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Urgent request for 2D Chandelier

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has anyone got a block of a 2D 6 arm chandelier. I've used up my time searching for blocks and images to trace but have now ran out of time. (Can't really find the emoticon to represent how I feel) But I have 30 minutes to complete drawing.


You're looking for a plan view or elevation?


Use this as your search criteria: "chandelier block autocad" You are sure to find something that fits your needs.


Thanks ReMark. I had done the basics but not been able to find the right style of chandelier. Thanks anyway for your reply.


Plan view, elevation or both?


Style? Other than 6-arm what else were you looking for?


Sorry I had thought I'd replied with Elevation. Something Classical and crystal.


That is not crystal though. In the U.S. that would be considered "colonial" style.


I think you'll have to draw your own.


Last resort option: http://www.bibliocad.com/


You'll have to register first. You may also have to find/download a 3D version and use that instead.


I'm registered with bibliocad there's nothing on there. Sketchup is often useful to download a 3D and then export as a 2D dwg. Thanks. I'm having to send the work now with the wrong light.


You'll have to create your own "correct" version then: it's what you're getting paid for perhaps?


Not everything out there is an AutoCAD block (you can export/import from other formats if you found what you needs elsewhere).

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