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what a great lisp

related to that lisp there is one comment I want to select a text not type again.


Second, how did u do that presentation (*.GIF file)


thanx and regards

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> asos2000


what a great lisp

related to that lisp there is one comment I want to select a text not type again.


Yes, I have some ideas. And this is one of them.


Second, how did u do that presentation (*.GIF file)


This animated *.gif is prodused with Camtasia Studio software. It provides to record on-screen user actions, add subtitles, pictures and sound also export into *.avi, *.swf, animated *.gif and some other formats.




Thank you. It while spontaneous idea expressed in a small piece of a code. Completion is required.


waiting for new ideas, and thanx for that program


OK, One more offering:

You may enter the text or press Enter to except last text used by the routine or

pick text from the drawing to copy string from.

;;;     TextAlignWithObject.lsp
;;;      by Charles Alan Butler
;;;         Copyright 2007
;;;  by Precision Drafting & Design All Rights Reserved.
;;;  Contact at ab2draft @ TampaBay.rr.com
;;;   Version 1.0 Beta  Feb 19, 2007
;;;   Version 1.1 Beta  Aug 20, 2008, added fuzz to angle detection
;;;   Version 1.2 Beta  Aug 24, 2008, added text input options
;;; Add text to DWG at angle of selected object
;;;  Limitations
;;;  No error checking
;;; Command Line Usage 
;;; Command: TAO
;;;  This software is provided "as is" without express or implied      ;
;;;  warranty.  All implied warranties of fitness for any particular   ;
;;;  purpose and of merchantability are hereby disclaimed.             ;
;;;  You are hereby granted permission to use, copy and modify this    ;
;;;  software without charge, provided you do so exclusively for       ;
;;;  your own use or for use by others in your organization in the     ;
;;;  performance of their normal duties, and provided further that     ;
;;;  the above copyright notice appears in all copies and both that    ;
;;;  copyright notice and the limited warranty and restricted rights   ;
;;;  notice appear in all supporting documentation.                    ;

(defun c:tao() (c:TextAlignWithObject)) ; shortcut

(defun c:TextAlignWithObject (/ tmp ang pt txtht FixTextAngle addtext

 ;;  ------------------< sub functions >----------------------
 ;;  Returns a text angle in radians, flops text at >90 and <270 
 (defun FixTextAngle (ang)
   (if (and (> ang (+ (* 0.5 pi) 0.0001)) (< ang (+ (* 1.5 pi) 0.0001)))
     (+ ang pi)

 ;;  Create a text object 
 (defun addtext (ipt   ; insert point
                 hgt   ; text height
                 text  ; text string
                 ang   ; test angle
                 aln   ; text alignment
                 lay   ; text layer
                 / txtObj)
   (setq txtObj
            (if (= (getvar "cvport") 1)
              (vla-get-paperspace (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
              (vla-get-modelspace (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
            (vlax-3d-point ipt)
   (vla-put-layer txtObj lay)
   (vla-put-rotation txtObj ang)
   (vla-put-alignment txtObj aln)
   (vla-put-textalignmentpoint txtobj (vlax-3d-point ipt))


 ;;  User selection of curve object
 ;;  return pick point & average angle of curve at pick point
 (defun get_pt_and_angle (prmpt / ent p@pt parA parB pt ang)
   (if (and (setq ent (entsel prmpt))
            (not (vl-catch-all-error-p
                   (setq pt (vl-catch-all-apply
                              (list (car ent) (cadr ent))
       (setq ent  (car ent)
             p@pt (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint ent pt)
             parA (max 0.0 (- p@pt 0.05))
             parB (min (+ p@pt 0.05) (vlax-curve-getEndParam ent))
             ang (angle (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam ent parA)
                        (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam ent ParB)
       (list pt ang)

