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LISP to automatically load groups of linetypes.

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Somebody help me fix my code. Please!


(defun C:llt()
(command "-linetype" "l" "cen*" "acadiso.lin" "")
(command "-linetype" "l" "hid*" "acadiso.lin" "")


...working on it and this is what I've got. It seems to work fine.

Any suggestions?



(defun c:llt()
(setq a "Center")
 (if (= (tblsearch "ltype" a) nil)  
      (command "-linetype" "l" a "acadiso.lin" "")
(setq b "Center2")
 (if (= (tblsearch "ltype" b) nil)  
      (command "-linetype" "l" b "acadiso.lin" "")
(setq c "Centerx2")
 (if (= (tblsearch "ltype" c) nil)  
      (command "-linetype" "l" c "acadiso.lin" "")
(setq d "Hidden")
 (if (= (tblsearch "ltype" d) nil)  
      (command "-linetype" "l" d "acadiso.lin" "")
(setq e "Hidden2")
 (if (= (tblsearch "ltype" e) nil)  
      (command "-linetype" "l" e "acadiso.lin" "")
(setq f "Hiddenx2")
 (if (= (tblsearch "ltype" f) nil)  
      (command "-linetype" "l" f "acadiso.lin" "")


Too much exatra code:

(defun c:llt()
 (foreach lt '("Center" "Center2" "Centerx2" "Hidden" "Hidden2" "Hiddenx2")
   (if(not(tblsearch "ltype"lt))
     (command "_.-linetype" "_l" lt "acadiso.lin" "")
     ); end if
   ); end foreach
 ); end of c:llt


this could help if you want to add some words to lines. not sure how to shorten second dot if word is shorter than 3 letters i think it puts def in folder than you edit from there .


;Tip1684:   LTXT.LSP      Linetype Generator     (c)2001, Darren Marker

    C:LTXT ()
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (setq V:CLAYER (getvar "clayer"))
 (setq V:EXPERT (getvar "expert"))
 (if (not V:LINET)
   (setq V:LINET "XX")
 ) ;_ end of if
 (setq V:LINET_X
            "\n \n \nEnter line text: <"
          ) ;_ end of strcat
        ) ;_ end of getstring
 ) ;_ end of setq
 (if (/= V:LINET_X "")
   (setq V:LINET (strcase V:LINET_X))
 ) ;_ end of if
 (setq V:LINET (strcase V:LINET))
) ;_ end of defun
    LT_MAKER ()
 (setvar "expert" 4)
 (setq V:LINET_L (strlen V:LINET))
 (setq V:LINET_W (rtos (* V:LINET_L 0.1) 2 1))
 (setq V:LT_FILE "c:\\temp\\lt_temp.lin")
 (setq V:LT_VAR1 (open V:LT_FILE "w"))
 (setq V:LT_TEXTL1
          "*" V:LINET "," V:LINET "----" V:LINET "----" V:LINET "----"
         ) ;_ end of strcat
 ) ;_ end of setq
 (setq V:LT_TEXTL2
          (chr 34)
          ) ;_ end of chr
        ) ;_ end of strcat
 ) ;_ end of setq
 (setq V:LT_VAR2 (write-line V:LT_TEXTL1 V:LT_VAR1))
 (setq V:LT_VAR3 (write-line V:LT_TEXTL2 V:LT_VAR1))
 (close V:LT_VAR1)
 (command "-linetype" "l" V:LINET V:LT_FILE "")
 (setvar "expert" V:EXPERT)
 (command ".celtype" V:LINET)
     "\n \n \nCurrent Layer -"
     ) ;_ end of getvar
   ) ;_ end of strcat
 ) ;_ end of princ
     "\n \n \nCurrent Entity linetype set to:"
   ) ;_ end of strcat
 ) ;_ end of princ
 (setq V:PNT1 (getpoint "\nPick start point:"))
 (command ".line" V:PNT1)
   (setq V:PT
            (getvar "lastpoint")
            "\nNext point 
            or <Return to
          ) ;_ end of getpoint
   ) ;_ end of setq
    (command V:PT)
 ) ;_ end of while
 (setvar "celtype" "bylayer")
   "\n \nLine-Text terminated.  Linetype set to 
 ) ;_ end of princ
) ;_ end of defun
(princ " Line-Text Loaded...")
   "\n \n"
   (chr 34)
   (chr 34)
   " to 
 ) ;_ end of strcat
) ;_ end of princ


I have tried your code JOINTHEPOPE but it didn't give what I wanted. I don't know if its just that I don't know how to use or what, but its not working. Anyway ASMI's code is good enough.

Thanks for the effort.

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