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This should do it. If you want the date to be in another format, just change that line.

;;Author: Lee-Mac
;;Date: 01/27/10
;;Modified By:Commandobill
;;Date 04/21/15
;;Reason for change: Updated to make text file be in a static position instead of dynamic.
(defun TimeReac nil
(if (not (vl-position "TIMEREACT"
(mapcar (function strcase)
(mapcar (function vlr-data)
(mapcar (function cadr)
(vlr-reactors :vlr-command-reactor))))))
(vlr-command-reactor "TIMEREACT"
(cons :vlr-commandWillStart 'GetTime_C)
(cons :vlr-commandEnded 'GetTime_O)))
(princ "\n<< Reactor Initiated >>"))
(princ "\n<< Reactor Already Running >>"))


(defun GetTime_O (Reactor Args)
(if (eq "OPEN" (strcase (car Args)))

(defun GetTime_C (Reactor Args)
(if (eq "CLOSE" (strcase (car Args)))

(defun GetTime (/ toDate *error* ofile)
(defun toDate (var format)
(menucmd (strcat "m=$(edtime,$(getvar," var ")," format ")")))
(defun *error* (msg)
(and ofile (close file))
(or (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*")
(princ (strcat "\n** Error: " msg " **")))
(if (setq ofile (open (strcat "C:\\Users\\Acad2015\\TimeLog\\Logfile" (toDate "DATE" "YYYYMODD") ".txt") "a"));;Location of change
(if (eq "CLOSE" (strcase (car Args)))
(write-line "ACTION: CLOSED" ofile)
(write-line "ACTION: OPENED" ofile))
(write-line (strcat "DATE: " (toDate "DATE" "MO.DD.YY ** HH.MM.SS")) ofile)
(write-line (strcat "DRAWING: " (getvar 'DWGPREFIX) (getvar 'DWGNAME) "\n") ofile)
(setq ofile (close ofile))))

(defun c:TimeOFF (/ Reac)
(if (and (setq Reac
(lambda (x)
(eq "TIMEREACT" (strcase (vlr-data x)))))
(mapcar (function cadr)
(vlr-reactors :vlr-command-reactor)))))
(vlr-added-p Reac))
(vlr-remove Reac)
(princ "\n<< Reactor Deactivated >>"))
(princ "\n** Reactor Not Running **"))

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  • JoeyG_77


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you my friend are awesome !!! ... This is exactly what I wanted ... it seems to hiccup a little by not logging the action but its all that i wanted =) Thanks Bill

  JoeyG_77 said:
you my friend are awesome !!! ... This is exactly what I wanted ... it seems to hiccup a little by not logging the action but its all that i wanted =) Thanks Bill


You're welcome. I hope Lee doesn't mind me messing around with his code too much, I'm sure he has something more advanced out there.


I don't think he would ! ... This was specific and works great .. I just need it to log just like that =) Now if it would stop being temperamental and just log it every time it would be great but this is autocad so nothing can be simple !!! ... Thanks again :D


Ok bill .... I found another one that is even better because this allows you to start n stop it manually and have icons to match the start n stop .. The only thing is being able to have them all go into one file ... It over writes the content when u start and stop it in different drawings ... So I need to have all in one file and the date to automatically populate so I have a running list of days in the folder ... I think you will like this one for sure . Or anyone else that can help I would love the help

