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I am trying to get two lines to rotate about two opposing circles whilst being able to stretch and also being joined together at opposite ends to the circles , so they can be controlled with one grip at the apex. I have been able to have the one set to work as i wish, but I can not get it to work for both at he same time.


I can move the two lines as I wish that are not in a block, but can not get the lines to rotate about a circle, only at the start point.



Any ideas or solutions would be greatly appreciated


I feel like I have tried everything.






Thats it, you got it. I was trying to chain one polar stretch param to the other and it was returning some strange out comes.

looks like you've removed the grips from both parameters and chained both to a point parameter with a stretch action?

Thanks very much. I'v wasted hours on this, you've wasted a lot less.

Thanks Again.


OH never a waste of time :) it's a learning experience, yeah you worked it out, I tried a few things, chaining the two together and using a point move, both gave funny results, so did combining stretch and rotate, I didn't realise before today that you could stretch a point (it's not an option in the parameter sets). So thank you for helping me find that out.

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