SLW210 Posted June 2, 2020 Posted June 2, 2020 Downloads fine here. Perhaps being blocked on your end. What have you tried and what exactly is the problem you are having? Quote
JerryFiedler Posted June 4, 2020 Posted June 4, 2020 You must be logged onto the forum before a download is "available". Prior to signing in the downloads are flagged with "Unavailable". After signing in the flag change to the file size and a click on the file name executes the download. I just downloaded the file a few minutes ago. 1 Quote
jose rmz Posted July 1, 2021 Posted July 1, 2021 On 12/21/2013 at 6:06 PM, GP_ said: Un enfoque gráfico para aproximar una línea central entre dos polilíneas. Jugar ps No exagere con curvas cerradas. pps Para AutoCAD 2011 o superior centerPline.LSPIndisponible Expand cual es el comando par ausar?? Quote
Dadgad Posted July 2, 2021 Posted July 2, 2021 Bien venidos jose rmz. The shortcall for the lisp is CPL like in the screenshot Quote
dsurveng Posted July 11, 2021 Posted July 11, 2021 On 12/21/2013 at 6:06 PM, GP_ said: A graphical approach to approximate a centerline between two polylines. To play p.s. Do not exaggerate with sharp curves. p.p.s. For AutoCAD 2011 or higher centerPline.LSP 10 kB · 753 downloads Expand Thank you!! Awesome! Quote
sid1627 Posted January 24, 2022 Posted January 24, 2022 On 11/8/2014 at 5:54 PM, GreenDD said: Thanks for your anwser M.R.! But it should work more in the way that it create the centerline of one polygon and not with another. So that i get the green centerline out of the with closed polygon in the picture. Expand This works perfect!! but I was wondering was there a solution found to the question above where it can be found within a closed Polygon Quote
raymarcher Posted November 8, 2022 Posted November 8, 2022 I do not get further than the LISP creating nurbs. Though from there on I can extract the line with intersect. Anyone else having this problem? Quote
enthralled Posted September 10, 2024 Posted September 10, 2024 The following Lisp worked well in Autocad 2024. But in AUtocad 2025 it's telling me "Express Tools are not installed. If there are curves the centerline is drawn with a spline." I think it is checking for the "flatten" command in the express tools, although I do have that command along with the express tools. Can anyone please tell me how to fix: ;;;************************ centerPline.LSP ***********************;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Centerline between two polyline ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; author: Gian Paolo Cattaneo ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; version: 1.0 - 21.12.2013 ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;****************************************************************;;; (defun c:CPL ( / *error* Loft_n Loft_p Loft_u Loft_v :e1 :e2 e1 e2 p1 p2 D_off EL e1o e2o L1 L2 EL1 E_new *pl* E_join pa pb e_del results rip) (defun *error* ( msg ) (command "_.undo" "_end") (if Loft_n (setvar 'loftnormals Loft_n)) (if Loft_p (setvar 'loftparam Loft_p)) (if Loft_u (setvar 'surfu Loft_u)) (if Loft_v (setvar 'surfv Loft_v)) (if pl_type (setvar 'plinetype pl_type)) (setvar 'cmdecho cmd) (if (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*")) (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)) ) (princ) ) (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0) (command "_.undo" "_begin") (if (null ETmsg) (check_ET)) (check_ucs) (check_view) (check_ver) (setq Loft_n (getvar 'loftnormals)) (setq Loft_p (getvar 'loftparam)) (setq Loft_u (getvar 'surfu)) (setq Loft_v (getvar 'surfv)) (setq pl_type (getvar 'plinetype)) (setvar 'loftnormals 0) (setvar 'loftparam 7) (setvar 'surfu 0) (setvar 'surfv 0) (if (= 0 (getvar 'plinetype)) (setvar 'plinetype 1)) (if (and (setq :e1 (<sel> "\nSelect First Polyline")) (setq p1 (cadr :e1)) (setq :e1 (car :e1)) (not (redraw :e1 3)) (setq :e2 (<sel> "\nSelect Second Polyline")) (setq p2 (cadr :e2)) (setq :e2 (car :e2)) ) (progn (redraw :e1 4) (check_elev) (check_normal) (setq e1 (entmakex (cdr (entget :e1)))) (setq e2 (entmakex (cdr (entget :e2)))) (setq D_off (* (Max (MaxDist e1 e2) (MaxDist e2 e1)) 0.53)) (setq EL (entlast)) (command "_offset" D_off e1 "_non" p2 "") (setq e1o (entlast)) (check_offset) (setq EL (entlast)) (command "_offset" D_off e2 "_non" p1 "") (setq e2o (entlast)) (check_offset) (command "_move" e1o e2o "" "_non" "0,0,0" "_non" (list 0.0 0.0 (* D_off 0.5))) (command "_loft" e1 e1o "" "") (setq L1 (entlast)) (command "_loft" e2 e2o "" "") (setq L2 (entlast)) (setq EL (entlast) EL1 EL) (command "_intersect" L1 L2 "") (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (not (vlax-erased-p x)) (entdel x)) ) (list e1o e2o e1 e2 L1 L2) ) (if (> (sslength (setq E_new (e_next EL "SS"))) 0) (progn (if :ET: (acet-flatn E_new nil) (progn (command "_move" E_new "" "_non" "0,0,0" "_non" "0,0,1e99") (command "_move" E_new "" "_non" "0,0,0" "_non" "0,0,-1e99") ) ) (setq E_join (e_next EL1 "LS")) (if (= "LINE" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car E_join))))) (progn (setq pa (trans (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (car E_join)))) 0 1)) (setq pb (trans (cdr (assoc 11 (entget (car E_join)))) 0 1)) (command "_pline" "_non" pa "_non" pb "") (setq E_join (subst (entlast) (setq e_del (car E_join)) E_join)) (entdel e_del) ) ) (command "_.join") (apply 'command E_join) (command "") (setq results t) ) ) ) ) (setvar 'loftnormals Loft_n) (setvar 'loftparam Loft_p) (setvar 'surfu Loft_u) (setvar 'surfv Loft_v) (setvar 'plinetype pl_type) (command "_.undo" "_end") (setvar 'cmdecho cmd) (prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ")(prompt "\n ") (if results (prompt (strcat "\nCenterline created " (if :ET: "(Polyline)." "(Spline).")))) (princ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_ET () (if (member "acetutil.arx" (arx)) (progn (or acet-flatn (load "FLATTENSUP.LSP")) (setq :ET: t) ) (progn (setq :ET: nil) (alert (strcat "Express Tools are not installed." "\nIf there are curves the centerline is drawn with a spline." ) ) (setq ETmsg t) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_ucs () (or (and (zerop (caddr (getvar 'ucsxdir))) (zerop (caddr (getvar 'ucsydir))) ) (progn (alert "UCS not normal to the WCS") (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_view () (or (and (zerop (car (getvar 'viewdir))) (zerop (cadr (getvar 'viewdir))) (> (caddr (getvar 'viewdir)) 0) ) (progn (alert "View needs to be in plan (0 0 1)") (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_ver () (if (< (atoi (substr (ver) 13)) 2011) (progn (alert "This routine require AutoCAD 2011 or higher.") (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun <sel> (<msg> / *poly* *esel* *p*) (while (not *poly*) (setvar "errno" 0) (setq *esel* (entsel <msg>)) (setq *poly* (car *esel*)) (setq *p* (cadr *esel*)) (if (= 7 (getvar 'errno)) (alert "No objects selected") ) (if (= 'ename (type *poly*)) (cond ( (null (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (entget *poly*))) "LWPOLYLINE")) (alert "Invalid selection, the object is not a LWPOLYLINE.") (setq *poly* nil) ) ( (= 1 (logand 1 (cdr (assoc 70 (entget *poly*))))) (alert "Invalid selection, the polyline is not open.") (setq *poly* nil) ) ) ) ) (list *poly* *p*) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_elev () (if (not (equal (cdr (assoc 38 (entget :e1))) (cdr (assoc 38 (entget :e2))) 1e-6 ) ) (progn (alert "Polylines have different elevation.") (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_normal () (if (or (not (equal (cdr (assoc 210 (entget :e1))) '(0.0 0.0 1.0) )) (not (equal (cdr (assoc 210 (entget :e2))) '(0.0 0.0 1.0) )) ) (progn (alert "Polyline is not normal to the WCS.") (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun e_next (entL mode / next) (if (= mode "SS") (setq next (ssadd))) (if (/= entL (entlast)) (while (setq entL (entnext entL)) (if (entget entL) (cond ( (= mode "LS") (setq next (cons entL next)) ) ( (= mode "SS") (setq next (ssadd entL next)) ) ) ) ) ) next ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_offset ( / o_del) (if rip (setq rip (1+ rip)) (setq rip 1)) (if (> (length (setq o_del (e_next EL "LS"))) 1) (progn (entdel e1) (entdel e2) (if (= rip 2) (entdel e1o)) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (not (vlax-erased-p x)) (entdel x)) ) o_del ) (alert (strcat "Modeling failed." "\nTry to split the polylines into more portions." ) ) (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun MaxDist (ent1 ent2 / :step De1 :div p_step :D Dmax) (setq :step (/ (setq De1 (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam ent1 (vlax-curve-getEndParam ent1))) 500)) (setq :div :step) (setq Dmax 0.00) (while (< :div De1) (setq p_step (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist ent1 :div)) (setq :D (distance p_step (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo ent2 p_step))) (if (> :D Dmax) (setq Dmax :D)) (setq :div (+ :div :step)) ) Dmax ) ;**************************************************************************** (vl-load-com) (prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ") (princ "\nCenterline between two polyline - by Gian Paolo Cattaneo") (princ "\ncenterPline.LSP loaded ............... Type \"CPL\" to run ") (princ) Quote