Joey g

 ;;;*This is a Drawing Log Routine that logs the date, time, &
;;;*Drawing Name of each Drawing Session. It writes a report
;;;*to an ASCII Text file (Log.Txt).
;;;*If you wish you can load Login.Lsp from your Acad.Lsp file,
;;;*and edit the Acad.mnu to call the Logout.Lsp routine before
;;;*Exiting, Quiting or starting a new drawing.
(defun C:LOGIN ( / a c d file fp)
  (if (not file)
               (open "C:\\Users\\Acad2015\\TimeLog\\Logfile.txt" "w")
  (setq a (TODAY)
     TIME1 (TIME)
     c (getvar "DWGNAME")
     d (strcat "Drawing Started   " a "  -  " TIME1 "  -  " c)
  (if (/= c "Drawing.dwg")
        (setq file (findfile "C:\\Users\\Acad2015\\TimeLog\\Logfile.txt")
           fp (open file "a")
        (princ d fp)
        (princ "\n" fp)
        (close fp)
        (princ (strcat "\nLogged in at : " TIME1))
(defun C:LOGOUT ( / a c d file fp)
  (setq a (TODAY)
     TIME2 (TIME)
     c (getvar "DWGNAME")
     d (strcat "Drawing Exit    " a "  -  " TIME2 "  -  " c)
  (if (/= c "Drawing.dwg")
        (setq file (findfile "C:\\Users\\Acad2015\\TimeLog\\Logfile.txt")
           fp (open file "a")
        (princ d fp)
        (princ "\n" fp)
        (close fp)
        (princ (strcat "\nLogged out at : " TIME2))
(defun ETIME ( / hr1 m1 s1 tot1 hr2 m2 s2 tot2 total ht mt file fp)
  (setq hr1 (* 60 (* 60 (atof (substr time1 1 2))))
     m1 (* 60 (atof (substr time1 4 2)))
     s1 (atof (substr time1 7 2))
     tot1 (+ hr1 m1 s1)
     hr2 (* 3600 (atof (substr time2 1 2)))
     m2 (* 60 (atof (substr time2 4 2)))
     s2 (atof (substr time2 7 2))
     tot2 (+ hr2 m2 s2)
     total (- tot2 tot1)
     hr1 (/ total 3600)
     ht (fix hr1)
     hr1 (- hr1 ht)
     mt (* hr1 60)
     ht (rtos ht)
     mt (rtos mt) 
  (setq d (strcat "Editing Time This Session :  " ht " Hours and " mt " minutes"))
  (setq file (findfile "C:\\Users\\Acad2015\\TimeLog\\Logfile.txt")
     fp (open file "a")
  (princ d fp)
  (princ "\n" fp)
  (princ "==============================================================" fp )
  (princ "\n" fp)
  (close fp)
;;;*Calculates the Current Date
(defun TODAY ( / d yr mo day)
    (setq d (rtos (getvar "CDATE") 2 6)
         yr (substr d 3 2)
         mo (substr d 5 2)
        day (substr d 7 2)
    (strcat mo "/" day "/" yr)
;;;*Calculates the Current Time
(defun TIME ( / d hr m s)
    (setq d (rtos (getvar "CDATE") 2 6)
         hr (substr d 10 2)
          m (substr d 12 2)
          s (substr d 14 2)
    (strcat hr ":" m ":" s)


Do you have a lisp routine that tracks the time spent to go to the bathroom, get a cup of coffee, have a drink of water, stop to chat with a coworker, get summoned to your boss's office for a quick question that somehow turns into a forty five minute discussion, read or write email, stop for lunch, go to the copier, surf the Internet, etc., etc., etc.? Just curious.


I don't .... But can you help with the code ?


Go back look at my post I think its what you want the one file with multiple days in it.


&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& REPORT ON USER'S COMMANDS USAGE &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
START TIME of report entry .... 2015.Apr.07 11:17:23
END TIME of report entry ...... 2015.Apr.07 11:27:21
Total period ............................... 00:09:58
FILENAME: 2006139-rev1.dwg
DIRECTORY: P:\2014 Projects\2014139\Design\
DATE CREATED: 2010.Aug.24 15:44:54
LAST SAVE: 2015.Apr.07 11:27:19
| command name | num. calls | in % || time | in % |
| LAYOUT_CONTROL ............ 13 = 46% || 00:00:12 = 8% |
| ERASE ..................... 3 = 10% || 00:00:00 = 0% |
| PLOT ...................... 3 = 10% || 00:02:01 = 76% |
| LIST ...................... 2 = 7% || 00:00:00 = 0% |
| CLOSE ..................... 1 = 3% || 00:00:03 = 2% |
| PSPACE .................... 1 = 3% || 00:00:00 = 0% |
| QSAVE ..................... 1 = 3% || 00:00:01 = 0% |
| MSPACE .................... 1 = 3% || 00:00:00 = 0% |
| ROTATE .................... 1 = 3% || 00:00:06 = 4% |
| LINE ...................... 1 = 3% || 00:00:06 = 4% |
| DIST ...................... 1 = 3% || 00:00:05 = 3% |
| || |
| TOTAL 28 || 00:02:37 |
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& END OF REPORT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&


