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Of course more information is needed.

2D views?

2D isometric?

or 3D?


Attach the dwg file here of what you have attempted so far.


Before we get too far down the road what program will you be using? AutoCAD or Inventor? It makes a difference.


Hi we used 2007 ..

teacher said first draw 2D then convert that to 3d then assemble can please help me steps of doing that ..

Posted (edited)
Hi we used 2007 ..

teacher said first draw 2D....


Did the teacher show you how to draw a line? (you forgot to attach file showing what you have attempted so far)

I would start by drawing a bunch of lines and trimming them, probably 136x12.

Edited by JD Mather

I would construct the 3D model and extract the 2D views.

Could please help me to draw this one


Have you been taught how to draw lines yet?

Can you try to draw these 8 lines and then attach your dwg file here?



JD...no pun intended but having assisted this poster in the past you will find this to be a long, drawn out task.


It sounds like the OP is now in a class - so this should only take about 20 minutes start-to-finish once the OP starts responding to direct questions.


If the OP is done in twenty minutes I'll be shocked and amazed.


wanted90: Did you need a top, front, side view of each part of the assembly?



Just fooling around some as I'm not feeling too good today.

Must be coming down with a cold.


Either he figured it out on his own or....?


wanted90: What's up with the assembly drawing? Did you complete it?

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