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So I have a lisp program that draws some attributes. I want to be able to write a lisp program that will change the value of the selected attributes and I want the CCTNUMBERS to be in chronological order. I want the lisp to be able to take the smallest number and puts it in on the attribute that is to the most left of the selected window and the largest number to be on the right. Any ideas on how I can write this lisp? I don't even know how to be able to grab the respective attribute information let alone change it. Help please.


This is what I have:



This is what I want:



These are a couple of Lee Mac's lisp programs that might be helpful for me but I have no idea how this will help in my situation plus I don't have much understanding of the code he wrote:


;; Set Attribute Values  -  Lee Mac
;; Sets attributes with tags found in the association list to their associated values.
;; blk - [vla] VLA Block Reference Object
;; lst - [lst] Association list of ((<tag> . <value>) ... )
;; Returns: nil

(defun LM:vl-setattributevalues ( blk lst / itm )
   (foreach att (vlax-invoke blk 'getattributes)
       (if (setq itm (assoc (vla-get-tagstring att) lst))
           (vla-put-textstring att (cdr itm))


;; Get Attributes  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns an association list of attributes present in the supplied block.
;; blk - [vla] VLA Block Reference Object
;; Returns: [lst] Association list of ((<Tag> . <Value>) ... )

(defun LM:vl-getattributes ( blk )
   (mapcar '(lambda ( att ) (cons (vla-get-tagstring att) (vla-get-textstring att)))
       (vlax-invoke blk 'getattributes)

Acknowledgements to Lee Mac.

Posted (edited)

Modified Code

(Defun c:demo (/	alphanum data ss i sym Lwn Lwnv	pref data)
;;;		Demo for Lee Chu Chu by pBe		;;;
;;;		31July2014				;;;
 (defun alphanum (fun str)
     (fun '(lambda (v)
      (<= 48 v 57)
 (if (setq data nil
    ss	 (ssget "_:L" '((2 . "Block1,Block2,Block3")))
     (initget 1 "LTR TTB")
     (setq opt
     (getkword "\nChoose option [Left to Right/Top to Bottom]: ")

     (repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
(setq data
       (cons (vl-some
	       '(lambda	(at)
		  (if (eq "TAGName" (vla-get-tagstring at))
				;<-- the target tagstring
			(alphanum vl-remove-if-not
				  (vla-get-textstring at)
		      (vla-get-textstring at)
		      (vlax-get at 'Insertionpoint)
		   (ssname ss (setq i (1- i)))
  sym (if (eq opt "LTR")
	(lambda (a b) (< (caaddr a) (caaddr b)))
	(lambda (a b) (> (cadr (caddr a)) (cadr (caddr b))))
(setq data (vl-sort data 'sym))
(setq Lwn (apply 'min (mapcar 'car data)))
(setq Lwnv
	 ((getint (strcat "\nLowest number is "
			  (itoa Lwn)
			  " ,Enter to accept/Type new Value: "
(setq pref
       (alphanum vl-remove-if (cadr (assoc Lwn data)))
(setq data (mapcar 'cdr data)
(mapcar	'(lambda (c)
	     (last c)
	     (strcat pref (itoa Lwnv))
	   (setq Lwnv (1+ Lwnv))

Edited by pBe
Posted (edited)

In the commandline when it tells me to select objects, no matter what objects I select, even the block reference, it keeps telling me that 0 objects have been selected. So there is a slight bug there. Also, could someone leave more comments in the above code for me so that I can understand more fundamentally what is going on in the code? Also, looking at Lee Mac's code, I don't understand by the "LM:" syntax.

Edited by Lee Chu Chu

LM: Lee has created a Lisp Defun this is a group of code in a programing sense a FUNCTION you can have multiple functions in a program where repeat steps are required using the same code repeatedly, the other reason for using a defun is to wrap the variables locally into the function and not become global variables which may be seen by other functions as a variable to use.


Me my defun's AH:defun1 this helps identify who wrote it


Also if you use C:mydefun you can type mydefun on the keyboard to run it.

  Lee Chu Chu said:
In the commandline when it tells me to select objects, no matter what objects I select, even the block reference, it keeps telling me that 0 objects have been selected. So there is a slight bug there.


If you are referring to the code at post #3, Its not really a bug Lee Chu chu, it just not seeing the block i specified on the code "BlockName", YOU need to change that to your attribute block name to make it work, we can however remove the name altogether if needed to make the code more generic. Also notice that its targeting a specific TAG name "CCTNUMBERS", i'm not even sure about that as well.


  Lee Chu Chu said:
...Also, could someone leave more comments in the above code for me so that I can understand more fundamentally what is going on in the code?


Tell you what, post a sample drawing file [where i can test the code] , then i'll revised the code and throw in some comments for you.


Oh ok. I understand now that I have to change that around. Sorry I just don't have much understanding of the code and plus I kinda wanted to edit the code you supplied to suit my needs so thats why I asked you to leave some comments for me. It works now when I put in the one attribute name however, is it possible to select more than one type of attribute. eg, I want to be able to select all 4 of these attributes. "CIRCLE1" "CIRCLE2" "CIRCLE3" "CIRCLE4". Also I noticed that when it tries to reorder the numbers around, if the number was missing in within the selection ie, numbers jump around from 2,5,4,6., it isnt able to put in the missing 3 but instead just rearranges those in order (output: 2,4,5,6. expected output:2,3,4,5).

  Lee Chu Chu said:
It works now when I put in the one attribute name however, is it possible to select more than one type of attribute. eg, I want to be able to select all 4 of these attributes. "CIRCLE1" "CIRCLE2" "CIRCLE3" "CIRCLE4"


Are those block names oR TAG names?


  Lee Chu Chu said:
Also I noticed that when it tries to reorder the numbers around, if the number was missing in within the selection ie, numbers jump around from 2,5,4,6., it isnt able to put in the missing 3 but instead just rearranges those in order (output: 2,4,5,6. expected output:2,3,4,5).


So you're basically saying find the lowest number and change the rest to follow that value? if you select a block with P5 P2 P3 P6, the desired result is P2 P3 P4 P5 ?

  pBe said:
Tell you what, post a sample drawing file [where i can test the code] , then i'll revised the code and throw in some comments for you.

Is it possible if I could send you a sample .dwg file via a private message?

  pBe said:
Are those block names oR TAG names?




So you're basically saying find the lowest number and change the rest to follow that value? if you select a block with P5 P2 P3 P6, the desired result is P2 P3 P4 P5 ?


I think they are BLOCK NAMES. And yes, I think its better if it picks out the lowest number and change the rest to make it ordered.

  Lee Chu Chu said:
I think they are BLOCK NAMES. And yes, I think its better if it picks out the lowest number and change the rest to make it ordered.


That can be arrange Lee Chu Chu.

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