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  highflybird said:
I think can like this:


If that routine is yours , post the codes .

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Posted (edited)
  Tharwat said:
If that routine is yours , post the codes .


Sorry ,Tharwat, No offense.

It's not mine, just a little suggestion.


I find the source code at here:



(defun C:w1 (/ CMD1 FIL OSM1 P1 P2 SS)
 (defun *error* (msg)
   (if        *DOC*
     (_EndUndo *DOC*)                                            
   (while (not (equal (getvar "cmdnames") "")) (command nil))
   (cond (cmd1 (setvar "cmdecho" cmd1)))
   (princ "\n err!")
 (setq        fil '((-4 . "<or")
             (-4 . "<and")
             (0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
             (90 . 2)
             (-4 . "and>")
             (0 . "LINE")
             (-4 . "or>")
      (setq p1 (getpoint))
      (setq p2 (getpoint p1))
      (setq ss (ssget "_C" p1 p2 fil))
      (> (sslength ss) 1)
    (or *DOC*
        (setq *DOC* (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
    (_StartUndo *DOC*)
    (HH:ayOSMode nil)
    (setq cmd1 (getvar "cmdecho"))
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (VL-CATCH-ALL-APPLY 'HH::pmDo (list p1 p2 ss))
    (setvar "cmdecho" cmd1)
    (HH:ayOSMode T)
    (_EndUndo *DOC*)

;;;(command "_.undo" "be")
(defun _StartUndo (*DOC*)
 (_EndUndo *DOC*)
 (vla-StartUndoMark *DOC*)
;;;(if (= 8 (logand (getvar "undoctl") ) (command "_.undo" "_e"))
(defun _EndUndo        (*DOC*)
 (if (= 8 (logand 8 (getvar 'UNDOCTL)))
   (vla-EndUndoMark *DOC*)
(defun HH::pmDo        (p1 p2 ss / ANG DIST E E1 E2 EP EP1 EP2 LENT1 LENT2 LST N SP SP1 SP2)
 (repeat (setq n (sslength ss))
   (setq e (ssname ss (setq n (1- n))))
   (setq sp (vlax-curve-getStartPoint e))
   (setq Ep (vlax-curve-getEndPoint e))
   (setq dist (car (trans (mapcar '- p1 sp) 0 (mapcar '- Ep sp))))
   (setq lst (cons (list (abs dist) e) lst))
   (setq lst (HH:ssPts:Sort lst "x" 0.1))                   
 (setq e1 (cadar lst))
 (setq e2 (cadr (last lst)))
 (setq ang (angle p1 p2))
 (setq dist (* (distance p1 p2) 0.25))
 (setq sp1 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint e1))
 (setq Ep1 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint e1))
 (setq sp2 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint e2))
 (setq Ep2 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint e2))
 (setq sp (polar p1 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
 (setq Ep (polar p2 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
 (HH::pmDo2P (inters sp1 Ep1 sp Ep T) (inters sp2 Ep2 sp Ep T) ang)
 (setq Lent1 (entlast))
 (setq ang (+ ang pi))
 (setq sp (polar p1 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
 (setq Ep (polar p2 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
 (HH::pmDo2P (inters sp2 Ep2 sp Ep T) (inters sp1 Ep1 sp Ep T) ang)
 (setq Lent2 (entlast))
 (command "_.trim" Lent1 Lent2  "" (list e1 (inters sp1 Ep1 p1 p2 T)) "")
 (command "_.trim" Lent1 Lent2 "" (list e2 (inters sp2 Ep2 p1 p2 T)) "")

(defun HH::pmDo2P (p1 p2 ang / AN DIST PT)
 (setq dist (distance p1 p2))
 (setq an (* 180 (/ ang pi)))
 (setq pt (polar p1 ang (* 0.5 dist)))
 (command "_.pline" p1 "a" "d" (+ an -45) pt p2 "d" (+ an 180 45) pt "")

Edited by highflybird
  highflybird said:
Sorry ,Tharwat, No offense.

