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Phantom block attributes


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Hi Everyone,


I created two blocks with attributes which behave nicely until I try to do a data extraction. The data table results in "phantom" attribute values:shock:. I'll focus on one of the blocks because they are both acting the same when doing data extraction.


I'm annotating a 3D drawing in model space. I created a block with two attributes on layer 0 then erased the block after creating it. I then created a new layer for the attribute and placed 30 of them where I wanted. It looks like I messed up during creating the block in that the extracted table indicates one extra block (31) by listing its default values although there is no visible instance of it in the drawing (a phantom).


I've tried unsuccessfully to isolate this phantom block a number of ways, . I've set attdsp on, manipulated layers, used qselect (the phantom block doesn't show up in that), copied out parts of the drawing and tried using the purge command. headbanger%20new%20aug%202010%20%201.gif


The only limited success I have had is using the "find" command where I can make the attribute value visible by "zoom to the highlighted result" but of course it disappears the moment I close the dialog box. At least this has allowed me to pinpoint where the phantom value is located in the drawing but I can't figure out how to delete it. Btw, I have only the "block attribute value" box checked in the search options section of the dialog box.


As I mentioned, I think I messed up back when I first created the blocks. I've done everything I can think of short of starting the annotation process over. Any suggestions on how I might unravel this birds nest I've created would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for looking,


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Can you post the dwg, or make a copy delete anything sensitive, make sure the phantom is still there and then post that.

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Thanks so much for looking at this. I've included a jpg that shows where the phantom att val shows up in the find search. The dwg has a saved view and ucs for annotation. The phantom shows up on a plan view and wcs which was set when I created the block. Also, the "ignore hidden items" in Find search items needs to be unchecked for it to find a match. Matches show up with "s-strut", "f-fitting", or "00.00 IN." value.


In order to get the dwg file under 1mb I stripped out as much as I could. I removed the f-fitting blocks and layer but the block is still available. A "f-fitting" search still shows a match though.


Thanks again,




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I can find 2 blocks where you see them appear, the problem is they are annotative and only show up when either the scale is set to 1:1 in model space, or you select to show all objects at all scales which is the icon next to the scale selector. Hopefully that is the issue.


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And....viola! its fixed. Thanks for pointing the way!:thumbsup: After my long trek in the wilderness its a lesson I won't soon forget.:facepalm:


Thanks again,


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I am wondering if you could answer one more question I have regarding my annotation in this drawing. As I mentioned I set up a view in model space specifically for placing the blocks. When I change annotation scale the symbol and text no longer have the same center. At scale 1:2 everything lines up fine when I change scale the text and its symblol (circle or pentagon) end up separated from each other. Is there anything you can tell me as to where I've gone wrong in the creation or placement of the blocks. Is this related to trying to annotate a 3D object?


Thanks for your time.



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Sorry, I don't use annotative for anything, and that is the reason why, if you change the scale it changes position so you end up having to move it, someone else may know how to get it to behave, it could be worth you starting a new thread with that as the description, to see if you can get an answer.

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Thanks for your reply. It's one thing to learn autocad from books and tutorials (I've been using Omura's; Mastering AutoCAD among others) where everything is nice and controlled but when creating my own drawing I'm discovering the software's subtleties (tempermentalness?). Anyway, I'll dig into it a little more and may find, as you said, it worthwhile to start another thread.




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