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Pick up three points, Drawing cylindrical break line , Forum has this code ?

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I don't know. Have you tried a search? I think the topic has come before but most likely different terminology was used. Try "pipe end".

  ReMark said:
I don't know. Have you tried a search? I think the topic has come before but most likely different terminology was used. Try "pipe end".


Thank you for your reply, Remark, I use search ,only find this:

It's not perfect !


;;;=================================================================*                                        *
;;;zml84  2010-03-18                                        *
(defun c:tt ()
 (if (and (setq pt1 (getpoint "\nPT1: "))
   (setq pt2 (getpoint pt1 "\nPT2: "))
     (tt-01 pt1 pt2)
     (if (setq pt3 (getpoint pt2 "\nPT3: "))
(tt-01 pt3
       (polar pt3 (angle pt2 pt1) (distance pt2 pt1))
   ) ;
;;;=================================================================*                            *
(defun tt-01 (pt1 pt2 / ang dist pt_tmp1)
 (setq ang  (angle pt1 pt2)
dist (distance pt1 pt2)
 (setq pt_tmp1 (polar pt1 ang (* 0.5 dist)))
 (command "_.pline"
   (+ (* 180 (/ ang pi)) -45)
   (+ (* 180 (/ ang pi)) 180 45)

Posted (edited)

Have a look at this old one of mine but it is a complied lisp file with .vlx extension and don't forget to add the slide images in the Support Folder .




Edited by Tharwat
Video added to post
  Tharwat said:
Have a look at this old one of mine but it is a complied lisp file with .vlx extension and don't forget to add the slide images in the Support Folder .




Thank you ,Tharwat, nice to see you again .


Download PDC.rar ? Can't unzip, file corruption.

  liuhaixin88 said:
Thank you ,Tharwat, nice to see you again .


Thanks :)


  liuhaixin88 said:

Download PDC.rar ? Can't unzip, file corruption.


It is not , do you have a win.rar compression program installed on your system ?

  Tharwat said:
Thanks :)




It is not , do you have a win.rar compression program installed on your system ?


Yes, I Have installed winRAR on my system.

Mybe my internet have fault.


Try this and it may help .


Right clock on the PDC.rar file and go to General tab and on the left down hand side there must be one button Unlock press it and Apply then Okay .


Then extract the folder to any destination you want and let me know .

  Tharwat said:
Try this and it may help .


Right clock on the PDC.rar file and go to General tab and on the left down hand side there must be one button Unlock press it and Apply then Okay .


Then extract the folder to any destination you want and let me know .


Sorry, my internet have fault ,when input that “Very difficult to identify the verification code”, Web page does not open properly.


And I see you Images at 4#,This is not what I need, you code is create Pipe End, I need break at middle.

  Tharwat said:
Try this and it may help .


Right clock on the PDC.rar file and go to General tab and on the left down hand side there must be one button Unlock press it and Apply then Okay .


Then extract the folder to any destination you want and let me know .


Finally the download is complete. but con't run.

two sld file and pdc.vlx in the Support Folder .(E:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\Support),appload "pdc.vlx" and run "pdc"


Always pop:

2014-4-23 0-01-37.jpg


As I have mentioned before you should add the Slide images and if you add the .vlx file , it is okay and up to you .

  Tharwat said:
As I have mentioned before you should add the Slide images and if you add the .vlx file , it is okay and up to you .


How to add the slide images? Round DisConnection.sld & Cut DisConnection.sld and PDC.VLX together in support folder.

  liuhaixin88 said:
How to add the slide images? Round DisConnection.sld & Cut DisConnection.sld and PDC.VLX together in support folder.

The .vlx file is not important but the slide images should be cut and paste in Support Folder and that is it ;)

  Tharwat said:
The .vlx file is not important but the slide images should be cut and paste in Support Folder and that is it ;)


Yes ,I am sure to do that, two sld file in support floder !but always pop error dialog.


It took me all of 30 seconds to find, download, extract, and move the three files, then start AutoCAD, appload the command and run it. Worked the first time out in AutoCAD 2010. You must have done something wrong. Are you sure the two slide files are in the right folder?

  ReMark said:
It took me all of 30 seconds to find, download, extract, and move the three files, then start AutoCAD, appload the command and run it. Worked the first time out in AutoCAD 2010. You must have done something wrong. Are you sure the two slide files are in the right folder?


Thank you for your test. I am sure to do that, two slide in "E:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\Support" , My cad Installation path "E:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\acad.exe"


This is my Support File Search Path:

2014-4-23 .jpg


After adding the two slide images go back to Autocad and copy and paste the following into your command line and let me know the outcome .


(findfile "Round DisConnection.sld")

Or this .


(findfile "Cut DisConnection.sld")

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