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Hi all!

Just a quick question I'm hoping someone can help me with.

Looking to get some additional help with a project from a friend of mine.

I have an open seat on our 2008 Architectual desktop disk here at work.

Im wondering if others have had any compatibility issues with running 2008 on windows 8.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!



The thread title is misleading.


You should be able to run Acad Arch 2008 in Win8. Is Arch a 32-bit program? Is Win8 the 64-bit version?


First things first. 2008 was a horrible year for AutoCad. Get away from it as soon as possible.


I tried running AutoCad 2009 LT 64 bit on Win 8 64 bit. My installation is full of bugs, but most of them are due to a poor on board graphics card. The 2009 release was light years ahead of 2008 in correcting issues such as scale list bloat, and pdf handling, but it is still a little unpredictable in areas that will come to mind as they re-occur.


While running on Win 8 without ever having touched even the zoom wheel, I see things like paperspace notes, leaders, and dimensions scattered all over the place, dim text separated from the dimension, and xref'ed title blocks with scattered attributes.


It can take two or three regens to get things to look right, then when I try to edit one of them, it jumps to outer space again. Also, the Window control buttons are mostly non-functional. I have to right click the window frame and min, max, restore, or close from the right click menu.


Speaking of menus, the workspace menu bar reacts as though I have single click to open enabled in Windows, but I don't. The menu's open (sometimes) with a hover only.


I am running on a 27" Dell XPS One all--in-one, I5 3330S processor @ 2.7ghz quad core. 3.58 gb available phys. mem.


The graphics processor is an Intel on-board with 2.08 gb ram. The display res is native 2560 x 1440, 60hz.


The display is touch screen capable, and the touch mode wreaks havoc with my 2009 LT.


From what I have seen, these "all--in-one" machines have limited graphics upgrade availability, at least several months ago that's the way it was the last time I went web shopping. I would like to have more than 2 gig to work with.


I downloaded the 2014 LT trial version and it blazed along like it was on a movie, so I have to figure there is something incompatible with my drivers and/or graphics processor inside the 2009 version. Even the touch-mode toggle button in 2014 works, and touch works but is cumbersome so don't bother.


You must have gotten the base model. The upper ones do in fact have the 2 gb nVidia GT750m video card.


Yeah Capt. Hindsight here but you would have been better off with a separate tower and lcd. :/ Especially for $1,600.


I liked 2008 (full), it had the cool dashboard feature. Ah the old days :(

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