Al .. Thats alot of info this is what the last code outputs ... I just need a stop and start but need it to write all into one file for every time i use the commands and everyday when i start the lisp to name the text file with today's date to it ... this is what is generated from the lisp


Drawing Started 04/23/15 - 15:41:17 - Churchill_FamilyRoom_Rev0.dwg

Drawing Exit 04/23/15 - 15:41:19 - Churchill_FamilyRoom_Rev0.dwg

Editing Time This Session : 0.0000 Hours and 0.0333 minutes



BIGAL, I did a search on here for that, and all I can find is multiple posts of you saying to do a search for it. lol


I need one more thing ... come on PLEASE PLEASE !!! :notworthy: I had this code with bill from my other lisp .. but when I run it I get an error that says its not defined and I have no idea how to define it so it will name the file as I want. Take a look and help me out I would appreciate it.


;;;*This is a Drawing Log Routine that logs the date, time, &
;;;*Drawing Name of each Drawing Session. It writes a report
;;;*to an ASCII Text file (Log.Txt).
;;;*If you wish you can load Login.Lsp from your Acad.Lsp file,
;;;*and edit the Acad.mnu to call the Logout.Lsp routine before
;;;*Exiting, Quiting or starting a new drawing.
(defun C:LOGIN ( / a c d file fp)
(setq filedef (findfile "C:\\Users\\Acad2015\\TimeLog\\Logfile-" (toDate "DATE" "MODDYY") ".txt"))
  (if (not filedef)
(open ((strcat "C:\\Users\\Acad2015\\TimeLog\\Logfile-" (toDate "DATE" "MODDYY") ".txt") "a"))
  (setq a (TODAY)
     TIME1 (TIME)
     c (getvar "DWGNAME")
     d (strcat "Drawing Started   " a "  -  " TIME1 "  -  " c)
  (if (/= c "Drawing.dwg")
        (setq file (findfile "C:\\Users\\Acad2015\\TimeLog\\Logfile-" (toDate "DATE" "MODDYY") ".txt")
           fp (open file "a")
        (princ d fp)
        (princ "\n" fp)
        (close fp)
        (princ (strcat "\nLogged in at : " TIME1))
(defun C:LOGOUT ( / a c d file fp)
  (setq a (TODAY)
     TIME2 (TIME)
     c (getvar "DWGNAME")
     d (strcat "Drawing Exit    " a "  -  " TIME2 "  -  " c)
  (if (/= c "Drawing.dwg")
        (setq file (findfile "C:\\Users\\Acad2015\\TimeLog\\Logfile-" (todate "DATE" "MODDYY") ".txt")
           fp (open file "a")
        (princ d fp)
        (princ "\n" fp)
        (close fp)
        (princ (strcat "\nLogged out at : " TIME2))
(defun ETIME ( / hr1 m1 s1 tot1 hr2 m2 s2 tot2 total ht mt file fp)
  (setq hr1 (* 60 (* 60 (atof (substr time1 1 2))))
     m1 (* 60 (atof (substr time1 4 2)))
     s1 (atof (substr time1 7 2))
     tot1 (+ hr1 m1 s1)
     hr2 (* 3600 (atof (substr time2 1 2)))
     m2 (* 60 (atof (substr time2 4 2)))
     s2 (atof (substr time2 7 2))
     tot2 (+ hr2 m2 s2)
     total (- tot2 tot1)
     hr1 (/ total 3600)
     ht (fix hr1)
     hr1 (- hr1 ht)
     mt (* hr1 60)
     ht (rtos ht)
     mt (rtos mt) 
  (setq d (strcat "Editing Time This Session :  " ht " Hours and " mt " minutes"))
  (setq file (findfile "C:\\Users\\Acad2015\\TimeLog\\Logfile-" (todate "DATE" "MODDYY") ".txt") 
     fp (open file "a")
  (princ d fp)
  (princ "\n" fp)
  (princ "==============================================================" fp )
  (princ "\n" fp)
  (close fp)
;;;*Calculates the Current Date
(defun TODAY ( / d yr mo day)
    (setq d (rtos (getvar "CDATE") 2 6)
         yr (substr d 3 2)
         mo (substr d 5 2)
        day (substr d 7 2)
    (strcat mo "/" day "/" yr)
;;;*Calculates the Current Time
(defun TIME ( / d hr m s)
    (setq d (rtos (getvar "CDATE") 2 6)
         hr (substr d 10 2)
          m (substr d 12 2)
          s (substr d 14 2)
    (strcat hr ":" m ":" s)


