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Hello All,

I am trying to find a way to monitor when and what a specific user's impact was on a drawing for roughly a two week period. Anyone know how? The office is on a network, so the user would have a specific portal. Many years ago I remember knowing a CAD instructor that used a command that would show when a file was opened and what commands where used, am I making that up or is its something that really exists?


Thanks so much,




There is not much you can get if you are trying to get information of something that already occurred.


My guess is that it is entirely possible if you know ahead of time that you want to track that information.


For future reference look at the function of the log file. Maybe it could be of some use to you.


Take a look at CADTempo; methinks it will meet, or exceed many of your requirements. :thumbsup:






Does CADTempo give the user detailed information about what commands were used during a drawing session?


What about adding a "LastSavedBy" FIELD to each file? Say maybe to your Titleblock Xref? It won't give you a command history but it will lead you to whoever worked on the drawing last.


Thanks so much for the responses! CADTempo seems like an interesting thing. It seems like because we are talking about monitoring after the fact I'm pretty much out of luck. Good to know and thanks again!


Shebadiah, I am the author of CadTempo and thought I would contribute.



Robdraw is correct, you likely will not be able to go back and find the information before putting something in place. If you decide to try CadTempo the 30 day trial period should give you a good idea of users impact.



BlackBox, thanks for the plug. I need to get off my rear end and update some of my screen shots. :)



Remark, CadTempo does not have command tracking.



Since this is an AutoCAD forum if you have any questions about CadTempo please contact me by email from the links on the website.


Isuppose if all the OP wants to really know is when someone worked on a drawing and for how long then CadTempo would appear to be just what he is looking for.


BlackBox, thanks for the plug. I need to get off my rear end and update some of my screen shots. :)


No worries; As you well know, I only mention your product where I feel it would be useful. :beer:




Remark, CadTempo does not have command tracking.


Given the consistency of the .LOG, were it to be saved, and the user to not disable Command Line output, I wonder if it might be worth exploring .LOG comparator functionality for context... This, from here to here in the .LOG, was done during this timeframe, when this user was in drawing X.dwg (if that makes sense?). I should think, some schnazzy code-behind could real-time sync the source .LOG data (if not echo the MdiActiveDrawing.Editor itself through a Binding Layer?), from which the source syntax could be manipulated into a more 'readable' format, as I've tried to describe here.


... My $0.02

Isuppose if all the OP wants to really know is when someone worked on a drawing and for how long then CadTempo would appear to be just what he is looking for.




Well it does a whole lot more than just that, but you've got the gist of it.





I have an acquaintance that created an app to record command history and provide reports and such. It was met with very little interest and no longer available. I've not had much in the way of requests to add that type of functionality.


I have an acquaintance that created an app to record command history and provide reports and such. It was met with very little interest and no longer available. I've not had much in the way of requests to add that type of functionality.


No worries; I'm always happy to not help. :beer:

No worries; I'm always happy to not help. :beer:




And you do a d*mn fine job of it. ;)

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