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PICKSTYLE Toggling (CTRL+H) Not Displaying in Command Line


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Hey guys,


Pretty much what the title says...


When I toggle PICKSTYLE with CTRL+H... I see no command line confirmation for the change. Currently using ACAD 2012 (coming from 2010).


Is there another SYSVAR which controls what the command line displays in occasions such as this? Something along the lines of CMDECHO?


Thanks for any help.

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What are you expecting to happen?

Too busy to dig deeper at the moment, but might this SYSVDLG screen capture help you?


Have you got a HIDDEN MESSAGES SETTINGS issue, if so see the SYSTEM tab in your OPTIONS.

pickstyle small wonder.jpg

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Hi Dadgad,


Thanks for taking the time to reply.


I have just restarted my ACAD session, and now I am getting the command line feedback when CTRL+Hing. It looks like:


Command: '_setvar
Enter variable name or [?] <PICKSTYLE>: pickstyle
Enter new value for PICKSTYLE <1>: 0


Previously I wasn't getting this activity in the command line.


So the problem is solved for now, but I would be interested to learn if there was something causing the issue, or it may have been a bug.


Thanks again.

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Sometimes your security software may disable things, if it does a system scan in session downtime.

I lose my calculator variable icons regularly to this, if I am away from

my computer for an extended period of time, haven't yet bothered to exempt Autocad from system scanning


Glad you are back in business. :)

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