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I am trying to export a technical section from cad to illustrator. the drawing has concrete hatching and insulation using batting line type. When I open in Illustrator the hatching is transparent and the insulation comes out as a single line. I tried changing line weights but still not working. did anyone come across this before?


The batting uses a custom linetype. I assume that illustrator can't read it?


Maybe you could plot to PDF and import it into illustrator?


I tried saving as pdf but the problem is that it doesn't maintain the layers and it explodes everything to tiny lines that I can't easily select


See if your copy of illustrator can open the native .dwg file. You might have to save down to an older format.


Duh just saw you tried this. Let me get back to you.



I am trying to export a technical section from cad to illustrator. the drawing has concrete hatching and insulation using batting line type. When I open in Illustrator the hatching is transparent and the insulation comes out as a single line. I tried changing line weights but still not working. did anyone come across this before?


I did the test and the hatch comes out on the layer it was drawn on.

Unfortunately i do not have AI to open it with a did manage to open it with a compatible one and it seems all there.


Had to go back in time and remembered that before to be able to do psout i had to set filedia and cmddia to zero then psout.


Did you use the same method?

Keep us posted


If you could post enough of the file that has this problem, I will take a look at it.


Well I imagine that a hatch pattern in AutoCAD would come into Illustrator as transparent. The hatch patterns are vector items. There would be no fill associated with it unless the hatch pattern was stacked on top of another hatch with a solid fill.

Just tried a test and I used a concrete hatch for a footing and it came in grouped together (the hatch pattern) and transparent. Now I am using Illustrator CS5 and I had to save the dwg down to release 2007 before Illustrator could open it. A simple fix, depending on the number of items, is to put a white fill behind the pattern and then regroup the items.




Than you all for your replies. I ended up exporting the file as dwg then printing the hatching and insulation as separate pdfs then layered them ontop of the section in Illustrator. This is not the best nor fastest solution but it did the trick! Here's a link to the file if anyone can find a better fix for future reference:





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