It's not mine, just a little suggestion.


I find the source code at here:



(defun C:w1 (/ CMD1 FIL OSM1 P1 P2 SS)
(defun *error* (msg)
(if *DOC*
(_EndUndo *DOC*) 
(while (not (equal (getvar "cmdnames") "")) (command nil))
(cond (cmd1 (setvar "cmdecho" cmd1)))
(princ "\n err!")
(setq fil '((-4 . "<or")
(-4 . "<and")
(90 . 2)
(-4 . "and>")
(0 . "LINE")
(-4 . "or>")
(setq p1 (getpoint))
(setq p2 (getpoint p1))
(setq ss (ssget "_C" p1 p2 fil))
(> (sslength ss) 1)
(or *DOC*
(setq *DOC* (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(_StartUndo *DOC*)
(HH:ayOSMode nil)
(setq cmd1 (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(VL-CATCH-ALL-APPLY 'HH::pmDo (list p1 p2 ss))
(setvar "cmdecho" cmd1)
(HH:ayOSMode T)
(_EndUndo *DOC*)

;;;(command "_.undo" "be")
(defun _StartUndo (*DOC*)
(_EndUndo *DOC*)
(vla-StartUndoMark *DOC*)
;;;(if (= 8 (logand (getvar "undoctl") ) (command "_.undo" "_e"))
(defun _EndUndo (*DOC*)
(if (= 8 (logand 8 (getvar 'UNDOCTL)))
(vla-EndUndoMark *DOC*)
(defun HH::pmDo (p1 p2 ss / ANG DIST E E1 E2 EP EP1 EP2 LENT1 LENT2 LST N SP SP1 SP2)
(repeat (setq n (sslength ss))
(setq e (ssname ss (setq n (1- n))))
(setq sp (vlax-curve-getStartPoint e))
(setq Ep (vlax-curve-getEndPoint e))
(setq dist (car (trans (mapcar '- p1 sp) 0 (mapcar '- Ep sp))))
(setq lst (cons (list (abs dist) e) lst))
(setq lst (HH:ssPts:Sort lst "x" 0.1)) 
(setq e1 (cadar lst))
(setq e2 (cadr (last lst)))
(setq ang (angle p1 p2))
(setq dist (* (distance p1 p2) 0.25))
(setq sp1 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint e1))
(setq Ep1 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint e1))
(setq sp2 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint e2))
(setq Ep2 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint e2))
(setq sp (polar p1 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
(setq Ep (polar p2 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
(HH::pmDo2P (inters sp1 Ep1 sp Ep T) (inters sp2 Ep2 sp Ep T) ang)
(setq Lent1 (entlast))
(setq ang (+ ang pi))
(setq sp (polar p1 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
(setq Ep (polar p2 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
(HH::pmDo2P (inters sp2 Ep2 sp Ep T) (inters sp1 Ep1 sp Ep T) ang)
(setq Lent2 (entlast))
(command "_.trim" Lent1 Lent2 "" (list e1 (inters sp1 Ep1 p1 p2 T)) "")
(command "_.trim" Lent1 Lent2 "" (list e2 (inters sp2 Ep2 p1 p2 T)) "")

(defun HH::pmDo2P (p1 p2 ang / AN DIST PT)
(setq dist (distance p1 p2))
(setq an (* 180 (/ ang pi)))
(setq pt (polar p1 ang (* 0.5 dist)))
(command "_.pline" p1 "a" "d" (+ an -45) pt p2 "d" (+ an 180 45) pt "")


Anyone get this lisp to work in Acad 2008 or before version. I get no error, but not working either. Steve

Posted (edited)



There is some function missing from your code namely "HH:ssPts:Sort" and "HH:ayOSMode"


Also since you are filtering polylines to a length of 2, this would means that it needs to be

exploded. ???


I also doubt very much that this code ad the one shown on the animation are the same.