GP_ Posted September 10, 2024 Author Posted September 10, 2024 (edited) On 9/10/2024 at 8:16 AM, enthralled said: ...although I do have that command along with the express tools. Expand Try to exclude check here (add a semicolon): ;(if (null ETmsg) (check_ET)) add: (setq :ET: T) Edited September 10, 2024 by GP_ Quote
enthralled Posted September 10, 2024 Posted September 10, 2024 On 9/10/2024 at 9:15 AM, GP_ said: Try to exclude check here (add a semicolon): ;(if (null ETmsg) (check_ET)) add: (setq :ET: T) Expand Now I am not getting the error popup, but the result is separate lines and splines (not joined) and still not getting arcs. Previously I was getting a single joined Spline, and when i manually run flatten on that object it is converted to a polyline (which is a workaround). Below is the modified one as you suggested: ;;;************************ centerPline.LSP ***********************;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Centerline between two polyline ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; author: Gian Paolo Cattaneo ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; version: 1.0 - 21.12.2013 ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;****************************************************************;;; (defun c:CPL ( / *error* Loft_n Loft_p Loft_u Loft_v :e1 :e2 e1 e2 p1 p2 D_off EL e1o e2o L1 L2 EL1 E_new *pl* E_join pa pb e_del results rip) (defun *error* ( msg ) (command "_.undo" "_end") (if Loft_n (setvar 'loftnormals Loft_n)) (if Loft_p (setvar 'loftparam Loft_p)) (if Loft_u (setvar 'surfu Loft_u)) (if Loft_v (setvar 'surfv Loft_v)) (if pl_type (setvar 'plinetype pl_type)) (setvar 'cmdecho cmd) (if (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*")) (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)) ) (princ) ) (setq cmd (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0) (command "_.undo" "_begin") ; (if (null ETmsg) (check_ET)) (check_ucs) (check_view) (check_ver) (setq Loft_n (getvar 'loftnormals)) (setq Loft_p (getvar 'loftparam)) (setq Loft_u (getvar 'surfu)) (setq Loft_v (getvar 'surfv)) (setq pl_type (getvar 'plinetype)) (setq :ET: T) (setvar 'loftnormals 0) (setvar 'loftparam 7) (setvar 'surfu 0) (setvar 'surfv 0) (if (= 0 (getvar 'plinetype)) (setvar 'plinetype 1)) (if (and (setq :e1 (<sel> "\nSelect First Polyline")) (setq p1 (cadr :e1)) (setq :e1 (car :e1)) (not (redraw :e1 3)) (setq :e2 (<sel> "\nSelect Second Polyline")) (setq p2 (cadr :e2)) (setq :e2 (car :e2)) ) (progn (redraw :e1 4) (check_elev) (check_normal) (setq e1 (entmakex (cdr (entget :e1)))) (setq e2 (entmakex (cdr (entget :e2)))) (setq D_off (* (Max (MaxDist e1 e2) (MaxDist e2 e1)) 0.53)) (setq EL (entlast)) (command "_offset" D_off e1 "_non" p2 "") (setq e1o (entlast)) (check_offset) (setq EL (entlast)) (command "_offset" D_off e2 "_non" p1 "") (setq e2o (entlast)) (check_offset) (command "_move" e1o e2o "" "_non" "0,0,0" "_non" (list 0.0 0.0 (* D_off 0.5))) (command "_loft" e1 e1o "" "") (setq L1 (entlast)) (command "_loft" e2 e2o "" "") (setq L2 (entlast)) (setq EL (entlast) EL1 EL) (command "_intersect" L1 L2 "") (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (not (vlax-erased-p x)) (entdel x)) ) (list e1o e2o e1 e2 L1 L2) ) (if (> (sslength (setq E_new (e_next EL "SS"))) 0) (progn (if :ET: (acet-flatn E_new nil) (progn (command "_move" E_new "" "_non" "0,0,0" "_non" "0,0,1e99") (command "_move" E_new "" "_non" "0,0,0" "_non" "0,0,-1e99") ) ) (setq E_join (e_next EL1 "LS")) (if (= "LINE" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car E_join))))) (progn (setq pa (trans (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (car E_join)))) 0 1)) (setq pb (trans (cdr (assoc 11 (entget (car E_join)))) 0 1)) (command "_pline" "_non" pa "_non" pb "") (setq E_join (subst (entlast) (setq e_del (car E_join)) E_join)) (entdel e_del) ) ) (command "_.join") (apply 'command E_join) (command "") (setq results t) ) ) ) ) (setvar 'loftnormals Loft_n) (setvar 'loftparam Loft_p) (setvar 'surfu Loft_u) (setvar 'surfv Loft_v) (setvar 