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I have been trying to write a multiple offset command but when I run my command, after I set the offset distance and select an object, I get the error message: no function definition: CAD. Any idea how I can fix this command? I would appreciate any help you guys could provide.



;* C:MOFFSET is a multiple offset command. It requires the user to show the

;* offset direction, select one object, tell how many times to offset it

;* and give a direction for the offset. It requires the User GET Functions.


(defun C:MOFFSET( / ent spt dist)

(setq #mdist (udist 1 "" "Offset distance " #mdist nil)) ;the distance to offset

(while (not (setq ent (entsel "\nSelect object to offset: ")))) ;get the object

(setq spt (upoint 1 "" "Select side" nil (cad ent)) ;get which side

#mnum (uint 5 "" "How many times " #mnum) ;# times


(setq dist #mdist) ;set a variable to the distance interval

(repeat #mnum ;program loop

(command "offset" dist ent spt "") ;run the offset command

(setq dist (+ dist #mdist)) ;increment the offset distance


(princ) ;clean ending


(princ) ;clean loading




The User GET functions I am using in this LISP are below and to my knowledge work fine, but I think it is easier to troubleshoot when you can test at the end.



;* UDIST: User interface distance function

;* BIT (0 for none) and KWD key word ("" for none) are same as for INITGET.

;* MSG is the prompt string, to which a default real is added as (nil

;* is for none), and a : is added. BPT is base point (nil for none).

(defun udist (bit kwd msg def bpt / inp )

(if def ;test for a default

(setq msg (strcat "\n" msg ": ") ;string'em with default

bit (* 2 (fix (/ bit 2))) ;a default and no null bit code conflict so

);setq ;this reduces bit by 1 if odd, to allow null

(if (= " " (substr msg (strlen msg) 1)) ;no def, if last char is space

(setq msg (strcat "\n" (substr msg 1 (1- (strlen msg))) ": ")) ;then strip space

(setq msg (strcat "\n" msg ": ")) ;else msg OK

) );if,if

(initget bit kwd)

(setq inp

(if bpt ;check for a base point

(getdist msg bpt) ;and use it in the GET commands

(getdist msg)

) );setq&if

(if inp inp def) ;compare the results, return appropriate value





;* UPOINT User interface point function

;* BIT (1 for no null, 0 for none) and KWD key word ("" for none) are same as

;* for INITGET. MSG is the prompt string, to which a default point variable is

;* added as (nil is for none), and a : is added. BPT is base point (nil for none).

(defun upoint (bit kwd msg def bpt / inp)

(if def ;check for a default

(setq pts (strcat

(rtos (car def)) "," (rtos (cadr def)) ;formats X,Y 2D pt as string

(if ;formats 3D ,Z if supplied and FLATLAND off

(and (caddr def) (= 0 (getvar "FLATLAND")))

(strcat "," (rtos (caddr def)))


) );if&strcat

msg (strcat "\n" msg ": ") ;string them with default

bit (* 2 (fix (/ bit 2))) ;a default and no null bit code conflict so

) ;this reduces bit by 1 if odd, to allow null

(if (= " " (substr msg (strlen msg) 1)) ;no def, if last char is space

(setq msg (strcat "\n" (substr msg 1 (1- (strlen msg))) ": ")) ;then strip space

(setq msg (strcat "\n" msg ": ")) ;else msg OK

) );if,if

(initget bit kwd)

(setq inp

(if bpt ;check for base point

(getpoint msg bpt) ;and use it

(getpoint msg) ;but not if nil

) );setq&if

(if inp inp def) ;evaluate results and return proper value





;* UINT: User interface integer function

;* BIT (0 for none) and KWD key word ("" for none) are same as for INITGET.

;* MSG is the prompt string, to which a default integer is added as (nil

;* for none), and a : is added.


(defun uint (bit kwd msg def / inp)

(if def ;test for a default

(setq msg (strcat "\n" msg ": ") ;string'em with default

bit (* 2 (fix (/ bit 2))) ;a default and no null bit code conflict so

) ;this reduces bit by 1 if odd, to allow null

(if (= " " (substr msg (strlen msg) 1)) ;no def, if last char is space

(setq msg (strcat "\n" (substr msg 1 (1- (strlen msg))) ": ")) ;then strip space

(setq msg (strcat "\n" msg ": ")) ;else msg OK

) );if,if

(initget bit kwd)

(setq inp (getint msg)) ;use the GETINT function

(if inp inp def) ;compare the results, return appropriate value




You are meant to put your code in code tags(?), I think that is what they are called.

If you look at another post showing lisp you will see what I mean, no doubt a moderator will advise.


You might want to look at this gem by Lee Mac,




Thanks Lee! :beer:


as no doubt you will learn plenty from his code, and might decide you don't need to write a new one. :)


Thanks for the link to the Lee Mac site. I will play with his as it seems to accomplish my goals. I couldn't figure out how to use the code tags. Is there a how to somewhere for that?

  DD21988 said:
I couldn't figure out how to use the code tags. Is there a how to somewhere for that?


Please refer to the Code Posting Guidlines.


In essence, you should edit your posts and surround your code with 'code' tags:



[/noparse][/highlight]Your code here[highlight][noparse]


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