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Why am I constantly getting unreconciled layers?


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It's been a rough CAD week for me and it's only Tuesday....


I've got a big drawing with a ton of information in it. To create specific layouts, I xref it into another drawing, turn layers on/off, change colors, etc to highlight some specific part of the work that that particular drawing deals with.


Every time I reload the xref, ALL the xref'd layers show up as unreconciled. I know that I can ctrl+a and right click and reconcile them, but any changes I have previously made to those layers (color, etc.) default back to how the layers are displayed in the original.


LAYEREVAL is set to 0 in both drawings. New Layer Notification is UNchecked along with all sub-boxes) in the Layer Settings dialog. I've never had this happen before unless the layer truly was new in the original drawing - this time it's every layer every time. Also, LAYEREVALCTL and LAYERNOTIFY are set to 0 in both drawings, though I'm pretty sure these are the same system variables that are manipulated in the Layer Settings dialog.



Edited by ColinPearson
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I think that VISRETAIN has fixed my life. It was in a previous thread but I overlooked it the first time. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO

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Keep up the good work Colin. We really admire people who ask and answer their own questions. It saves wear and tear on our fingertips!:lol:


Just kidding with you.;)

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I get enough benefit out of this forum that I can take a little jab here and there! I really do appreciate this forum and try to contribute when I can but so far I ask more than answer. This xref issue is part of the same project that you and others responded to about my UCS and I think I finally have everything calmed down and behaving!

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