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Hi all,


I've made a dynamic door block (pic1), it's works fine but i would wanted to do it differently. Now i have the linear parameter as it is in first picture, but i would want linear parameter of the door edges (like pic2). When i do that the door swing is scaling incorrectly (like pic2 does). How can i enter the door value straight to distance, not just the door width? Hope u get my point and could help me!


Thanks in advance. :)




You should only use a scale on the door arc, the other geometry should stretch, I use two linear parameters and chain them, take a look at the attached example.



Now it almost works right, but the door turns into wrong direction, i mean that it doesn't stay 90 degrees. . In your block you have locked it into 90, how can you do that?AC_Problem3.jpg


I got it!! Now it works! Thank you sooooo much :)


Your welcome, glad to see you got it working.

on hyvä viikonloppu


Hi again! I faced an another problem.. When i try to add rotate action on this block, it doesn't stay in shape. What could be wrong?AC_Problem4.jpg


It is very hard to answer that from just an image, can you post the block, it is possibly due to what is in the selection set (or not in) but it could be another action that is interfering.


There are a few issues going on here, and I cannot pinpoint the main culprit yet, but some comments would be:

Why is 0,0 not the base point, your basepoint and all geometry are offset from the Y axis by a small amount, your linear parameters are ending towards the basepoint instead of away from it (the stretch should be at the edge of a rotate and not at it's centre). I can't say for definate that these or one of these are the cause of the problem but it doesn't help, Dynamic blocks can be strange creatures, some actions need to be treated carefully. I am fascinated as to why this isn't working, but I would suggest it would be easier to maybe start again and base everything on 0,0 and try to keep parameters lined up on either the zero Z axis or the zero Y axis.

Again I must stress I don't think you have done anything wrong - It would just be easier working from 0,0


That looks really good! Thank you again so much! Now i have to try it again, and i think this time it could work right! :)


Dynamic door block.dwg


Hi! I think that i did exactly the similar door block as you, but my block doesn't work so well.. When i do the flip action first it doesn't stay in shape, but if i do the strech action first and then try to do flip action it works. Here is our block.


I think it's because you need to include the stretch action in with the flip selection set. I can never remember all the rules but sometimes you should include actions.

Dynamic door block.dwg


You should be able to just double click on the flip1 action and it will ask you for objects to add to the selection set - pick stretch1, however if your screen looks different it is probably because you have bactionbarmode=1 just make bactionbarmode=0



I wasn't never even heard of that, now it's much easier! Now i think that finally also my block works right. Thank u again so much! :)

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