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How to show parent object of the field ?

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I am creating a Block with attribute "X" in which X is a field calling the attribute in my section mark block. Is there any mean to show where X is referencing?


I know there is a routine Showfieldlink.lsp which draws to the parent object. But the routine does not work with attribute.


Welcome to CADTutor .


Have a look at the following THREAD that should help you with what you are after and my program should work if your Operating System is 32 .


Good luck .

  Lee Mac said:
Thank you for the recommendation Tharwat :thumbsup:

My pleasure :)


Undoubtedly yours is really fantastic .


It works!!!


Thanks a lot!!


I have been search this for a couple of time. Thanks very much for your help !!

  Flora Wong said:
It works!!!


Thanks a lot!!


I have been search this for a couple of time. Thanks very much for your help !!


All credits go to Lee for the nice work and you 'll learn a lot from that program if you are interested in learning AutoLISP for sure .


Thanks for all of you for the reply and help~


I am learning LISP in my comapnay =]


I am trying the object field lsp.

I have a field in multileader but I could not locate its parent object ...>


Hi Lee. If you are reading this of course, I wonder if is possible to combine two of your own very good codes. The codes are fieldobject.lsp and fieldobjects.lsp


I like the idea of having the singular field object highlighted as in the fieldobject lisp as well as the full range of the field boxed as in the fieldobjects lisp.

I know that within the fieldobject lisp this line highlights the source of the field: -


(redraw en 3)


I tried inserting a line similar to this in the fieldobjects code but I couldn't get it to work.

I am not even sure if this is a feasible solution.


Not a big deal as I can use the codes one after the other, but I did wonder if it was as simple as inserting one line of code.

fieldobject.lspFetching info...

FieldObjects.lspFetching info...


Hi Manila,


Try changing lines 139-140 from:

                    (lambda ( a )
                       (vla-getboundingbox (vlax-ename->vla-object a) 'b 'c)


                    (lambda ( a )
                       (redraw a 3)
                       (vla-getboundingbox (vlax-ename->vla-object a) 'b 'c)




Hi Lee,


The amendment works perfectly for my particular needs. You made my day. :D


As always, sincere thanks for helping me.


Cheers. :beer:

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