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We have many geo-referenced raster images of a drawing map.


Now we are manually inserting them in drawing where required. Is there any way that if we click anywhere in the drawing the image of that place should be insert.


Insert georeference jpg anywhere then use this it will move and rescale but you must have the JGW file as well.


;;;Reads world tiff file (.jgw) to scale and place image correctly in autocad.
;;;First insert all tiff images into drawing at whatever scale and insertion point.
;;;If the jgw exists in same directory and is named the same as the image selected,
;;;it will automatically be found and the image will be scaled and placed. If it is
;;;not in the same directory, the user can browse for the file.
;;;03.23.2011 Added support to create jgw files as well as support rotated images 
;;;Needs a file with 6 lines (ScaleX Rotation -Rotation -ScaleY TopLeftXCoord TopLeftYCoord)
;  « Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 09:43:43 am by ronjonp »  
 (defun ss->lst (ss / e n out)
   (setq n -1)
   (while (setq e (ssname ss (setq n (1+ n)))) (setq out (cons (vlax-ename->vla-object e) out)))
 (defun _writefile (filename lst / file result)
   (cond ((and (eq 'str (type filename)) (setq file (open filename "w")))
   (foreach x lst
       (cond ((= (type x) 'str) x)
      ((= (type x) 'int) (itoa x))
      ((= (type x) 'real) (rtos x 2 6))
      ((vl-prin1-to-string x))
   (close file)
 (defun _readfile (filename / file result)
     ((and (eq 'str (type filename)) (setq file (open filename "r")))
      (while (setq line (read-line file)) (setq result (cons (vl-string-trim " " line) result)))
      (close file)
      (reverse result)
 (setq opt "ReadIt")
;  (initget 0 "ReadIt WriteIt")
;  (setq opt (cond ((getkword (strcat "\nImage World File [ReadIt/WriteIt] <" opt ">: ")))
;    (opt)
;     )
; )
 (princ "\nSelect image(s): ")
 (setq pre (getvar 'dwgprefix))
 (if (and (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "image")))) (setq ss (ss->lst ss)))
   (foreach image ss
     (setq name    (vlax-get image 'name)
    hgt     (vlax-get image 'height)
    wdth    (vlax-get image 'width)
    imhgt   (vlax-get image 'imageheight)
    imwdth  (vlax-get image 'imagewidth)
    rot     (vlax-get image 'rotation)
    bpt     (vlax-get image 'origin)
    imgpath (vl-filename-directory (vlax-get image 'imagefile))
    jgw     (strcat imgpath "\\" name ".jgw")
     (if (= opt "ReadIt")
  (if (and (or (setq jgw (findfile (strcat pre name ".jgw")))
        (setq jgw (findfile (strcat imgpath "\\" name ".jgw")))
        (setq jgw (getfiled (strcat "***Select <<" name ".jgw>>***") pre "jgw" 16))
    (setq pre (strcat (vl-filename-directory jgw) "\\"))
    (setq data (mapcar 'atof (_readfile jgw)))
    (> (length data) 5)
    (setq l1 (car data))
    (setq mvpt (list (nth 4 data) (nth 5 data) 0.0))
    (progn (vla-put-imageheight image (* hgt l1))
    (vla-put-imagewidth image (* wdth l1))
    (vla-put-rotation image (cadr data))
    (setq rot (vlax-get image 'rotation))
    (setq bpt (polar bpt (+ (/ pi 2.) rot) (* hgt l1)))
    (vlax-invoke image 'move bpt mvpt)
    (princ (strcat "\njgw File Read - " jgw))
    (princ "\njgw file NOT found or not correctly formatted!")
(progn (setq bpt (polar bpt (+ (/ pi 2.) rot) imhgt))
       (if (setq jgw (_writefile
         (strcat imgpath "\\" name ".jgw")
         (list (/ imhgt hgt)
        (strcat "-" (rtos (abs rot) 2 6))
        (strcat "-" (rtos (abs (/ imwdth wdth)) 2 6))
        (rtos (car bpt) 2 6)
        (rtos (cadr bpt) 2 6)
 (print jgw)
 (princ "\nError writing file...")

(command "draworder" (entlast) "" "B") 

;  « Last Edit: Dec 16 2011 send to back added by alan »

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