Productivity analysis tool.lsp You can rem out some of the write-line to shorten the report.


;This lisp program counts the AutoCAD commands and time 
;;; FILENAME:    Productivity_Analisys_Tool.lsp 
;;; CREATED BY:  Konstantin Gerasimov, kosio_gerasimov@abv.bg 
;;;              Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria 
;;; DATE:        22.Jan.2010
;;; VERSION:     v1.1
;;; This lisp program counts the AutoCAD commands you have copleted and how much time you have spent on each command. 
;;; You cannot call it from the command prompt. You just need to add the program to the startup suite so that it is loaded in 
;;; every AutoCAD file you open. When you hit the close button a productivity report will be generated. It will be 
;;; stored in the directory of the correspondent dwg and will be named <your drawing name>_ProductivityReport.txt 
;;; These reports will be appended in the aforementioned file every time you hit the close button. 
;;; I recommend you after closing your file to open the productivity report and in the corresponding place to 
;;; write comments on what work you were doing. 
;;; You can also issue a productivity report by writing genProductivityReport in the command prompt. 
;;; This program can be used by anybody for any purposewithout fee. However no warranty is granted. 
;;; If you just mention my name it will warmen my heart:) 
;;; Keep in mind that reactor might be tricky so hit the save button from time to time:) 
;;; As a starting point I have copied some source code from here: http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?t=27191 
;;; here: http://autocad.xarch.at/code/olasov/econo3.lsp 
;;; and here: http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/autocad/stdlib/ 
;;; Special thanks to the authors of the aforementioned resourses for sharing their work with us:) 

;;; Initialization

(SETQ start_date_pat	 (GETVAR "CDATE")
     start_time_pat	 (GETVAR "TDUSRTIMER")
     cmd_start_time_pat (GETVAR "TDUSRTIMER")

;;; Definition of the reactor which will listen for issued commands
(DEFUN CmdSpy ()
  (IF (NOT cmdspy:cmdreactor)
 cmdspy:cmdreactor (VLR-COMMAND-REACTOR
		      '((:VLR-COMMANDWILLSTART . startCmdTimer_pat) (:VLR-COMMANDENDED . CmdSpyReaction_pat))
     )					; end setq
  )					; end if
)					; end of CmdSpy

;;; Definition of auxilary function for the reactors
(DEFUN startCmdTimer_pat (reactor_object cmd_Name)
  (IF (= reactor_object cmdspy:cmdreactor)
     (SETQ cmd_start_time_pat (GETVAR "TDUSRTIMER"))

