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The video of revit nightmare

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This is a video where I have made a Structural framing family and made new parameter called "Offsets". The idea is that using elevation offset wich is built in, user can offset the central axis of wooden beam, but using "Offsets" parameter user can offset the whole section from its central axis that sometimes is much better using elevation function. The video shows how good the framing works in the family editor and how partly it works, lets say DONT WORK, in the project! I have dealed with shuch problems in "8. ..." versions of Revit, now I have 2009 and it seems things just don't change!


See the video: http://www.revitcity.com/forum_files/49583_capture-1.rar


I attached family file, so if there are any ideas how to achieve that corss section can be offseted without using Elevation offset, is possible to try. As far as I have noticed, then the family type doesn't matter.



Which version u have? I made it in 2009 version of Revit!


I have an 08 copy of Revit on another pc im not very familair with revit what so ever, so be gentle lol


It's cool! :)

Have you tried to make a families?

You can make your own in your version. I don't think that version matters here!?


The idea is when modeling frame systems or beams, when coarse view is selected so the line (representing the bar) ends would end where the next line starts or at least the rays of these lines would cross, so you could export these lines to CAD, extend the ends so all ends would end in the same point in specific joints, and then you could export these lines to software, that calculates the bar stresses.. But when modeling construction you would like to see, that one beam supports the upper one, this is why you need new parameter, that offsets the upper beam upwards, but in same time you need, that the axis would not change their positions. Got an idea?


Just to let Revit fans now, i finally found, that if you need in coarse view that center lines would end in one point for different bars, but the sections would be offseted, then set the "Stick symbol location" to "Location Line".


The problem why in family editor offsetting the section with self made parameter works but when loaded in project doesn't work, isn't solved for now..

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