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simple design manipulation program

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Hi all. I am looking to find out is there any program/system in place to satisfy what i want. basically i am looking for something where you have a pre made piece of material, say 100mm X 60mm 3mm acrylic.is ther any way you could have a drag and drop list of features like holes, fillets, chamfers that you could simply drop onto the piece to change how it looks. i made a quick diagram below. So basically 1. is the original piece 2.3 and 4 are possible features i could add to piece and i just want to add in featues like a corner radius and a hole etc.

Hope i am explaining right. thanks for any help



Hi and welcome to the forums!


I don't know if it's what you are after, but for a simple and free 3D-program, I don't think you can beat Sketch-Up. I don't think it has the drag-n-drop that you are after - but it ain't much more complicated.


Thanks Tiger! i must look into that so. when i was joining your forum the security function where you had to drag a missing piece of the jig saw into place is in essence what i am after!


Looking at No 4, plate with holes yes it could be done would need a few clicks maybe use UCS with origin set to object so it gives dynamic x y as you move a circle then it just does the subtract for you.


If look at a 3d object, you would program wise

pick corner, set ucs, enter x off, y off, diam

Then extrude, and subtract done return ucs > world


You could have preset stuff like diameter, left hole v's central etc so dont do measurements to preset rules.


This sort of thing was asked for a long time ago to automate stainless bench designs I will try to find code its posted here. What I am trying to say it can be done but you have to set the rules.



: draw plain bench with legs
; by Alan H Oct 2012
(setq pi2 (/  pi 2.0)) ; 90 degrees
(setq Pt1 (getpoint "\npick lower left corner point")) 
(setq L (getreal "\nEnter length"))
(setq W (getreal "\nEnter width"))
(setq thick (- 0.0 (getreal "\nEnter bench thickness")))
(setq pt2 (polar pt1 0.0 L))
(setq pt3 (polar pt2 pi2 W))
; do stuff here like layers for now just draw
(command "rectang" pt1 pt3)
(command "extrude" "L" "" thick)
(setq OF1 (getreal "\nEnter Offset from length for legs"))
(setq OF2 (getreal "\nEnter offset from width for legs"))
(setq leg1 (getreal "\nEnter Hor size of leg"))
(setq leg2 (getreal "\nEnter Ver size of leg"))
(setq thick (+ (- 0.0 (getreal "\nEnter height of legs"))thick))
(setq pt4 (polar (polar pt1 0.0 OF1) pi2 OF2)) ;cnr of leg
(setq pt5 (polar (polar pt4 0.0 leg1) pi2 leg2))
(command "rectang" pt4 pt5)
(command "extrude" "L" "" thick)
(setq Cols (- L (+ (* 2.0 OF1) leg1)))
(setq rows (- W (+ (* 2.0 OF2) leg2)))
(command "array" "Last"  "" "R" 2 2 rows cols)

(princ)  ; exit quitely


Save this as a script say "test.scr" then just "script test"


rectang 0,0 100,100
extrude last  3
(setq obj1 (entlast))
circle 50,50 20
extrude last  5
(setq obj2 (entlast))
subtract !obj1  !obj2 
vpoint 1,1,1

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