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Viewing different layers in different paper spaces


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Apologies if this has been askled already in this forum - if it has - a simple point in the right direction will do!


If not:


Using AutoCAD 2007 - I'm trying to use one model drawing to set up different paper spaces to show different layers. eg Have a model 'master' drawing that contains building layouts, furniture, mechanical services, elec services etc. then have tabs that only show elec services on one tab, mechanical on another and so on.


Currently when i turn off one layer in a paper space - it turns off in them all - looking for a way to ensure that any differences I make regarding layer control in a paper space stays local to that specific paper space.


Hope I've explained that well enough using almost proper english!


Cheers in advance for any help.



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Can you expand a bit more on that please - Ive been into the layer states manager and have set up several layer states - I just don't know how to link them to different paper spaces.

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In the Layer Manager there's a column called VP-Freeze - this controls visibility in the viewport that is currently active, you should be able to use that in you Layer States, although I'm now very savvy on Layer States.

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Can you expand a bit more on that please - Ive been into the layer states manager and have set up several layer states - I just don't know how to link them to different paper spaces.

Go to the paper space> double click inside the viewport>open the layer states manager> make required layer state current> switch to ps & lock viwport. repeat the procedure for each viewport.

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Cheers fella, I actually just spotted that myself about 2 minutes ago!


After years of only using the freeze/thaw icon, I guess I just decided to ignore everything else that appears next to it! Think its going to work good now!


Thanks all!

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you may get a reply to that bit - you have just been helped by 2 of our lady members. :)



I don't think I need to say more than that do I? :wink:

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Am I going to get away with saying that round my way 'fella' is an all encompassing endearing term for someone from either sex?


Nope, didnt think so! Apologies in order then...Sorry!

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Am I going to get away with saying that round my way 'fella' is an all encompassing endearing term for someone from either sex?


Nope, didnt think so! Apologies in order then...Sorry!


:lol: LOL was worth a try though!

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Am I going to get away with saying that round my way 'fella' is an all encompassing endearing term for someone from either sex?


Nope, didnt think so! Apologies in order then...Sorry!


:D :D :D

could work, but then again im imagining the ladies having this look on you

stoofer-->> :geek: *****:glare: :huh:

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