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HI all


I am new to 3d Autocad and I'm having difficulty with a feature. I am wanting to draw threaded holes in a solid which I have managed to achieve but when I use the Drawing views feature I get the full threaded detail (which looks great but becomes a black blob when viewed aat a small scale). What I actually want is the 2d representation of a threaded hole. I found the setting dialogue box as in the screen shot but it hasn't helped me.






My guess is that I am drawing the hole wrong in the first place and I need to draw it in a certain way so that the auto-created drawing views and sections represents my hole correctly.


Can anyone please help this 3D novice?




It seems odd that you would go through all the trouble of creating a 3D threaded hole but want it to appear as a simplified 2D representation. Eliminate the threads.


@ Wilsy, As far as I know, there's really no way to get around it other than perhaps using a solid hatch/wipeout in the Drawing View(s) to cover up the unwanted linework in the Views where you don't want/need all the thread detail.


I'm creating the threaded hole completely as I don't know of any other way to represent them in 3D modelling. I do actually want to simplify things.


If I was drawing them in 2d then I would just use the two dimensional representation I was taught back in the days of pencil and paper. I don't know how to draw a threaded hole in 3d without giving the full detail.


My problem is that when I use the automated drawing views these holes appear as just black blobs when viewed at small scale or at the very least looks very busy. I want to draw a hole in a 3d solid so that when viewed in the automated drawing views it gives me the standard 2d representation.



Hope this helpsUntitled-2.jpg


3Dto2D threaded hole.JPG

A quickie. Would this representation work for you? Model is 3D; 2D view created using BaseView.

If you don't want the detail then leave it off; just create a hole.


What's so hard to grasp about wanting to show different levels of detail at different scales?





Since all you are looking to do is represent a tapped hole in simple form try this:



Create the solid cylinder for the minor dia. with the drill point cone unioned, then create the major dia. cylinder - do not union. Place your "tapped holes" as needed and do not subtract anything. When you create your views they should appear as you like. If you wanted to you could get fancy and add chamfers as needed.

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