;; Counts the command calls and record the time the command was active
(DEFUN CmdSpyReaction_pat (reactor_object cmd_Name / cLst)
  (IF (= reactor_object cmdspy:cmdreactor)
     (IF (NOT (SETQ cLst (ASSOC (CAR cmd_Name) cmdspy:list)))
    cmdspy:list	(CONS (CONS (CAR cmd_Name) (LIST 1 (- (GETVAR "TDUSRTIMER") cmd_start_time_pat))) cmdspy:list)
    cmdspy:list	(SUBST
		   (CONS (CAR cmd_Name)
			 (LIST (1+ (CADR cLst)) (+ (CADDR cLst) (- (GETVAR "TDUSRTIMER") cmd_start_time_pat)))
     )					; end if
)					; end of CmdSpyReaction_pat

;;; This function creates and writes the productivity report
(DEFUN c:genProductivityReport (/ insertIntroduction cTotalCmdsNumber cTotalCmdsTime reportname	fid textline
			num_cmd_percent	cmd_time_percent
  (PRINC "\nGenerating the productivity report. Please wait a few moments... ")
  (SETQ insertIntroduction nil)
  (IF cmdspy:list
 (SETQ cmdspy:list	(VL-SORT cmdspy:list '(LAMBDA (a b) (> (CADR a) (CADR b))))
       cTotalCmdsNumber	(APPLY '+ (MAPCAR 'CADR cmdspy:list))
       cTotalCmdsTime	(APPLY '+ (MAPCAR 'CADDR cmdspy:list))
 )				; end setq
       ;(SETQ reportname (STRCAT (GETVAR "DWGPREFIX") (GETVAR "DWGNAME") "_Productivity_Report.txt"))

(SETQ reportname (STRCAT "P:/TEMP/" (getenv "username") "_" (GETVAR "DWGNAME") "_Productivity_Report.txt"))

(IF (NOT (OPEN reportname "r"))
	  (SETQ insertIntroduction T)
       (IF (NULL (SETQ fid (OPEN reportname "a")))
	  (PRINC (STRCAT "\nCouldn't open " reportname " for writing!!!\n"))
	     (IF insertIntroduction
		;(WRITE-LINE "   created meaning that you may copy the dwg file and you will still get the" fid )
		; (WRITE-LINE "   same create date." fid)
		; (WRITE-LINE "2) TOTAL EDITING TIME represents the total time the drawing was opened and " fid)
		; (WRITE-LINE "   loaded in AutoCAD and the internal timer was on (see time function)." fid)
		; (WRITE-LINE "3) Only AutoCAD's native commands that were completed (and no ESC button was" fid)
		; (WRITE-LINE "   pressed) and ended without errors are counted." fid)
		; (WRITE-LINE "4) The time spent on each command might not be the exact one (because of the" fid)
		; (WRITE-LINE "   use of reactors) but should be pretty close to the real one. Also the per-" fid)
		; (WRITE-LINE "   countage is calculated based on the total time spent in active commands, " fid)
		; (WRITE-LINE "   not on the total period of the report.\n\n\n\n" fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&     REPORT ON USER'S COMMANDS USAGE     &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE (STRCAT "START TIME of report entry .... " (parseDate start_date_pat)) fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE (STRCAT "END TIME of report entry ...... " (parseDate (GETVAR "CDATE"))) fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE (STRCAT "Total period ............................... "
				 (parseTime (- (GETVAR "TDUSRTIMER") start_time_pat))
	     (WRITE-LINE (STRCAT "\nFILENAME:           " (GETVAR "DWGNAME")) fid)
				 (IF (GETENV "computername")
				    (GETENV "computername")
				 (IF (GETENV "username")
				    (GETENV "username")
				    (GETVAR "ACADVER")
	     (WRITE-LINE "\n+=======================================================================+" fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE "|      command name    | num. calls |   in %  ||     time     |   in %  |" fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE "+=======================================================================+" fid)
	     (FOREACH i	cmdspy:list
		(SETQ textline (STRCAT "| " (CAR i) " "))
		(REPEAT (- 26 (STRLEN (CAR i))) (SETQ textline (STRCAT textline ".")))
		(SETQ textline (STRCAT textline " " (ITOA (CADR i))))
		(REPEAT (- 6 (STRLEN (ITOA (CADR i)))) (SETQ textline (STRCAT textline " ")))
		(SETQ num_cmd_percent (ITOA (FIX (/ (* (CADR i) 100) cTotalCmdsNumber))))
		(SETQ textline (STRCAT textline "=   " num_cmd_percent "%"))
		(REPEAT (- 5 (STRLEN num_cmd_percent)) (SETQ textline (STRCAT textline " ")))
		(SETQ textline (STRCAT textline "||   " (parseTime (CADDR i)) "   =   "))
		(SETQ cmd_time_percent (FIX (/ (* (CADDR i) 100) cTotalCmdsTime)))
		(SETQ textline (STRCAT textline
				       (ITOA cmd_time_percent)
				       (IF (< cmd_time_percent 10)
					  "%    |"
					  "%   |"
		(WRITE-LINE textline fid)
	     )			; end foreach
	     (WRITE-LINE "|                                             ||                        |" fid)
	     (SETQ textline (STRCAT "| TOTAL                       " (ITOA cTotalCmdsNumber)))
	     (REPEAT (- 16 (STRLEN (ITOA cTotalCmdsNumber))) (SETQ textline (STRCAT textline " ")))
	     (SETQ textline (STRCAT textline "||   " (parseTime cTotalCmdsTime) "             |"))
	     (WRITE-LINE textline fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE "+=======================================================================+" fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE "\n&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&             END OF REPORT             &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" fid)
	     (WRITE-LINE "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\n\n\n" fid)
	     (CLOSE fid)
	     ;; Reinitialization
	     (SETQ cmdspy:list	  nil
		   start_date_pat (GETVAR "CDATE")
		   start_time_pat (GETVAR "TDUSRTIMER")
	  )			; end of progn if null else
       )			; end of if NULL
    )				; end of progn if DWGTITLED
   ; (PRINC "\nThe drawing wasn't saved at all so no report will be formed.\n")
;un rem if required
 )				; end if DWGTITLED
     )					; end progn
     (PRINC "\nNo command history found!\n")
  )					; end if
)					; end of c:genProductivityReport