 ;;  ------------------< START HERE >----------------------
 ;;  Get text string to insert
 (or txtstr (setq txtstr "Default Text"))
 (while ; Loop while getting User Input 
     ((null (setq tmp (getpoint_or_text 2 (strcat "\nPick or Enter text string: <" txtstr "> "))))
      (princ "\nERROR - pick text or enter text or Press ENTER.")
     ((= tmp "") ; ENTER was pressed
      (if (= "" txtstr)
        (princ "\nERROR - No default text, Try Again.")
        nil ; exit loop
     ((and tmp (= (type tmp) 'str)) ; user entered a string tmp
      (setq txtstr tmp)
      nil ; exit loop
     ((and tmp (listp tmp) ; a point was picked
           (setq en (car (nentselp tmp))) ; get the object
      (if (vlax-property-available-p (vlax-ename->vla-object en) 'TextString)
        (null (setq txtstr (vla-get-textstring (vlax-ename->vla-object en))))
        (princ "\nERROR - Not a text object, Try Again.")
     ((princ "\nERROR - pick text or enter text or Press ENTER."))             
 ;| Old input string 
 (if (/= (setq tmp (getstring t (strcat "\nEnter text string: < " txtstr " > "))) "")
   (setq txtstr tmp)
 ;;  Get object to align text & insert point
 ;;  Object must have curve data
 (if (setq lst (get_pt_and_angle "\nSelect point on object to label."))
     (setq pt  (car lst)
           ang (FixTextAngle (cadr lst))
     ;;  Text height by style or current Text Size
     (if (zerop (setq txtht (getvar 'textsize)))
       (setq txtht (getvar "TextSize"))
     (addtext pt txtht txtstr ang acalignmentbottomcenter (getvar "clayer")) 
   (prompt "\n**  Missed or no curve data for object.")
(prompt "\nTextAlignWithObject.lsp loaded enter TAO to run.")

;;;=======================[ getpoint_or_text.lsp ]======================= 
;;; Author: Copyright© 2005 Charles Alan Butler 
;;; Version:  1.0 Dec. 12, 2005
;;; Purpose: To get user entered text or picked point
;;; Sub_Routines: -None 
;;; Requirements: -ctype is the cursor type
;;;                      0  Display the normal crosshairs.
;;;                      1  Do not display a cursor (no crosshairs).
;;;                      2  Display the object-selection "target" cursor
;;;               -prmpt is the user prompt, start it with \n
;;; Returns: - picked point or
;;;            the user entered text or
;;;            ""  for Enter Key
;;;            nil for Escape Key
(defun getpoint_or_text (ctype prmpt / char code data result flag p str)
   '(lambda ()
      (setq flag t
            str ""
      (princ prmpt)
      (while flag
        (setq p    (grread t 15 ctype)
              code (car p)
              data (cadr p)
          ((= code 3) ; clicked point
           (setq result data
                 flag nil
          ((= code 2) ; keyboard
           (setq char data)
             ((<= 32 char 126)
              (princ (chr char))
              (setq str (strcat str (chr char)))
             ((= char 
              ;; backspace was hit .. go chop off a character
              (and (> (strlen str) 0)
                   (princ (strcat (chr  " " (chr ))
                   (setq str (substr str 1 (1- (strlen str))))
             ((= char 13)
              (setq result str
                    flag nil
      ) ;_ while



- The lisp makes a copy for the text when picking the text. see attached

- How can I change the text gap and angle When pick a text?

- When finish Aligning, Could be an option to rotate a text


Rotate Text 180 Degree [Yes/No] :

it helps when rotate the UCS in viewport. See Attached

- Could the lisp crossing the text and aligning an object to another abject?



Thanx and regards




All things are possible.:)

Just put the parts you like form each lisp into one.


i dont understand,

sorry my mother tongue is not english


please read reply # 26


I just add new option "Rotate text to 0°- 90° [Yes/No]:". Look to picture. Code on my website.


I (think that CAB too) write the programs at this forum while it interestingly for us. If it is not interesting to us we do not write.


- Could the lisp crossing the text and aligning an object to another abject?





Very nice ASMI, I applaud your efforts. Only one problem... after going through all the prompts, the grvecs are displayed, and I accept the position, the text does not display. Anyone else have this problem?

Only one problem... after going through all the prompts, the grvecs are displayed, and I accept the position, the text does not display. Anyone else have this problem?


Strange. Can you send to me part of your file to e-mail alex@asmitools.com. Maybe it some Civil 3D features?


> lpseifert


Thank you for example. I just fix this defect and now it works in Paper Space active viewport.


BTW, this is an extremely nice piece of work.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys,


Just been reading this thread and tried the LISP supplied by ASMI, and can I just say, what a fantastic LISP - so professional!



  • 1 year later...

Hello everyone,


Can someone please post a copy TALON.lsp cause asmitools is still out of service



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