Edited by ymg3
Posted (edited)

Yes, the code is the same, but I had to modify it - to add missing subfunctions; to add POLYLINE option (ymg, yes I had to explode POLYLINE)...


Here is my version :


(defun C:w1 (/ *error* CMD1 FIL OSM1 P1 P2 SS SSS)
 (defun *error* (msg)
   (if *DOC*
     (_EndUndo *DOC*)                                            
   (while (not (equal (getvar "cmdnames") "")) (command nil))
   (if cmd1 (setvar "cmdecho" cmd1))
   (if msg (prompt msg))
 (setq fil '((-4 . "<or")
             (-4 . "<and")
             (0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
             (90 . 2)
             (-4 . "and>")
             (0 . "LINE")
             (-4 . "or>")
      (setq p1 (getpoint))
      (setq p2 (getpoint p1))
        (setq sss (ssget "_C" p1 p2 '((-4 . "<or") (-4 . "<and") (0 . "POLYLINE") (-4 . "<not") (-4 . "&=") (70 .  (-4 . "not>") (-4 . "and>") (-4 . "<and") (0 . "LWPOLYLINE") (-4 . "<not") (90 . 2) (-4 . "not>") (-4 . "and>") (-4 . "or>"))))
      (if sss
          (mapcar '(lambda (x)
                     (command "_.explode" x)
                     (while (> (getvar 'cmdactive) 0) (command ""))
                  (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex sss)))
      (setq ss (ssget "_C" p1 p2 fil))
      (> (sslength ss) 1)
    (or *DOC*
        (setq *DOC* (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
    (_StartUndo *DOC*)
    (HH:ayOSMode nil)
    (setq cmd1 (getvar "cmdecho"))
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (VL-CATCH-ALL-APPLY 'HH::pmDo (list p1 p2 ss))
    (setvar "cmdecho" cmd1)
    (HH:ayOSMode T)
    (_EndUndo *DOC*)

(defun _StartUndo (*DOC*)
 (_EndUndo *DOC*)
 (vla-StartUndoMark *DOC*)

(defun _EndUndo (*DOC*)
 (if (= 8 (logand 8 (getvar 'UNDOCTL)))
   (vla-EndUndoMark *DOC*)

(defun HH::pmDo (p1 p2 ss / ANG DIST E E1 E2 EP EP1 EP2 LENT1 LENT2 LST N SP SP1 SP2)
 (repeat (setq n (sslength ss))
   (setq e (ssname ss (setq n (1- n))))
   (setq sp (vlax-curve-getStartPoint e))
   (setq Ep (vlax-curve-getEndPoint e))
   (setq dist (car (trans (mapcar '- p1 sp) 0 (mapcar '- Ep sp))))
   (setq lst (cons (list (abs dist) e) lst))
   (setq lst (HH:ssPts:Sort lst car 0.1))                   
 (setq e1 (cadar lst))
 (setq e2 (cadr (last lst)))
 (setq ang (angle p1 p2))
 (setq dist (* (distance p1 p2) 0.25))
 (setq sp1 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint e1))
 (setq Ep1 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint e1))
 (setq sp2 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint e2))
 (setq Ep2 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint e2))
 (setq sp (polar p1 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
 (setq Ep (polar p2 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
 (HH::pmDo2P (inters sp1 Ep1 sp Ep T) (inters sp2 Ep2 sp Ep T) ang)
 (setq Lent1 (entlast))
 (setq ang (+ ang pi))
 (setq sp (polar p1 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
 (setq Ep (polar p2 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) dist))
 (HH::pmDo2P (inters sp2 Ep2 sp Ep T) (inters sp1 Ep1 sp Ep T) ang)
 (setq Lent2 (entlast))
 (command "_.trim" Lent1 Lent2  "" (list e1 (inters sp1 Ep1 p1 p2 T)) "")
 (command "_.trim" Lent1 Lent2 "" (list e2 (inters sp2 Ep2 p1 p2 T)) "")

