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Hello everyone.


First of all, sorry about the bad english. : P


I already search for a problem solution everywere, but i cant find. So i decided to explain whats happening and pray for an aswer.


This problem is so dificult, cause dont have an especific cause and consequence.

Ill try to explain...



Suddenly, my Autocad (2012) stop to pasteclip (ctrl+v), stop to insert>block (insert blank/empty) and the file became slow to work and its size increase a lot (100kb to 14mb). These ar some of problems that i saw, I dont know if theres more, but my impression is that my entire file gets bugged!


Causes: (causes that i think, is not sure)

-When i use ctrl+x, ctrl+v, the nest copyclip start the bug (i guess)

-New files i can do just one copy/paste, the next... (if i copy from the bugged file)

-When I use Xref. Some files I attach 3 or more Xrefs, but when the next start this bug, even if I dettach all xrefs and attach a Xref again (one that i already used normally in this file) the bug starts, i cant paste, insert block, etc etc etc...


Solutions I tried:

-Restart Autocad

-Reinstall Autocad

-Restart Windows (7)

-Copy my draw and paste in a blank file, rename and start working

-Use wblock

-Use Purge

-Search for freeze layers or something unusual


I really dont have problems to solve my autocad bugs, but this one I think is impossible to solve, and is costing many time of my work...


Ill be very thankfull if someone, some of u expert guys, give some atention to this one...


Thanks, once more, sorry about the english, and have a very nice day! : )


Export to a DXF and reimport to a blank file, purge, purge regapps, purge again and audit.


First use the OVERKILL command on your drawing.


Then use the command line version of purge that is preceded by a dash like this: -purge.


Purge Regapps first then do a Purge > All.


Follow this up with an Audit.


In regards to the file size ballooning did you happen to use any content, from another drawing, that was originally created in Microstation?


Microstation? I dont know...


But ill try to do what u said...


Theres any chances that xref be the problem? Cause im giving up to use xref... :/


Yes, xrefs could be part of the problem but it is difficult to say for sure. I'd check each of the drawings that are being used as xrefs too.


I´ve made all those things u said to me, but the problem stays...


I came here in the office today, first, i opened all reference files i created and was using as xrefs, i OVERKILLed, -PURGEd and AUDITed, all drawings i use. Than i opened the file that i was having problem. In this draw I have 4 xrefs, in one of them the path was missing (i dont know why), i went in "Found At" in XREF window and retyped the path. The xref apeared again, and after this, i could not copy/paste, insert block anda all that problems i mencioned. Copy dont work even between elements inside the file, if i catch a LINE anda try to copy/paste, dont paste. If i detach all xrefs and try to attach again, even the xrefs that worked before will bring the problem...


I dont know... really dont know what to do...:/


Do the individual drawings themselves (the ones you xreffed) have any problems? Yes or No?


If you detach the xrefs from the drawing you are working can you copy/paste? Yes or No?


AutoCAD 2012 I see. Is it up-to-date with the last service pack issued? Yes or No?


Were any of the drawings you are xreffing originally created in or edited with AutoCAD 2007? Yes or No?


This can happen if a file (one of your XREFs) was created in a newer version and not exported to an earlier version but was "saved as" instead. "Save As" does not properly convert the newer types of objects.


Do the individual drawings themselves (the ones you xreffed) have any problems? Yes or No?

Some of them already showed those problems, some didnt... i can be sure : /


If you detach the xrefs from the drawing you are working can you copy/paste? Yes or No?

After the problem starts, even if i detach all xrefs it remains...


AutoCAD 2012 I see. Is it up-to-date with the last service pack issued? Yes or No?

Dont know, were can i see it?


Were any of the drawings you are xreffing originally created in or edited with AutoCAD 2007? Yes or No?

Here in office people used to copy/paste elements from very old files, many of them created in old versions of autocad, its possible. But the drawing i told ive just draw it...


Have you tried the DXFOUT/DXFIN approach?


Have you tried WBlocking out everything from the drawing and inserting into a new drawing?


If you check AutoCAD > Help > About you'll be able to tell by the SP1 or SP2 number following your release whether or not a service pack has been installed.


Have you tried the DXFOUT/DXFIN approach?

I just tried. If i copy some of elements of the draw i DFXIN to my draw, the problem starts...


Have you tried WBlocking out everything from the drawing and inserting into a new drawing?

I have a drawing with some symbols that was doing this problems, this draw i wblocked. Always i try to insert this block in a draw or open it and copy/paste in a draw, it took to long to insert/copy/paste, and insert/paste some blank/empty thing...


If you check AutoCAD > Help > About you'll be able to tell by the SP1 or SP2 number following your release whether or not a service pack has been installed.

Theres a large text, i could not find this info, sorry : /

I tought to paste here, but is really large, dont know if is a good idea...


OK....we're getting nowhere with this. Do you know how to create a zip file?


I don't think you fully understand how to use DXFOUT/DXFIN and WBLOCK.


Do you have a Menu Bar at the top of your AutoCAD screen (you know, the one with the drop-down menus)? Yes or No?


MenuBar AutoCAD.jpg

See the word Help on the menu bar shown above? Click on it.

On the drop-down look at the bottom. Click on "About AutoCAD 2012".

With me so far?

Posted (edited)

AutoCAD SP Number.JPG

I've circled the SP number for my version.

Does your version even have a SP number? If so what is it?

Edited by ReMark

Know I see, i didnt find it cause dont have this information of SP. Mine is write "Product Version: F.51.0.0"


OK....we're getting nowhere with this. Do you know how to create a zip file?

Yes I do.


I don't think you fully understand how to use DXFOUT/DXFIN and WBLOCK.

Hmmm... i openned the bugged file i told, wrote DXFOUT and created a DXF file with that draw, than i typed DXFIN and openned the DXF file, i tried to copy the draw after that and paste in my draw, than my draw became bugged, is that correct?

WBLOCK creates a block and export it to a local directory, i made it with that symbols bugged file and tried to insert the block im my draw, and its get bugged again... is that o asking for?


Do you have a Menu Bar at the top of your AutoCAD screen (you know, the one with the drop-down menus)? Yes or No?



No SP designation? Then there is a good chance you never downloaded and install any service pack.


I think the only way to troubleshoot this would be to have direct access to all the DWG files involved which means you would have to provide them in one or more zip files (there is a file size limit) so someone here could look at them.


Where are you located by the way?


Do u want me do zip those files and upload?


Im from Brazil


I thought you might be from outside the U.S. when I saw the version number.


You attach any zipped file(s) you feel comfortable sharing. If one such file meets the DWG file size limits try posting it as an attachment by itself (don't have to zip it). Then if we need more we'll ask.

Posted (edited)

Im having problems to attach here on forum, can i upload to skydrive?


Here is the link, tell me if worked.



Edited by leandrochiovetto
  • 10 months later...

I don't know whether or not this issue was solved or not but I remember when we were using 2012 that we had a similar issue. What would happen for us was that certain files would trip up 2012 and we would loose the copy clip functions. To solve the issues we uninstalled AutoCAD, went to the C:Windows/Users/application data folder (a hidden file) and deleted all the information within that folder. We then did a fresh install of AutoCAD. We were unable to use previously saved profiles etc or else the problem would persist. We found out eventually that the issue was being caused by a system variable, qaflags I believe being tripped by one of the lisp files we were using. The lisp would exit out and not reset all of the system variables resulting in the error. We reset the value to 2 and were able to eliminate the nasty reinstall.

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