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hi friends. i have a very weiired problem. i am working for a conveyor manf company, now the problem is

1)in plan view i have drawn the path of the conveyor in polyline(this is an odd path with lot of fillets of 1000r and many straight and 30 deg angled path.

2)now the product that is travlling on this path(conveyor) is connected at two points

3)now using the block and measure commond i was able to see the various positions of the product at a pitch of 500 mmm

4)problem-since the product is conected at two points and the block commond takes the refference of single center point,the other connecting point goes out of the path.

5)is there any commond any diffrent style to create a block where it would ask or 2 center points and not one.


hi friends. i have a very weiired problem. i am working for a conveyor manf company, now the problem is

1)in plan view i have drawn the path of the conveyor in polyline(this is an odd path with lot of fillets of 1000r and many straight and 30 deg angled path.

2)now the product that is travlling on this path(conveyor) is connected at two points

3)now using the block and measure commond i was able to see the various positions of the product at a pitch of 500 mmm

4)problem-since the product is conected at two points and the block commond takes the refference of single center point,the other connecting point goes out of the path.

5)is there any commond any diffrent style to create a block where it would ask or 2 center points and not one.

ScreenHunter_03 Dec. 17 01.35.jpg


Perhaps if you split your block into two seperate blocks with their base points at the connection to the conveyor path (polyline). After using the measure command for the first block with the correct on center spacing, you can modify the conveyor path.


Copy the conveyor path a set distance away (an easy to remember number so it clears the rest of the drawing. Trim off the beginning end of the path so that the amount removed equals the spacing of the two objects in the original block. Use the measure command on the shortened path and insert the second block. Drag a selection window over all the newly created geometry, deselect the shortened path, and move them back to their original position.


Depending on the geometry of the conveyor path this method may work without duplicating/moving the path. If it is a closed loop, stretch the beginning base point an amount equal to the spacing between the two blocks. If it is just a polyline you can stretch the base point for the second set then stretch it back.


This drawing may illustrate my meaning.



just an intro of the problem each blue square has 2 connecting points one is red in colour and other is green ,,now using the block command i created a block of the above taking red dot as the reffrence point while making the block.now when use measure commond if u carefully see the pic although the blue box is making the motion the green dot is miss allined Ie its not on the magenta coloured line..pl help to give a commond or instruction by which i get both red and green dot of the blue block on the magenta coloured line.....



Actually, I don't think I did. I thought this was more in a section view where you were looking for vertical ribbings on the belt. My solution would get the red and green markers on the path, but not the rectangles. I think this may be a better situation for a LISP routine or VBA. And thats where I get out of my element.


Actually, scratch that. If we use the red marker as the insertion point of the block and add a rotation parameter in the block editor You could use the measure command to insert the blocks, then rotate the misbehaving ones to get the green dots back in line. Not the most elegant solution, but its simple. If you aren't comfortable with dynamic blocks, you can post your conveyor block I'll slap the rotation parameter on it so you can try it.


You can insert blocks along a polyline and rotate them so that two points align. I used a VBA to do it you calculate your new position then calculate the angle for the second intersection point this gives block rotation.


Here is the code


Sub draw_vehicle()
Dim CAR As String
Dim arcobj As AcadArc
Dim oPoly As AcadEntity
Dim blkobj As AcadEntity
Dim retVal As Variant
Dim snapPt As Variant
Dim oCoords As Variant
Dim blpnt1() As Variant
ReDim blpnt1(100)
Dim blpnt2() As Variant
ReDim blpnt2(100)
Dim vertPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt1(0 To 2) As Double
Dim Pt2(0 To 2) As Double
Dim newPt(0 To 2) As Double
Dim iCnt, w, x, y, z As Integer
Dim cRad, interval, blkangle As Double
Dim circObj As AcadCircle
Dim lineObj As AcadLine
On Error GoTo Something_Wrong
For Each Item In ThisDrawing.Blocks
If Item.Name = "holden" Then GoTo continue_on
Next Item
' exits out of program
GoTo Exit_out
w = 1
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity oPoly, snapPt, vbCr & "Select polyline :"
If oPoly.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then
oCoords = oPoly.Coordinates
Else: MsgBox "This object is not a polyline!"
Exit Sub
End If
interval = CDbl(InputBox("Enter interval:", , 1#))
If interval < 1 Then
interval = 1
End If
For iCnt = 0 To UBound(oCoords) - 2 Step 2
Pt1(0) = oCoords(iCnt): Pt1(1) = oCoords(iCnt + 1): Pt1(2) = 0#
newPt(0) = Pt1(0)
newPt(1) = Pt1(1)
newPt(2) = 0#
iCnt = iCnt + 2
Pt2(0) = oCoords(iCnt): Pt2(1) = oCoords(iCnt + 1): Pt2(2) = 0#
x = (Pt1(0) - Pt2(0)) / interval
y = (Pt1(1) - Pt2(1)) / interval
'reset back 2 values
iCnt = iCnt - 2
cRad = 2.8
startang = 4.712
endang = 1.57
For z = 1 To interval
vertPt(0) = newPt(0) - x
vertPt(1) = newPt(1) - y
vertPt(2) = 0#
'blpnt1(w) = vertPt
Set arcobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddArc(vertPt, cRad, endang, startang)
retval2 = arcobj.IntersectWith(oPoly, acExtendOtherEntity)
Set arcobj = Nothing
blkangle = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(retval2, vertPt)
Set blkobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(vertPt, CAR, 1#, 1#, 1#, blkangle)
Set blkobj = Nothing
w = w + 1
newPt(0) = newPt(0) - x
newPt(1) = newPt(1) - y
Next z
Next iCnt
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub


You need to change the block "holden" for yours its hard coded for the distance to be 2.8m (cRad = 2.8) ie your red and green dot

hi max thanks but the dwg would not open


For posting, I always save in AutoCAD vs. 2000.

Not everyone has '09 or '07 for that matter.


Perhaps Maxwell could save as a *.dwg vs. 2000 and repost. :)


guys do u want me to attach the front view of the above dwg so that u could give me a better comment on it


yes friends now i am in a better position to ask my question

1)the older component passing on the conveyor was of 250 by 250

at this time there was less problem of fouling

2)but know i wanted to introduce comp of 450 length ,as u can see the third pic the tail of the component is moving so much out sde the conveyor line ,that it attemts to foule with all the machine panels in ble colour

3)presently i did the same as max guided drawing circle taking exact matching point on conveyor,placing both red and green dots on conveyor,but this is a very lengthi method,is there any other method where both red and green dots move on the conveyorline at the same time.

4)is there any other comand in cad 2d by wich i can actually give this componet motion,so that i get the actuall behaviour of motion of the component


guid me pls




Atul, I have merged your three threads into this one. In the future, please do not cross post as this just causes confusion and makes it difficult to follow your progress towards a solution to your problem.


Basically this is the same problem as a vehicle tracking path. Autocad has no commands to do it, and there are specialist programs to do what you want to.


Lisp seems to be a good alternative, and already one has been posted.


hi eldon could u tell me where is it already posted.


I thought BIGAL's posting was a Lisp, but perhaps it wasn't after all :oops:


Personally, I would go for Measure, which is perfect along the straights, then adjust those blocks round the corners.

I thought BIGAL's posting was a Lisp, but perhaps it wasn't after all :oops:
his post is in VBA which probably needs a little more work in loading. Do we have an FAQ about running vba I wonder...



Just run a quick search, and i can't find one.

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