(defun HH::pmDo2P (p1 p2 ang / AN DIST PT)
 (setq dist (distance p1 p2))
 (setq an (* 180 (/ ang pi)))
 (setq pt (polar p1 ang (* 0.5 dist)))
 (command "_.pline" p1 "a" "d" (- an 45) pt p2 "d" (+ an 225) pt "")

(defun HH:ayOSMode (f)
 (if (not f)
     (setq osm1 (getvar 'osmode))
     (setvar 'osmode 0)
   (if osm1 (setvar 'osmode osm1))

(defun HH:ssPts:Sort (lst fun fuzz)
 (vl-sort lst '(lambda (a b)
                   ((< (fun a) (fun b)))
                   ((equal (fun a) (fun b) fuzz))


Edited by marko_ribar



Good job!, but you are generous when you say the code is the same. :)



  ymg3 said:


There is some function missing from your code namely "HH:ssPts:Sort" and "HH:ayOSMode"


Also since you are filtering polylines to a length of 2, this would means that it needs to be

exploded. ???


I also doubt very much that this code ad the one shown on the animation are the same.




Sorry , The author published the code that's it.



I find the author before release function.


(defun HH:ayOSMode (isOpenSnap)
(if isOpenSnap
 (setvar "osmode" (rem (getvar "osmode") 703));
 (setvar "osmode" (+ (rem (getvar "osmode") 703) 703))


;;Marshalling start;(command "_.undo" "be")
(defun _StartUndo (*DOC*)
 (_EndUndo *DOC*)
 (vla-StartUndoMark *DOC*)
;;Marshalling end;(if (= 8 (logand (getvar "undoctl") ) (command "_.undo" "_e"))
(defun _EndUndo        (*DOC*)
 (if (= 8 (logand 8 (getvar 'UNDOCTL)))
   (vla-EndUndoMark *DOC*)


;;Sort function
(defun HH:ssPts:Sort (ssPts KEY FUZZ / E EN FUN LST N)
 (defun sortpts (PTS FUN xyz FUZZ)
   (vl-sort pts
            '(lambda (a b)
               (if (not (equal (xyz a) (xyz b) fuzz))
                 (fun (xyz a) (xyz b))
 (defun sortpts1 (PTS KEY FUZZ)
   (setq Key (vl-string->list Key))
   (foreach xyz (reverse Key)
     (cond ((< xyz 100)
            (setq fun >)
            (setq xyz (nth (- xyz 88) (list car cadr caddr)))
            (setq fun <)
            (setq xyz (nth (- xyz 120) (list car cadr caddr)))
     (setq Pts (sortpts Pts fun xyz fuzz))
   ((= (type ssPts) 'PICKSET)
    (repeat (setq n (sslength ssPts))
      (if (and        (setq e (ssname ssPts (setq n (1- n))))
               (setq en (entget e))
        (setq lst (cons (append (cdr (assoc 10 en)) (list e)) lst))
    (mapcar 'last (sortpts1 lst KEY FUZZ))
   ((Listp ssPts)
       ((vl-consp (car ssPts)) (sortpts1 ssPts KEY FUZZ))
       ((= (type (car ssPts)) 'ENAME)
        (foreach e ssPts
          (if (setq en (entget e))
            (setq lst (cons (append (cdr (assoc 10 en)) (list e)) lst))
        (mapcar 'last (sortpts1 lst KEY FUZZ))
        (cond ((equal key "X") (vl-sort ssPts '>))
              (T (vl-sort ssPts '<))

Posted (edited)

Hi, marko ,nice! we are so proud of you.


I think there is another situation. about tube break.



Edited by highflybird
Posted (edited)

Thanks marko_ribar & highflybird ,Thank you for your attention.Thank you for your help!

And Thanks Tharwat, You are the best.


If can break tube, It will be very perfect.

Edited by liuhaixin88

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