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Cross Section to excel


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Hi I am attaching a cross section of a canal designed in Autocad. Now my professor need this cross section in excel. Is there any way or lisp or any thing by which I can convert this to excel..



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Please look to DATAEXTRACTION built-in command; select the labels and extract their Value property. This will work well if the creation order of those values coincides with their location; other will need to do some reordering in Excel.

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Sorry sir for late reply. I have tried dataextraction but it is not helping me. I have near about 100 cross section. please make some more guidance on excel recording...

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This is not a easy task its very doable you have different ways to achieve the end result, the simplest way is to not connect direct to excel but rather write a csv file.


A suggestion would be to modify this program it reads columns of text and exports them out you would have to change to be horizontal not vertical.


Automating to do a 100 crosssections big task to keep them in correct order.


We use ARD and it has a cross section listing option so a bit of work in word and all done. I can not rememeber if there is the same in civ3d need to look under the REPORTS option in the ribbon it has a number of export routines. Toolspace Toolbox reports


; converts column of text to comma seprated file with text value and y value
; put in excell and sort by y value
; by Alan H Nov 2004
(setq x 1)
(while (/= x 4)
 (setq howmany (rtos x 2 0))
 (setq fileto (strcat "c:/temp/setout" howmany))
 (princ fileto)
 (setq fout (open fileto "w"))
 (while (not (setq ss (ssget ))))     
(princ "wow")
   (while (setq en (ssname ss 0))
    ; Entity type
    (setq entyp (cdr (assoc 0 (entget en)))) 
(princ "wow")
   (if (= entyp "TEXT")
     (setq xyz (cdr (assoc 10 (entget en))))
     (setq txtht (cdr (assoc 1 (entget en))))
     ;write file out here
     (setq textout (strcat txtht "," (rtos (cadr xyz) 2 3)))
     (write-line textout fout) 
     (princ textout)
   ; Delete each measured entity from set
   (ssdel en ss)
 ;end while
 (close fout)
 (setq x (+ x 1))
) ;end if loop 3 times

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