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Lisp routine to round off text numbers in autocad (25.362~25.360) .. how to avoid 0 ?

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This lisp routine is to set decimal digits after a comma in any integer to 2 digit for any set of entries even in term of text ,, how to avoid the appearance of 0 .. ( ex : 25.456 ~25.460 , 25.322~25.320 ) last 0 isn't preferable ..


; Program to add specific value to all the selected texts

(defun c:ROFF()

(setq selset(ssget (list (Cons 0 "TEXT"))))

(setq len(sslength selset))

(setq ctr 0)

(repeat len

(setq ent(Ssname selset ctr))

(setq ctr(1+ ctr))

(setq entl(entget ent))

(setq txtv(Atof (cdr (assoc 1 entl))))

(setq remval(- (fix (* txtv 1000)) (* 10 (fix (* txtv 100)))))

(setq fixedv(fix (* txtv 1000)))

(if (= remval 0) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 0)))

(if (= remval 1) (setq fixn (- fixedv 1)))

(if (= remval 2) (setq fixn (- fixedv 2)))

(if (= remval 3) (setq fixn (- fixedv 3)))

(if (= remval 4) (setq fixn (- fixedv 4)))

(if (= remval 5) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 5)))

(if (= remval 6) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 4)))

(if (= remval 7) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 3)))

(if (= remval 8) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 2)))

(if (= remval 9) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 1)))

(setq fixn(atof (rtos (/ fixn 1000.00) 2 )))

(setq sub(subst (Cons 1 (rtos fixn 2 )) (assoc 1 entl) entl))

(entmod sub)

(entupd ent)




(princ "\nType \"ROFF\" at the command prompt") (princ)


emotion 8) should be replaced with

8 )
without space.

Look into DIMZIN sysvar -David


Here ya go...an old code i found.

Seemed to work with my single test on Acad 2011.


Just type NP, enter your precision and select the text/mtext.


;Implements user specified precision on integers with or without text
;used getPrec by CAB
(defun c:NP (/ RtosPrec ss x Number Prec charlist n snumber numlist char strippednumber nnumber NewString)
(setq RtosPrec (getint "Enter Precision to force on all Text and MText Integers:"))
(setq ss (ssget '((-4 . "<OR")(0 . "TEXT")(0 . "MTEXT")(-4 . "OR>"))))
(setq x 0)
(Repeat (sslength ss)
  (setq Number (ssname ss x))
(defun getPrec (str)
   (if (vl-string-search "/" str)
     (setq str (vl-string-right-trim "0" (rtos (distof str) 2 ))
   (if (vl-string-search "." str)
     (- (strlen str)(vl-string-search "." str) 1)
(setq Prec (getprec (cdr (assoc 1 (entget Number)))))
(setq charlist (vl-string->list (cdr (assoc 1 (entget Number)))))
(setq n 0 snumber nil)
(setq numlist (list "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"))
(repeat (length charlist)
 (setq char (chr (nth n charlist)))
 (if (member char numlist)
  (setq snumber (append snumber (list char)))
 (setq n (1+ n))
(if snumber
(setq StrippedNumber 0)
(setq n (length snumber))
(setq char 0)
(repeat (- n prec)
 (setq StrippedNumber (+ StrippedNumber (* (atoi (nth char snumber))(expt 10 (1- (- n prec))))))
 (setq n (1- n)
        char (1+ char)
(setq n prec)
(setq char (length snumber))
(repeat prec
 (setq StrippedNumber (+ StrippedNumber (* (atoi (nth (1- char) snumber))(expt 0.1 n))))
 (setq n (1- n)
        char (1- char)
(setq snumber (rtos strippednumber 2 prec))
 (setq nnumber (rtos strippednumber 2 rtosprec))
(setq NewString
 (substr (cdr (assoc 1 (entget Number))) 1 (- (length (vl-string->list (cdr (assoc 1 (entget Number)))))(length (vl-string->list snumber))))
(entmod (subst (cons 1 NewString)(assoc 1 (entget Number)) (entget Number)))
(setq x (1+ x))

Posted (edited)
  Salama said:
emotion 8) should be replaced with without space.

Salama, please note that in advanced editor (Go advanced button at bottom of post input field, you will find a check box that will allow you to disable the automated smilies recognition in posts.





Also, please consider using the Code tags instead of Quote ones when posting code excerpt; this will ensure keeping the formatting.

Edited by MSasu
Removed some formatting issues



You could save a lot of "setq" use by using a "cond" statment see example below;


Modified Code;

(setq fixn
        ((= remval 0)  (+ fixedv 0))
        ((= remval 1)  (- fixedv 1))
        ((= remval 2)  (- fixedv 2))
        ((= remval 3)  (- fixedv 3))
        ((= remval 4)  (- fixedv 4))
        ((= remval 5)  (+ fixedv 5))
        ((= remval 6)  (+ fixedv 4))
        ((= remval 7)  (+ fixedv 3))
        ((= remval   (+ fixedv 2))
        ((= remval 9)  (+ fixedv 1))


Your existing Code;

(if (= remval 0) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 0)))
(if (= remval 1) (setq fixn (- fixedv 1)))
(if (= remval 2) (setq fixn (- fixedv 2)))
(if (= remval 3) (setq fixn (- fixedv 3)))
(if (= remval 4) (setq fixn (- fixedv 4)))
(if (= remval 5) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 5)))
(if (= remval 6) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 4)))
(if (= remval 7) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 3)))
(if (= remval 8 (setq fixn (+ fixedv 2)))
(if (= remval 9) (setq fixn (+ fixedv 1))) 



(setq fixn (eval
	   (nth	remval
		'((+ fixedv 0)
		  (- fixedv 1)
		  (- fixedv 2)
		  (- fixedv 3)
		  (- fixedv 4)
		  (+ fixedv 5)
		  (+ fixedv 4)
		  (+ fixedv 3)
		  (+ fixedv 2)
		  (+ fixedv 1)


(setq fixn (eval (cadr 
	   (assoc remval
		'((0 (+ fixedv 0))
		  (1 (- fixedv 1))
		  (2 (- fixedv 2))
		  (3 (- fixedv 3))
		  (4 (- fixedv 4))
		  (5 (+ fixedv 5))
		  (6 (+ fixedv 4))
		  (7 (+ fixedv 3))
		  (8 (+ fixedv 2))
		  (9 (+ fixedv 1))


you can even add


(if (and
     (< -1 fixedv 10)
     fixedv) (...))



(if (< remval 5)
   (setq fixn (- fixedv remval))
   (setq fixn (+ fixedv (- 10 remval)))

  Lee Mac said:

(if (< remval 5)
   (setq fixn (- fixedv remval))
   (setq fixn (+ fixedv (- 10 remval)));[b][color="blue"];<-- brilliant[/color][/b]


really? :lol: oh man, did you put a lot of thought on that one? or it only took you a minute to come up with that?

  pBe said:
really? :lol: oh man, did you put a lot of thought on that one? or it only took you a minute to come up with that?


Thanks pBe - I spent some time trying to avoid the if statement, but the pattern for 5 and above was quite simple to spot as both numbers sum to 10 in each case :)

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