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Inventor 2015 measure angle (want complementary)

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In both part and assembly files in Inventor 2015 Update 1, whenever I use the measure angle tool between planes or lines I get the "large" angular dimension whereas 95% of the time I am looking for the complementary "small" angular dimension. I have tried every possible combination in terms of face selection pick order and top/bottom surfaces of objects but can't get it to work. What is most frustrating is that every once in a while I will get the "small" angular dimension, but I can't rhyme or reason why it would have displayed that time. Is there some setting somewhere I am missing? Thanks for the help.


You can get the complementary angle when measuring the angle between a plane & and a plane, plane and surface, or a plane and edge. It depends on which end you pick towards. A plane passes through and extends beyond all geometry, so it is possible to measure both the acute and obtuse angles. But when measuring between surfaces & edges of a solid, the angle is either acute or obtuse, but not both. I believe that is the reason the software will not allow you to get the complimentary angle when measuring. If you really feel the need for this kind of measuring option, I suggest you submit it to the Augi Wish List. If it cuts the mustard, you'll be in the Augi Hall of Fame!


Thanks ecshclark, I signed up for AUGI and posted this issue there. I realized I didn't word my question correctly though. I'm actually trying to measure what is the bend angle on a sheet metal part while in model space. On the flat pattern in an IDW Inventor correctly displays the bend angle, but in the model it shows the complementary angle. It isn't always the obtuse one as you can see in my two screen shots below. Sounds like this is something that can't be done at this time. But hey!, at least we got shiny new ribbons and buttons in the GUI!!!


Angle Dimension 1.JPG


Angle Dimension 2.jpg

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