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New for Inventor 2008 hit SPACEBAR to repeat last command.


Lots of drawings open, hold CTRL and tap TAB to cycle then.

  Lazer said:
Hit ENTER to repeat last command.


Ah! It's always the simplest ones that are the best. :)


Using the right-click bring the quad menu but by combining R-click with SHIFT CTRL and ALT you can access different menu


R-Click + ALT = Animation quad.

  • Coordinate
  • transform
  • set

R-Click + Shift = Snap option


R-Click + CTRL = similar to the defaul with Primitive Creation

R-Click +Shift +ALT = Reactor Menu

R-Click + CTRL +ALT = Rendering Menu


3Ds Max -- Quad Menu


Clicking the Title part (darker grey) in the quad menu ( right-Click) repeat the last action


If you used layer color in your drawing and want to distribute material fast


Use the select by Color Function

when selecting for propagate material.


edit > select by > color


or type in the listener ( the pink window in the bottom) without the quote


"Max select by color "


The cursor will change, then select an object , all object sharing the same wirecolor will be selected.


Shift + Q quick render 'useful if your screen is too small and you have to scroll the main toolbar everytime)


ALT + Q = Isolate selection . This i use a LOT


This is a very simple one


All my standard layers start with "_" eg. "_S-Slab-txt" this way all my

layers come first in the layer manager and the drop down list.

I know there are filters you can set, but this way I dont have to worry.

That is until some else starts doing this...:)

  • 2 weeks later...

In 3D AutoCAD:

If you select an object and then go into the orbit command it will orbit around that one object. When you end the command everything just goes back to normal.


I don't use this that often but it's kind of cool and comes in handy sometimes.


Nice one CADgirl!

This is especially usefull when working on assemblies with a lot of components. Select one or a few objects before to start the 3DORBIT command and AutoCAD will hide the other ones during the orbit. It helps to see better the hidden parts.

Also there is a command called 3DORBITCTR. It provides the same functionality as the "regular" 3DORBIT but in adition you specify the center of the rotation.


Maybe as a reminder to most, AutoCAD does not allow the following characters to be used in layer names;

> (greater than)

/ (forward slash)

\ (back slash)

" (double quotation mark)

: (colon)

? (question mark)

* (asterisk)

| (vertical bar)

, (comma)

+ (plus sign)

` (single quotation mark)



Burst is used to Explodes blocks, converting attribute values to text objects.

More over this command will not explode the polylines to lines, mtext to text.

This command will not damage any objects even if you select by ALL.


I don't know if I was the only one who didn't know this, probably, but I was pretty excited when I figured this out-

Whenever I'm using MText and I want to end the command I always hit enter but it just moves to the next line. But I figured out that if you hit Ctrl + Enter it ends the command.

  CADgirl said:
I don't know if I was the only one who didn't know this, probably, but I was pretty excited when I figured this out-

Whenever I'm using MText and I want to end the command I always hit enter but it just moves to the next line. But I figured out that if you hit Ctrl + Enter it ends the command.


Or use TAB to go to the next button which happens to be the enter button.


Ya, I don't know why I didn't figure any of this out sooner! I guess it was too easy.




Tip: Read what is written in the command line.


In Inventor, use Volt or Design assistant when making a copy of large assembly, you will have options allowing you to control what will be updated and what will say the same.


AutoCAD: Salvage a corrupted drawing.


So, you opened a drawing only to find it has been corrupted. You've tried Recover but to no avail. Now what?


As a last rsort, open a new drawing and then insert the corrupted drawing into the new one. The insertion will only bring in the main components of the corrupted drawing. Note that this trick does not bring in paper space objects. Hey, I didn't promise a miracle but it sure beats losing the drawing altogether now, doesn't it?

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