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Posted (edited)

Hi Autocad Experts,


I am new to Autocad customization using VB.net.


We have a requirement to draw a horizontal line from a given co-ordinate to the point where it intersects with any other line. It's perhaps already discussed in the forum, but since I am new to vb.net, I am not able to put things together.


Appreciate any help I can get from this forum. Looking forward to replies.

Edited by vinayds
spelling mistake

Welcome to CADTutor.


Perhaps you can share a bit about your environment, and proficiencies that might help us to help you?


What versions are you developing for, what IDE you're using, are you using .NET Wizard or custom template, how are you distributing your app, are just a few questions.


Also, please post your code... It doesn't have to be working, or even well written; just something that shows you've put in the initial effort, and precludes another from having to code it all from scratch (which saves us time to help you).




Some theory to help, pick pt, enter bearing, pick pt as limit of search, using this "new" line you can get all crossing objects, calculate the intersection point for each and compare so you get say the closest pt or longest. Like Blackbox post code.

Posted (edited)



The version I am developing for is Autocad 2012. And IDE I use is Visual Studio 2012. I intend to use command method of execution for now. I have taken snippets of code from this very forum and made some minor changes to see how it works. Below is the code: This does some things more than what I actually need. My requirement is very simple. 1. User will provide a co-ordinate, 2. Should draw (ONLY) a horizontal line from the given co-ordinate until this horizontal line meets another line or object. I am pretty new to this and hence need your support in getting this worked out. Thanks.


Imports System.Collections.Generic

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Public Class Class1

   <CommandMethod("pts")> _

   Public Sub pts()

       Dim lineCmd As Editor = 

       Dim acadBaza As Database = lineCmd.Document.Database

       Dim trans As Transaction = 

       Dim opPoint As PromptPointOptions = New PromptPointOptions("Click on 
a Co-ordinate :")

       Dim rePoint As PromptPointResult = lineCmd.GetPoint(opPoint)

       Dim crvDict As Dictionary(Of Double, Line) = New Dictionary(Of 
Double, Line)()

       ' confstruction of filter

       Dim typeValue() As TypedValue = {New TypedValue(0, "line")}

       Dim selFilter As SelectionFilter = New SelectionFilter(typeValue)

       Dim selectResult As PromptSelectionResult = 

       If rePoint.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then

           Dim rePoint2 As Point3d = New Point3d(rePoint.Value.X + 10, 
rePoint.Value.Y, 0)

           Dim prosta As Ray = New Ray()

           Dim tmpPt As Point3d

           prosta.BasePoint = rePoint.Value

           prosta.SecondPoint = rePoint2


               Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = 
trans.GetObject(acadBaza.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite)


               trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(prosta, True)

               If selectResult.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then

                   Dim ss As SelectionSet = selectResult.Value

                   Dim idTab() As ObjectId = ss.GetObjectIds()

                   Dim ra As Ray = CType(trans.GetObject(prosta.Id, 
OpenMode.ForRead), Ray)

                   Dim ptc As Point3dCollection = New 

                   Dim intthis As Integer

                   Dim intThat As Integer

                   Dim objId As ObjectId

                   Dim x As Double

                   For Each objId In idTab

                       Dim tempptc As Point3dCollection = New 

                       Dim ln As Line = CType(trans.GetObject(objId, 
OpenMode.ForRead), Line)

                       ln.IntersectWith(ra, Intersect.OnBothOperands, 
ln.GetPlane(), tempptc, intthis, intThat)

                       If tempptc.Count > 0 Then


                           For Each pt As Point3d In tempptc

                               x = Math.Round(pt.X, 6)

                               crvDict.Add(x, ln) 'add line to dictionary 
with X coordinate as Key



                       End If



                   If crvDict.Count > 0 Then

                       Dim pts As Point3d

                       tmpPt = ptc.Item(0)