;;; Prepares the date and time in an appropriate printable format
;;; (for the CDATE)
(DEFUN parseDate (cdate / date_str year month day hour mins secs date_txt month_txt)
  (IF cdate
     (PROGN (SETQ date_str (RTOS cdate 2 6)
	   year	    (SUBSTR date_str 1 4)
	   month    (SUBSTR date_str 5 2)
	   day	    (SUBSTR date_str 7 2)
	   hour	    (SUBSTR date_str 10 2)
	   mins	    (SUBSTR date_str 12 2)
	   secs	    (SUBSTR date_str 14 2)
     (SETQ month_txt (COND ((= month "01") "Jan")
			   ((= month "02") "Feb")
			   ((= month "03") "Mar")
			   ((= month "04") "Apr")
			   ((= month "05") "May")
			   ((= month "06") "Jun")
			   ((= month "07") "Jul")
			   ((= month "08") "Aug")
			   ((= month "08") "Sep")
			   ((= month "10") "Oct")
			   ((= month "11") "Nov")
			   ((= month "12") "Dec")
			   (T "___")
     (SETQ date_txt (STRCAT year "." month_txt "." day "  " hour ":" mins ":" secs))
     ""				; else return empty string
)					; end of parseDate

;;; Prepares the time in an appropriate printable format
;;; (for the TDUSRTIMER)
(DEFUN parseTime (time / time_secs hrs mns secs time_txt)
  (IF time
     (PROGN (SETQ time_secs (* 86400.0 time)
	   hrs	     (FIX (/ time_secs 3600.0))
	   mns	     (FIX (/ (- time_secs (* hrs 3600.0)) 60.0))
	   secs	     (FIX (- time_secs (+ (* hrs 3600.0) (* mns 60.0))))
     (SETQ time_txt (STRCAT (IF	(< hrs 10)
			    (ITOA hrs)
     (SETQ time_txt (STRCAT time_txt
			    (IF	(< mns 10)
			    (ITOA mns)
     (SETQ time_txt (STRCAT time_txt
			    (IF	(< secs 10)
			    (ITOA secs)
     ""				; else return empty string
)					; end of parseTime

