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Autolisp code to go with DD4X3.dcl image dialog box


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On 14th of Mar. 2012 a member named Big Al posted the dcl code for a program called DD4X3. Does anyone have the lisp code that goes with that dcl file? It's a very nice dialog box with spaces for images, but I can't figure out how to get images to show up. Thanks in advance.


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Here is the lisp you should have just asked me.





used to set up dimension variables
;;;               Uses dd4x3.dcl for the dialogue definition.  The
;;;               slide images are in list ai_pts_lst.
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(setq ai_pts_lst '("CTONE(DSE1ON)" "CTONE(DSE1OF)" "CTONE(DSE2ON)" "CTONE(DSE2OF)"
(setq ai_pts_lst2 '("43sq1" "43sq2" "43sq3" "43sq4" "43sq5" "43sq6""43sq7" "43sq8" "43sq9" "43sq10" "43sq11" "43sq12"))

(defun subdlg ()
 (setq dcl_id (load_dialog  "ddval"))
 (if (not (new_dialog "ddval" dcl_id))
 (action_tile "sizze" "(setq dimval (atof $value))(done_dialog)")
 (mode_tile "sizze" 3)
(defun alan2 ()
   (setq ans $key)
   ((= ans "43sq1")(setvar "dimse1" 1)(princ "On"))
   ((= ans "43sq2")(setvar "dimse1" 0)(princ "Off"))
   ((= ans "43sq3")(setvar "dimse2" 1)(princ "On"))
   ((= ans "43sq4")(setvar "dimse2" 0)(princ "Off"))
   ((= ans "43sq5")(setvar "dimtad" 1)(princ "On"))
   ((= ans "43sq6")(setvar "dimtad" 0)(princ "Off"))
   ((= ans "43sq7")
;call popup dialog
;(princ dimval)
     (setvar "dimtp" dimval)
   ((= ans "43sq8")
     (setvar "dimtm" dimval)
   ((= ans "43sq9")(setvar "dimtol" 1)(princ "On"))
   ((= ans "43sq10")(setvar "dimtol" 0)(princ "Off"))
   ((= ans "43sq11")(setvar "dimtih" 1)(princ "On"))
   ((= ans "43sq12")(setvar "dimtih" 0)(princ "Off"))
; calculates next slide
(defun alan4 ()
 (setq x (+ x 1))
 (setq sldname (nth x ai_pts_lst))
; third step
; set up slide libraray 
(defun ai_ptype_start ()
 (setq x -1)
 (foreach pts0 ai_pts_lst2
     (start_image pts0)
     (slide_image 0 0 (- (dimx_tile pts0) 1) (- (dimy_tile pts0) 1) sldname)
; this is second step
(defun ai_ptype_main (/ globals)
;now check each sq if picked then run alan2
 (foreach pd0 ai_pts_lst2
   (action_tile  pd0  "(alan2)")
; this is first step
 (setq app "dd4x3.dcl")
 (setq dcl_id (load_dialog app))
 (if (not (new_dialog "dd4x3" dcl_id))
 (setq *error* old_error old_error nil)

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Thank You Big Al-

I'm new to this, when I searched your name nothing came up... I'm learning my way around the site better, thanks for being patient with me, and thanks for the code!

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