                       Dim i As Integer

                       If ptc.Count > 1 Then

                           For i = 0 To ptc.Count - 1

                               pts = ptc(i)

                               If pts.X < tmpPt.X Then

                                   tmpPt = pts

                               End If


                       End If


                       Dim s As String() = Regex.Split(tmpPt.ToString, 

                       Dim value1 As Double

                       Dim value2 As Double

                       Double.TryParse(s(0).Substring(1), value1)

                       Double.TryParse(s(1), value2)

                       Dim rePoint3 As Point3d = New Point3d(value1, value2, 

                       Dim prosta1 As Line = New Line()

                       prosta1.StartPoint = rePoint.Value

                       prosta1.EndPoint = rePoint3


                       trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(prosta1, True)





                       crvDict(Math.Round(tmpPt.X, 6)).Highlight() 'Retrieve 
line based on X coordinate Key equal to tmpPt.X

                       lineCmd.WriteMessage(" ObjectId: " & 
crvDict(Math.Round(tmpPt.X, 6)).ObjectId.ToString())


                       lineCmd.WriteMessage("No intersections")

                   End If

               End If

           Catch ex As Exception

               lineCmd.WriteMessage("There is a problem" + ex.Message)




           End Try

       End If

   End Sub

End Class






Edited by vinayds
added code hashtag
Posted (edited)

Hi there,


I tried a set of code which seems to work to a certain extent. But, the horizontal line does not seem to stop at the first intersection. Also, there is a limitation that it only identifies another line for intersection point and not a curve or any other plane. Please help!



Imports System.Collections.Generic

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop

Public Class Class1

   <CommandMethod("dwl")> _

   Public Sub pts()

       Dim lineCmd As Editor = 

       Dim acadBaza As Database = lineCmd.Document.Database

       Dim opPoint As PromptPointOptions = New PromptPointOptions("Click on 
a Co-ordinate :")

       Dim rePoint As PromptPointResult = lineCmd.GetPoint(opPoint)

       Dim typeValue() As TypedValue = {New TypedValue(0, "line")}

       Dim selFilter As SelectionFilter = New SelectionFilter(typeValue)

       Dim selectResult As PromptSelectionResult = 

       If rePoint.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then

           Using trans As Transaction = 


                   Dim prosta As Line = New Line(New 
Point3d(rePoint.Value.X, rePoint.Value.Y, 0), New Point3d(rePoint.Value.X * 100, 
rePoint.Value.Y, 0))


                   Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = 
trans.GetObject(acadBaza.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite)


                   trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(prosta, True)

                   Dim ra As Line = CType(trans.GetObject(prosta.Id, 
OpenMode.ForWrite), Line)

                   If selectResult.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then

                       Dim ss As SelectionSet = selectResult.Value

                       Dim idTab() As ObjectId = ss.GetObjectIds()

                       Dim objId As ObjectId

                       Dim x As Double

                       Dim dl As Boolean = True

                       For Each objId In idTab

                           Dim tempptc As Point3dCollection = New 

                           Dim ln As Line = CType(trans.GetObject(objId, 
OpenMode.ForRead), Line)

                           ln.IntersectWith(ra, Intersect.OnBothOperands, 
ln.GetPlane(), tempptc, 0, 0)

                           If tempptc.Count > 0 And dl Then

                               For Each pt As Point3d In tempptc

                                   x = Math.Round(pt.X, 6)

                                   MsgBox("Second point" & x.ToString 
& ":", MsgBoxStyle.Information)

                                   Dim prosta2 As Line = New Line(New 
Point3d(rePoint.Value.X, rePoint.Value.Y, 0), New Point3d(x, rePoint.Value.Y, 



                                   dl = False

                                   Exit For


                           End If


                   End If



               Catch ex As Exception

                   lineCmd.WriteMessage("Error:" + ex.Message)




               End Try

           End Using

       End If

   End Sub

End Class








Edited by vinayds
added code hashtag

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