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Command line wont accept input if an object is selected and cursor is over the object

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Has anyone had the issue of your command line not working if you have a p-line/object selected and your cursor is over the same object? sometimes this will cause the object to adjust after you try to start a command, but the command won't start. I just get a beep signaling an error, but no message. Does anyone know of a setting to fix this annoying issue?

  bh_ONE said:
if you have a p-line/object selected and your cursor is over the same object?


Is the cursor also hovering a grip?


Most likely, it doesn't happen every time, so i wouldn't doubt it.


You have a polyline. It's been selected which means the line is highlighted and the grips are visible. Your cursor hovers over the polyline so you are forced to type a command and that's when this beeping may or may not occur? How long has this been going on?


since i installed 2015. Its not a huge issue, it just would be nice if my commands would override my cursor position. so are you thinking it i more of just pay more attention to where my cursor is when i start a command or do you know of a fix?


and yes grips are visible (sorry didn't see that that was a question.)


By default, if you're hovering a polyline grip, the Multifunctional Grip menu will be active. If the Grip menu is active, Command line won't accept input.




Sounds good, i will just have to be more aware that i am not on a grip. Thanks for your help!


The sound you are hearing is likely due to the OPTIONS setting,

as shown in the screenshot.

beep on error  of input.jpg

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