;;; This function I have copied and have made minor modification in its output result. Here is its copyrights info: 
;;;$Id: STDTIME.LSP 0.5006 2000/12/31 10:59:00 rurban Rel $ -*-AutoLISP-*-
;;; Time-stamp: <2000-12-31 11:31:03 rurban>
;;; Copyright (c) 1994,1998,2000 by Reini Urban
;;; Available for free at http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/autocad/stdlib/ 
(DEFUN STD-DATE->DATLST	(date / time julian yr day mo hh ss mm month_txt day_txt time_txt date_printable)
  (SETQ time (* 86400.0 (- date (SETQ julian (FIX date)))))
  (SETQ julian (- julian 1721119))
  (SETQ yr (/ (1- (* 4 julian)) 146097))
  (SETQ julian (- (* julian 4) 1 (* 146097 yr)))
  (SETQ day (/ julian 4))
  (SETQ julian (/ (+ (* 4 day) 3) 1461))
  (SETQ day (- (+ (* 4 day) 3) (* 1461 julian)))
  (SETQ day (/ (+ day 4) 4))
  (SETQ mo (/ (- (* 5 day) 3) 153))
  (SETQ day (- (* 5 day) 3 (* 153 mo)))
  (SETQ day (/ (+ day 5) 5))
  (SETQ yr (+ (* 100 yr) julian))
  (IF (< mo 10)
     (SETQ mo (+ mo 3))
     (SETQ mo (- mo 9)
    yr (1+ yr)
  (SETQ hh (FIX (/ time 3600.0)))
  (SETQ time (- time (* hh 3600)))
  (SETQ mm (FIX (/ time 60.0)))
  (SETQ ss (- time (* mm 60)))
  ;; From here start my modification
;;;  (list yr mo day hh mm ss)
  (SETQ month_txt (COND ((= mo 1) "Jan")
		 ((= mo 2) "Feb")
		 ((= mo 3) "Mar")
		 ((= mo 4) "Apr")
		 ((= mo 5) "May")
		 ((= mo 6) "Jun")
		 ((= mo 7) "Jul")
		 ((= mo  "Aug")
		 ((= mo 9) "Sep")
		 ((= mo 10) "Oct")
		 ((= mo 11) "Nov")
		 ((= mo 12) "Dec")
		 (T "___")
  (SETQ day_txt (STRCAT (IF (< day 10)
		 (ITOA day)
  (SETQ time_txt (STRCAT (IF (< (FIX hh) 10)
		  (ITOA (FIX hh))
  (SETQ time_txt (STRCAT time_txt
		  (IF (< (FIX mm) 10)
		  (ITOA (FIX mm))
  (SETQ time_txt (STRCAT time_txt
		  (IF (< (FIX ss) 10)
		  (ITOA (FIX ss))
  (SETQ date_printable (STRCAT (ITOA yr) "." month_txt "." day_txt "  " time_txt))

;;; Definition of the reactor which will start the productivity report generation when you are about to close the drawing
(DEFUN Create_Close_Reactor ()
  (IF (NOT close:reactor)
     (SETQ close:reactor (VLR-EDITOR-REACTOR nil '((:VLR-BEGINCLOSE . CloseReaction))))
  )					; end if
)					; end of Create_Close_Reactor

;;; Runs the report generator
(DEFUN CloseReaction (reactor_object Args)
  (IF (= reactor_object close:reactor)
)					; end of CloseReaction

;;; Starts the reactors

(princ "\nStartup loaded")
;|«Visual LISP© Format Options»
(120 3 40 2 nil "end of " 100 20 2 0 1 T nil nil T)
;*** DO NOT add text below the comment! ***|;

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