'plinetype pl_type) (command "_.undo" "_end") (setvar 'cmdecho cmd) (prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ")(prompt "\n ") (if results (prompt (strcat "\nCenterline created " (if :ET: "(Polyline)." "(Spline).")))) (princ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_ET () (if (member "acetutil.arx" (arx)) (progn (or acet-flatn (load "FLATTENSUP.LSP")) (setq :ET: t) ) (progn (setq :ET: nil) (alert (strcat "Express Tools are not installed." "\nIf there are curves the centerline is drawn with a spline." ) ) (setq ETmsg t) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_ucs () (or (and (zerop (caddr (getvar 'ucsxdir))) (zerop (caddr (getvar 'ucsydir))) ) (progn (alert "UCS not normal to the WCS") (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_view () (or (and (zerop (car (getvar 'viewdir))) (zerop (cadr (getvar 'viewdir))) (> (caddr (getvar 'viewdir)) 0) ) (progn (alert "View needs to be in plan (0 0 1)") (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_ver () (if (< (atoi (substr (ver) 13)) 2011) (progn (alert "This routine require AutoCAD 2011 or higher.") (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun <sel> (<msg> / *poly* *esel* *p*) (while (not *poly*) (setvar "errno" 0) (setq *esel* (entsel <msg>)) (setq *poly* (car *esel*)) (setq *p* (cadr *esel*)) (if (= 7 (getvar 'errno)) (alert "No objects selected") ) (if (= 'ename (type *poly*)) (cond ( (null (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (entget *poly*))) "LWPOLYLINE")) (alert "Invalid selection, the object is not a LWPOLYLINE.") (setq *poly* nil) ) ( (= 1 (logand 1 (cdr (assoc 70 (entget *poly*))))) (alert "Invalid selection, the polyline is not open.") (setq *poly* nil) ) ) ) ) (list *poly* *p*) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_elev () (if (not (equal (cdr (assoc 38 (entget :e1))) (cdr (assoc 38 (entget :e2))) 1e-6 ) ) (progn (alert "Polylines have different elevation.") (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_normal () (if (or (not (equal (cdr (assoc 210 (entget :e1))) '(0.0 0.0 1.0) )) (not (equal (cdr (assoc 210 (entget :e2))) '(0.0 0.0 1.0) )) ) (progn (alert "Polyline is not normal to the WCS.") (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun e_next (entL mode / next) (if (= mode "SS") (setq next (ssadd))) (if (/= entL (entlast)) (while (setq entL (entnext entL)) (if (entget entL) (cond ( (= mode "LS") (setq next (cons entL next)) ) ( (= mode "SS") (setq next (ssadd entL next)) ) ) ) ) ) next ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun check_offset ( / o_del) (if rip (setq rip (1+ rip)) (setq rip 1)) (if (> (length (setq o_del (e_next EL "LS"))) 1) (progn (entdel e1) (entdel e2) (if (= rip 2) (entdel e1o)) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (not (vlax-erased-p x)) (entdel x)) ) o_del ) (alert (strcat "Modeling failed." "\nTry to split the polylines into more portions." ) ) (exit) ) ) ) ;**************************************************************************** (defun MaxDist (ent1 ent2 / :step De1 :div p_step :D Dmax) (setq :step (/ (setq De1 (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam ent1 (vlax-curve-getEndParam ent1))) 500)) (setq :div :step) (setq Dmax 0.00) (while (< :div De1) (setq p_step (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist ent1 :div)) (setq :D (distance p_step (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo ent2 p_step))) (if (> :D Dmax) (setq Dmax :D)) (setq :div (+ :div :step)) ) Dmax ) ;**************************************************************************** (vl-load-com) (prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ") (princ "\nCenterline between two polyline - by Gian Paolo Cattaneo") (princ "\ncenterPline.LSP loaded ............... Type \"CPL\" to run ") (princ) Quote
enthralled Posted September 10, 2024 Posted September 10, 2024 Without excluding "(if (null ETmsg) (check_ET))", I got it to work just by adding the following 2 lines at the beginning, : (load "acettest.fas") (load "acetauto.lsp") As suggested in the following post: Maybe there's something wrong with my AutoCAD installation. But it's working for now. Thanks. Quote
GP_ Posted September 10, 2024 Author Posted September 10, 2024 (edited) On 9/10/2024 at 11:25 AM, enthralled said: (load "acettest.fas") (load "acetauto.lsp") Expand It's good to know. Edited September 10, 2024 by GP_ Quote
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