax. Lately, I'm tightening the error handling but the process can double the time of development to get truely unbreakable code. Quote
xxfaxx Posted February 7, 2018 Posted February 7, 2018 I have a problem when i try to use it i get an error "Compile Error:Variable not defined" and this part of the code gets highlighted with yellow "Function FilteredSS(Optional grpCode As Variant, Optional dataVal As Variant) As Integer" i already did what you said in the post #6 Quote
SEANT Posted February 7, 2018 Posted February 7, 2018 It has been a long time since I fired up the ol' VBAIDE. I copy and pasted the code, and set the appropriate references (Microsoft Excel 16.0 Object Library) and the code seems to run fine. Is it possible that when you transferred the routine that some part of the code did not get copied along? Quote
xxfaxx Posted February 7, 2018 Posted February 7, 2018 nope, i cheked it twice im using autocad 2017 and excel 2010. maybe there is the problem. This post is from 2007 so. Quote
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