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using attribute names as variables


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I have a block with 25 and growing attributes and correspondingglobal variables.

(defun attdraw (atthandle / ) ; draw out all attributes of the insert, turn them into global variablesand fill them with

(setq ent (handent atthandle) ; their corresponding data. attribute name = globalvariable name.

ed (entget ent)



(/="SEQEND" (dxf 0 ed)) ;whiletag value /= SEQEND

(if (="ATTRIB" (dxf 0 ed)) ;make sure its an attribute

(set (read(dxf 2 ed)) (dxf 1 ed))


(setq ent(entnext ent) ;move to the next tag

ed (entgetent) ;and get entity data




i update the variables in a dialog box.

exiting the dialog box i update the global variables

i would like to then insert the values back into theattributes using something similar.

is there a way to use the attribute names as variable namesand also use the values associated with them to push them back into theattributes.

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You can work without attribute tag names by using the attribute creation order and then you can modify the attribute value its what is happening here (setq ent(entnext ent) ;move to the next tag, you indicate you have a dialog box so you can use order rather than tagname. As an example in VBA Attrib(3).value returns the value of the 3rd atribute.


have a look at this


; Change attribute value by created position
; Eaxmple to walk trhough a block
(defun blkorder ( / ss1 blobj Y)
(setq y 1)
(setq ss1 (car (entsel "pick block")))
(setq blobj (vlax-ename->vla-object SS1)) 

(foreach att (vlax-invoke blobj 'getattributes)
(princ (strcat "\n attrib No " (rtos y 2 0) " " (vla-get-textstring att )))
;(vla-put-textstring att newstrblank) ;use this to change attribute value
(setq y (+ Y 1))

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How does your program find the global variables in theenvironment and associate them with the attribute name. ( i use DCL dialog boxes ifthat makes any difference).

my knowledge of vl is limited to none. old school lisper

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You have var1 = attribute value 1, say make 25 and set var1 to var25 = nil then open up block and reset the var value, only need to know how many, another way is to just create a list of the attributes, (setq lst (list 12 34 56 67 89)) var1 = (nth 0 lst) = 12 using (length lst) you always know how many variables you have. Again I do not worry about attribute TAG name but I do know order of attributes within the block. Did you try code above as an example. In VL you use a GET to do just that "get some info" and a PUT to change a value.


Update in dialouge and then use


; the newstr is returned from the DCL and you know which row
(foreach att (vlax-invoke blobj 'getattributes)
(If  (= row y)
(vla-put-textstring att newstr) 
(setq y (+ Y 1))

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