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Hi All,


I hope this is the right approach to my problem - I have searched the forum (and the net) a few times but am yet to find a solution.


First and foremost - I am using AutoCad 2014 on a Macintosh...what I would't do for laydel...


I work within the Entertainment Sector for a promoter. We regularly receive plans from external sources, many of which are in pretty poor shape. I am required to strip these down but find this very difficult when there are many blocks within the drawing with their layers not set to 0. e.g I am currently stripping down a venue plan, with over 60 blocks, all with different layers. I cant delete the unnecessary layers without changing the layers within the blocks. This is VERY tedious manually.


I am hoping someone can help me with a lisp routine to do this automatically. I have been following a thread:




but am unable to get the lisps offered to work (though the one by kpblc seemed to get the closest) and am wondering if this is because I am using Mac? My understanding is that Mac has issues running anything other than AutoLISP?


Any help would be appreciated. The thought of doing this manually again is just a little overwhelming and its an issue I am going to continue facing.


Cheers, David


Hi David,


I do remember an old routine, if I'm not mistaken, fixblock.lsp by Owen Wengerd, only in AUTOLISP.

Try doing a search for fixblock...





Hi Guys,


I feel like such a dope! I tried the Fixblock lisp a few days ago and couldn't get it to work. Today - no problems!


I also need to thank fuccaro for his code as well. This is going to save me hours. Wish I took the time to get it working 2 weeks ago!


Thank you again.

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