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how do draw two Parallel lines with enterd distance by user?

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hi dear all

:(i want draw two line be parallel like mline command but with Specified distance, for draw two horizontial lines i write correspond code, but for this case i confused.

i know that should draw lines with angle=90 for case but I did not succeed.

please help me



Why don't you just use the OFFSET command? I think this is the easiest way.


I wanted to write another command other than offset ,As you mentioned, the offset is easily done.




i have another question , how i can of one point that i define it with getpoint command ,I draw the line determined by the length and angle???

for example : (setq p (getpoint)), i want from p point , draw line with 10cm length and 45 degress, how do this?




dear zaphod

you image sent, is normal method in autocad , my goal is write this command in autolisp?

friends please help me.




Their is heaps of stuff about draw two lines in one go just search here for "multi line" so many diferent combinations are available.


(defun dtr (a)
(* pi (/ a 180.0))

(setq dist (getdist "\enter distance"))
(setq ang (getreal "enter angle))
(setq ang (dtr ang))
(setq pt2 (polar pt1 ang dist))

  hamidciv said:
I want draw two line be parallel like mline command but with specified distance


As an alternative, you could configure your MLine style such that the MLine elements are 1 unit apart, and then use the 'Scale' option of the MLine command to control the distance between the lines - the MLine could be subsequently exploded (or use this) if lines/polylines are required. This way, you would still have the dynamic visual preview offered by the MLine command.


hi dear lee mac

thanks a lot for help me, You're really master.

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